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Figure GAF |OT2| NSFWallet

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World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Decided to drop by AmiAmi to see what was new and the first thing they had was Satsuki. And I was doing so well on saving my money too. T-T



skin shading looks better, but the face looks worse than I expected..

I'd like this figure for reasons.

Some of those reasons being it looks cool.


Kill la kill is tacky as shit. Everything about that show is so ugly.


Blasphemer. I thought it was fun, but it definitely wasn't in the same tier as Gurren Lagann. Would still love a good Ragyo figure, though. As well as a Goku unform Mako. It needs to happen.

I liked KLK better, but TTGL was pretty enjoyable too once it got out of the first third.

And the bolded YES. If it doesn't happen, it's criminal. I feel like it demands a figma too.


Kill la kill is tacky as shit. Everything about that show is so ugly.

Just like Panty and Stocking but that didn't stop you either did it? :p

In any case I'm going to order her. Not sure if I should go for Amiami at 7,120 JPY or BIJ at 6,850 JPY. Prices are pretty much the same but I wonder if either one or the other is better for deliveries in terms of prices, and I also wonder if BIJ Mark items down? I might just wait for NY.


Some great sales at HS.

Shinobu [Kotobukiya]: [4,680 yen]


Risty [Megahouse]: [4,000 yen]


Raidou Kuzunoha [Megahouse]: [6,400 yen]


Hitagi Senjougahara [Kotobukiya]: [4,500 yen]


Sorceress [Alphamax]: [7,080 yen]


7th Dragon Hatsune MIKU!!!!: [6,743 yen]


Kazuno [Alter]: [6,000 yen]


Dizzy [Alter]: [5,900 yen]


Melty [Alter]: [5,500 yen]



Kind of tempted to get that Miku, but I really think I'd prefer a default ordinary Miku figure and not some special version.


Yeah, fuck this. I'm done preodering, period. Between the high prices and these massive sales, it's stupid to keep doing it.

Actually down to 5,900 yen. Almost tempted.
It can be depressing to see. :/

Also, they lowered the price of Sorceress even more? Insane. I think I'll wait for Orchid Seed's version, though [in 2017].

Kind of tempted to get that Miku, but I really think I'd prefer a default ordinary Miku figure and not some special version.
If you're interested, purchase her. Now. Her box is massive, so EMS shipping is a must, but she's flawless.


remember me
I'm down to 2 unpaid preorders. Snow Miku nendo and megahouse's amazon. I'm sure amazon will bomba, so I'm probably going to cancel that.


If you're interested, purchase her. Now. Her box is massive, so EMS shipping is a must, but she's flawless.
I'm just not quite interested enough to pull the trigger I think. I don't really like characters having different outfits than the ones they normally wear. Miku especially is some dangerous territory in that regard with all the different types of Miku figures that come out every year.

With Megahouse Elf being delayed till next month and no other real interesting figures coming out in June, I may just import a Vita 2000 with my money instead.


God damn it Chrono. Why'd you go and post that right before I went to bed?
Haha, you are welcome!

Anyway, I emailed AmiAmi asking them to cancel Swamp Witch [she looks nice, but with all of the delays I've kind of lost interest, and I have a feeling she will be available later via the bargain bin] and they obliged. Thankfully. Given how much I spend, it's not entirely surprising, but it's still a stressful experience.

You'd think it's money-saved, right? Well, not really. I saw that BIJ had one more Shoubi Yae in-stock and I immediately placed an order. They've already shipped the order [that was within 20 minutes of me ordering, insane]. Given the price of Skytube figure, they generally increase in-price [especially those form Tony Taka], and I loved the design of her. I'll be displaying her with clothes, though.

I haven't pre-ordered Satsuki-sama yet, since I want to see how their Ryuko turns out first [although I might cancel her, depending on when she's released]. I don't want to push things too much with AmiAmi, so I cancelled the more expensive item first [Swamp Witch].



That's a great price (and already sold out, I see). I paid over $80 for mine last year. It's a really pretty figure and I really like the unique base. Everyone needs a big ice cream cone in their collection!

Remember that exclusive Red Dark Angel Olivia?

Here she is for preorder for $139.99.

Already preordered last night!

...I think between Olivia, Ciel, and Homura, I've got enough big-ticket preorders for the year, time to slow down.


That's nuts. John Smith is right, pre-orders are for suckers it seems.

