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Figure GAF |OT2| NSFWallet

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Just saw this in the p4 thread. omg


I loves me some P4, but my goodness waking up to all that yellow would give me a headache every day :D
Super awesome room!

One thing I haven't seen for a while are your rooms where your figures are all displayed. I'm gonna try and do a 360 of mine at some point.


I have used them for most of my pics posted here. If you liked the quality on those, you're good to go :)

Yeah. I need to clean my room a bit. Im going to my parents place and then my aunts house so I might not have time to post anything today unless I take the photos now.
My rooms a bit messy at the moment.
i'm glad i never got sucked into the bishoujo figures of western characters vortex

Western figures/statues are my preference. It's just that the craftsmanship of domestically released products is rather lacking, especially compared to the things that come out of Japan. Though DC Direct does tend to put out some good statues.


So amazon just told me that Dark Angel Olivia that I ordered a month ago is OOS, and they don't know when they will get inventory. As compensation, they upgraded my shipping to one day shipping for the item that they can't ship.

On the other hand, I can spend that money somewhere else!


Yay, back home for the weekend. Exciting flight home -.- The main power alternator on my bosses plane failed halfway through the flight so we lost power to everything but the most most essential shit in order to still fly. Thank god for planes being required to have double of every single damn important part/instrument in it so that it anything fails the other one keeps the plane flying. The backup alternator doesn't do nearly the shit the main one does so yeah....fun....anyways chances that happens again based on statistics is like awesome low now. Statistically I can fly now on without ever worrying about being in an accident :p.


Yay, back home for the weekend. Exciting flight home -.- The main power alternator on my bosses plane failed halfway through the flight so we lost power to everything but the most most essential shit in order to still fly. Thank god for planes being required to have double of every single damn important part/instrument in it so that it anything fails the other one keeps the plane flying. The backup alternator doesn't do nearly the shit the main one does so yeah....fun....anyways chances that happens again based on statistics is like awesome low now. Statistically I can fly now on without ever worrying about being in an accident :p.

as someone about to go on a 12 hour plane ride thanks for this :/

jk lol glad you made it back safely

Another racing Miku. I kinda like this design.


How adorable was the last episode of No Game No Life? Cuteness overload x1,000,000.

i should watch NGNL...eventually


NGNL #9 was the first episode I didn't like at all. It was really dull. Back story on Shiro's relationship with Sora was alright, but took a minority to the episode grinding on about the situation's "weight" as it slowly played out. The show should stick with what it does best: Silly, lewd nonsense with blatant mindgames.

Shiro is still adorable, of course.



YIKES. Look at that fit bod!
Almost perfect, her eyes look a little too squinty but on the whole, I greatly approve. Seriously can't wait to own this.

Western figures/statues are my preference. It's just that the craftsmanship of domestically released products is rather lacking, especially compared to the things that come out of Japan. Though DC Direct does tend to put out some good statues.

Yup completely agree. I really hope Japan makes more figures or makes it a habit of making figures based on western designs. Could you imagine MF taking on that bombshell Poison Ivy posted a few days back?

Also here's a clearer illustration of that new DMMd scale:


I only just noticed that dark black thing holding Ren was a claw...huh. I'm really curious to see how this thing ends up looking as a sculpt, floating crystals and all.


NGNL #9 was the first episode I didn't like at all. It was really dull. Back story on Shiro's relationship with Sora was alright, but took a minority to the episode grinding on about the situation's "weight" as it slowly played out. The show should stick with what it does best: Silly, lewd nonsense with blatant mindgames.

Shiro is still adorable, of course.

buuuuut, that episode literally had the most ultimate of ultimate mind games. I mean that game is like crazy batshit insanity. I would totally dig playing the shiritori game but this version of situation in that ep. BIG FAT FUCKING NOPE@! :p


buuuuut, that episode literally had the most ultimate of ultimate mind games. I mean that game is like crazy batshit insanity. I would totally dig playing the shiritori game but this version of situation in that ep. BIG FAT FUCKING NOPE@! :p

:lol. Yeah, the game's concept was definitely something else. Sora's gambling knows no bounds!


That's a great pre-order bonus. If I was at all into figmas, that shit would be enough to get a sale from me.
Ha yeah, I have her ordered at NY however, and the GSC pre-orders are closed so oh well! Surprised you don't have her ordered yourself.
All I know is that Kirigiri sure as fuck better be on time.
Had to Google her to see what figure that is, she looks pretty cool. I don't know why they don't finalize dates earlier and leave it so late. A lot of people give up their pre-orders because the can't afford them at that time. They should be more upfront and prepared for stuff like this.


I'm just not a figma person. I don't really like poseable figures, and anything below 1/8 scale is meh.

True true I know what you mean.You can get spoilt by the amazing sculpts available these days but I have a place in my heart for both. You miss out on some good stuff otherwise, but I guess it depends on your setup. Not everyone cares about creating set pieces where as others revel in it and have a bunch of Revoltech Eva units beating the shit out of each other on their desks and whatnot. I know people who bought nine Mass Produced Eva Revoltecs in order to recreate set pieces from EoE.

