Well, 6.6 is probably just what the aperture moves towards when you use the optical zoom. Its not likely something you can actually control.There doesn't seem to be any aperture control on my Nikon, so I guess this is one of those effects you just can't get on a basic camera?
EDIT: Instruction manual says: "2 steps (f/3.3 and f/6.6 [W])". From what I can tell it's always using F 3.3 (it says so in the HUD when auto-adjusting focus), dunno how to use F 6.6, or if it will really make a difference.
3.3 isn't terrible if that's what its actually at though. Not ideal, but its way better than what a phone would offer.
EDIT: Yeah, figured that's what it was. Most lenses get more closed (higher F) as they zoom in. I'd try taking most of the photos as zoomed out as you can. Just move closer. Find out how close you can focus, and you could probably get away with some cropping. Wont look GREAT, but worth trying out.