Figure panties are serious business.

Figure panties are serious business.
Sleep well, don't have nightmares!![]()
I didn't really see it as her panties, more like they just closed the gap on her skirt between her legs. But yeah after it checking again I guess you're right (and I feel dirty now).
Figure panties are serious business.
Also I want a dark souls 2 desert sorceress figure, somebody make one...
Celia-senpai up at Hobbysearch for 16k. $136 almost sounds reasonable.
Hmmm. Has she gone up on Ami yet?
thats basically the first thought that came to my mind Colette
I know it's terrible but I made it so here you go :3
The a5000 is what I started off with. I'd buy it used, because its likely to make you want the a6000, its bigger brother, but if you get the camera and have no want of upgrading, its great for the price. Also very, very tiny for what it is.I want to get serious in taking photos of my figures (I have this great idea for a photoshoot with my incoming Sakura Miku nendo) but the best I have are an 1st gen iPad Air and a Nikon Coolpix L610 and they both take garbage pictures (all pictures I've posted on this thread were taken with the Nikon and are a blurry, over-compressed mess). Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent, not too expensive DSLR?
15k is still alot. We're so used to bananas prices that we're subconsciously starting to accept prices that were stupid a year or three ago.
I wonder why she's 16k, while her outfit is quite fancy she's only a 1/7 and her pose isn't any crazy pose.
I want to get serious in taking photos of my figures (I have this great idea for a photoshoot with my incoming Sakura Miku nendo) but the best I have are an 1st gen iPad Air and a Nikon Coolpix L610 and they both take garbage pictures (all pictures I've posted on this thread were taken with the Nikon and are a blurry, over-compressed mess). Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent, not too expensive DSLR?
Sleep well, don't have nightmares!![]()
Because Vertex thinks they're good enough to charge Max Factory and Alter prices. Jesus, Alter's Mu-12 is cheaper and she has a freaking LED in her base.
I wonder how much higher companies are going yo try and push their prices. There's always a tipping point.
Figure panties are serious business.
You're welcome.
The sky is the limit. As long as people keep paying, the prices will keep rising. Femto ordered a $1200 Guts statue. It's not going to stop anytime soon.
I was really surprisd that GSC priced their Super Saiyan Ryuko as "low" as they did.
This reminds me of something funny.
When I bought Alter Panty I took a few pictures of it and posted it on my blog. A lot of people seemed to like the pictures, but given that it's tumblr there's bound to be a loose screw in there somewhere. Some guy complained that I didn't take any panyshots of the figure (I try to keep my blog clean), and when he got called out by another commenter for being a huge weeboo he got all butthurt and said something along the lines of "at least I didn't buy a toy that has panty written on the base." Laughed my fucking ass off that day.
There was also another comment that said there was a lack the pictures. It still makes me cringe so glue
The sky is the limit. As long as people keep paying, the prices will keep rising. Femto ordered a $1200 Guts statue. It's not going to stop anytime soon.
I was really surprisd that GSC priced their Super Saiyan Ryuko as "low" as they did.
That's awesome! Thanks, it's exactly what I was looking into for getting started (I should mention that I have absolutely no photography experience and/or knowledge).
I'm still not entirely sure that I want to spend that much money into photo equipment, but the way I'm seeing it right now, if I just keep using what I already have it's all going to be lots of time wasted on a shitty end result.
Well, that Nikon probably takes better photos than a phone, and more importantly has controls more similar to a more fully featured camera. See if you can't use the lessons in that post, since that's what it's all about -- I even say as such right in the beginning!That's awesome! Thanks, it's exactly what I was looking into for getting started (I should mention that I have absolutely no photography experience and/or knowledge).
I'm still not entirely sure that I want to spend that much money into photo equipment, but the way I'm seeing it right now, if I just keep using what I already have it's all going to be lots of time wasted on a shitty end result.
I'm currently trying to improve with my phone. I figure there isn't really a point in me putting money into a good camera if I don't at least understand composition and framing.
Her back looks fucking broken in one of those shots.
Her back looks fucking broken in one of those shots.
*shudders*Like, Nina Williams bishoujo kind of broken?
Hah. Didn't even see that. That's a pretty severe bend.
I know it's terrible but I made it so here you go :3
Dwell Dwell Dwell
I could not refuse Celia-senpai.
I could not refuse Celia-senpai.
Speaking of April delays to May, I don't remember hearing this one mentioned...
Also, I bought an Anzu Figma :3
While that's true, part of the composition, IMO, is also what aperture you shoot at. Having a blurry background is a far different effect in composition than a focused background, so there's only *so far* that you can go before the effects of a camera will become apparent.
She comes with a Vita? That's rad. Also what was she, like 8k?
Also what is Dwell?
She comes with a Vita? That's rad. Also what was she, like 8k?
L-look, Delays cleared up 55k from my April...