20150420-DSC03300.jpg by
h3xantistyle, on Flickr
She's huge! Standing (well, kneeling) next to ZSS and Figma Samus, for size comparison.
20150420-DSC03301.jpg by
h3xantistyle, on Flickr
She has a really cute face. Normally I don't care for the random strand of hair thing, but I actually do like it here.
20150420-DSC03303.jpg by
h3xantistyle, on Flickr
She's got some booty, though unfortunately her hair really gets in the way of it, can't really take a picture of it.

There's also some... wrinkles... that suggest other details, without being in your face about it.
20150420-DSC03310.jpg by
h3xantistyle, on Flickr
"Just sittin' here, enjoying the finer details of the figure".
And lastly, a pic of Samus to thank you for your patience.
20150414-DSC03297.jpg by
h3xantistyle, on Flickr