Make it an 8 out of 10 and you've got a deal. I thoughtwas a beautiful, pure thing to do. And it was certainly in line with her character. Now go watch Rebellion and see Aniplex shit all over it in the name of marketing.Madoka's sacrifice at the end
Yeah 8 sounds about right. I think it's a really good show but I guess a departure from what I usually watch. I mean sure I love my KLK and Lagann but those are just bat shit stuff where I let my hair down and have fun with loud noises and cool/weird shit going on. Lagann at least has an earnest story under it all which is very endearing and full of emotion and feels. With Madoka, it was just too...perfect? Which I guess makes sense but was too jarring and out of my realm. It just felt like it was going through the motions.
Animation was great throughout. Music was...there. Nothing special but nothing bad either. It did it's job basically. Wasn't a fan of the character designs at first. The scraggy tooth business and frilly outfits/hairdos aren't my thing. Maid outfits basically. Not my thing but I adjusted by the end and makes sense with the whole magical theme. I guess I'm too cynical but I guess I'm just looking for a good cry with these types of shows. I want the feels and I didn't feel them until episode 9 onwards.
The ending to me was great but felt too...sudden. Maybe the movie helps with that! I wanted more
cool visuals with Ultimate Madoka.
The whole Devil Homura not showing up was odd too. I've seen the figure but I guess she's in the movie? Until episode 10 I thought her whole demeanor was due to that so that was a surprise.
Looking back, I guess I was a bit cynical but I was also no too hot on the whole cute thing which is not my thing and even after things picked up it felt really slow. Madoka felt like Shinji with a frilly outfit, pink hair and crying all the time at first. I should have resonated with her...but didn't. I guess I'm too cynical. The end was great tho if a bit short and yeah episode 10 was the best one by far.
I don't regret watching it. I've been seeing Madoka around for a long ass time. I'd browse /a/ and see her big head everywhere but made a promise not to watch it. Of course I watched it now and it wasn't too bad. 2nd viewing will be better but I don't have time for that right now. I have a huge backlog for second viewings as it is never mind shows I still need to watch for the first time, but I'll give the movies a shot. I have that latest movie on Blu-ray. Sorry for the wall-o-text.