I think I prefer poseable figures overall, I love the D-Arts Pokemon Figures and some of the Revoltechs and Figmas. You can do a lot more with them in terms of interaction and such but I guess not everyone cares about that. I don't care about scale too really, but a lot of people do clearly! I guess I try to keep everything diverse. but everyone has their old faithfuls.
Also here's a clearer illustration of that new DMMd scale:

I only just noticed that dark black thing holding Ren was a claw...huh. I'm really curious to see how this thing ends up looking as a sculpt, floating crystals and all.

Oh man, the floating crystals definitely will look interesting to see as a figure. I also can't wait to see how much they charge for all this creativity, lol


Oh man, the floating crystals definitely will look interesting to see as a figure. I also can't wait to see how much they charge for all this creativity, lol

1 MILLION DOLLARS.....no, but easily Benten levels of gouging.....if not 100 dollars more than Benten, if, all of that in the drawing is in the model


Oh man, the floating crystals definitely will look interesting to see as a figure. I also can't wait to see how much they charge for all this creativity, lol
Haha, good thing I already set aside half a grand since last year to buy multiple, though because it's Ren I might just stick to one. Hopefully we'll see something by WonFes in a few months though.

1 MILLION DOLLARS.....no, but easily Benten levels of gouging.....if not 100 dollars more than Benten, if, all of that in the drawing is in the model


Hows everyone feeling about this Utena figure? I'll be honest, I haven't seen the show but it's been somthing I've wanted to watch for a very, very long time. You think this is worth 8k or thereabouts?


Hows everyone feeling about this Utena figure? I'll be honest, I haven't seen the show but it's been somthing I've wanted to watch for a very, very long time. You think this is worth 8k or thereabouts?

I've read a lot of Utena fans upset that it both doesn't look much like Utena and doesn't have the right pose/expression to look like it's properly representing her character.

Personally, I don't know jack about the show, and think it looks pretty awesome and a fine job at updating her to a more modern style. That said, I could be considered hypocritical b/c I don't really like Kotobukiya's new Lum b/c it just doesn't look much like her, despite being a perfectly fine sculpt. It's too mo(e)dernized.


Phat Company's Minase Iori finally coming next week.


I want her now!

Damn Phat Company and their delay. Had me waiting too long.
Hows everyone feeling about this Utena figure? I'll be honest, I haven't seen the show but it's been somthing I've wanted to watch for a very, very long time. You think this is worth 8k or thereabouts?

I'm still puzzling out how I feel about her. As representations go, the SEGA prize figure of Utena was more accurate. It seems like MegaHouse threw in a lot of extra bells and whistles to drive up dat price. Plus they're obviously looking to milk the series, as they have the next girl sculpted already.

For reference, here's the SEGA prize figure.


I've read a lot of Utena fans upset that it both doesn't look much like Utena and doesn't have the right pose/expression to look like it's properly representing her character.

Personally, I don't know jack about the show, and think it looks pretty awesome and a fine job at updating her to a more modern style. That said, I could be considered hypocritical b/c I don't really like Kotobukiya's new Lum b/c it just doesn't look much like her, despite being a perfectly fine sculpt. It's too mo(e)dernized.

Haha I see. I guess it depends on how much you hold the source material dear. A lot of people are complaining about her nipples apparently, but I don't really see anything too crazy in that department. Looks like a nice figure overall to me. I guess I need to watch the show soon in any case. Long overdue...I bet it's not even available on Blu-ray *shakes fist*

Thanks for the input. Just to get a feel, does 8k look like a fair price for what you see?
H=200 mm (7.8 in)
Release date

I'm still puzzling out how I feel about her. As representations go, the SEGA prize figure of Utena was more accurate. It seems like MegaHouse threw in a lot of extra bells and whistles to drive up dat price. Plus they're obviously looking to milk the series, as they have the next girl sculpted already.

Thanks for the input. Hmm, I don't know what it is about the figure but I like the way it looks.
Thanks for the input. Hmm, I don't know what it is about the figure but I like the way it looks.

Oh, I like the look of her as well. I just don't know if I need to have her.

Speaking of need to have, according to MFC, Koto's new 1/6 Wonder Woman that we're all drooling over is due out in December. Glad I didn't order Ciel!


Oh, I like the look of her as well. I just don't know if I need to have her.
Nice! Thought it was just me :0 Probably won't get her because I'm guessing her price will drop after she comes out? Hard to predict that stuff but we'll see :)

So I don't know if anyone is aware, but Sega have some Premium Prize Figures up for pre-order for both Satsuki and Ryuko. Granted they are prize figures, but they look friggin awesome. I've been keeping my eyes on them for a while now and I've spotted them for pre-order on both BIJ and HLJ. Some pics below to entice you all :p

I think they look great and I obviously ate them up. Insert them into me now please. Thanks.

Kill la Kill - Kiryuuin Satsuki Premium Figure
Kill la Kill - Matoi Ryuuko Premium Figure
1990Yen Each

Kill la Kill - Matoi Ryuuko Premium Figure
Kill la Kill - Kiryuuin Satsuki Premium Figure
1710Yen Each

October release I think. What do you think? They're cheap! Go for them! :)
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