From now on, I'm only going to pre-order my favorite series:

  • Persona
  • DanganRonpa
  • George Kamitani aka Vanillaware
  • Attack on Titan
  • Tales of...
Anything else probably isn't worth pre-ordering anymore with the bargain sales and there being used figures less than a month after release that has been happening lately.

Unless Crunchyroll has a good deal like they did with Shiro.


There's just too many figures coming out these days. Market is overesaturated, imo. Even exclusives have gone on sale.


That's nuts. John Smith is right, pre-orders are for suckers it seems.

That's why I only preorder the few I get really excited about. That has still included some that have seen sizable price drops/sales later, like Ultimate Madoka and the Melty linked above but also some that have gone the other way (Momohime and Aozaki Touko, to name a couple). Watching the market like a hawk to anticipate which figures are going to go up 50% and which are going to go down 50% after release is not worth the effort for me; I'd rather just preorder a smaller number of must-haves and leave the would-be-nices to fate.


Haven't blindly preorderd since 2012. Ahead of the game even back then!

Though my main reason for mostly quitting on POs was because I really hated how willy-nilly they were with delays/releases. Almost screwed me over at one point so I just said "fuck it, I'm done".

Since then I haven't had a problem getting all the figures I wanted but didn't PO.


If you're regretting preorders you're in the wrong hobby, imo. Click the button and drink the kool-aid.

no regrets, but definitely I was traumatized by high aftermarket prices on figs that were long sold out by the time I started collecting. After roughly a year of doing this I'm ready to just wait for inevitable bombas unless the fig is a 100% must have.


remember me
If you're regretting preorders you're in the wrong hobby, imo. Click the button and drink the kool-aid.
Things have changed. This might have been true even a year ago, but it's pretty obvious that preordering is not the smart thing to do 90% of the time anymore. Every single figure I've bought this year has dropped in price.


Santa May Claus
It's certainly a crapshoot, and a pre-order will more often yield a net loss in value rather than securing an otherwise limited run of a figure.

A few figures like Alleyne and Iris Hartley have risen in price. I think it depends on the property and the lewdness. You can kind of make educated guesses, but it's still a gamble.


I am relatively new to collecting figure so I still have habit of pre-ordering. Trying to resist nowadays unless if it's really a must get for me.

I always wish I got in earlier so I didn't miss out on figures like Samurai from 7th Dragon 2020.
Things have changed. This might have been true even a year ago, but it's pretty obvious that preordering is not the smart thing to do 90% of the time anymore. Every single figure I've bought this year has dropped in price.

I think that to a certain extent, we're being charged a premium just for peace of mind. If you really want a figure 1000%, then definitely pre-order. Otherwise, just take your chances.


People who pre-order a bunch of shit because of love at first sight are crazy anyways! Seriously it's a slippery slope that you're setting yourself up for. People should create rules to abide by like only buying a single figure of a certain character/series, or even just sticking to just certain themed collections. Buying X figures max a month, or even X amount of cash allotted to spend each month etc. Don't feel like you have to buy something. Nobody has ever died from lack of figures after all ;)

Also, if you're thinking of getting a NSFW figure, fap first and you probably won't even want it lol. Rules to live by
I say while ordering a bunch of shit I don't even need.
I am relatively new to collecting figure so I still have habit of pre-ordering. Trying to resist nowadays unless if it's really a must get for me.

I always wish I got in earlier so I didn't miss out on figures like Samurai from 7th Dragon 2020.

I am getting better as well. Trying to only go for that "OMG MUST HAVE IT" preorder. Instead of a "oh that is nice!" kinda thing.

Honestly I wouldn't mind cancelling two figures. May try my hand at seeing how gracious AmiAmi would be to me.


I'll still pre-order figmas and nendos I guess. Those tend to go up in value and be a pain to get down the line, especially for popular characters.

Right now the only scale fig I have on pre-order is the GSC Shinobu re-issue (must have it). Waiting for Clover Club Miku to come around, but looks like the safe thing to do will be to wait on that regardless of how goddamned cute it is.

Honestly I wouldn't mind cancelling two figures. May try my hand at seeing how gracious AmiAmi would be to me.

You will be fine. As long as they're not pre-owned figs that you combined into another order they won't bat an eye so long as you have a good history with them. I have canceled 5 or 6 items in the past year without any problem whatsoever.
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