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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT2| All your Shadows Belong To Us

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So looking at items and costs I will probably not be going after the 2nd Trust Moogle even at 1k candy per run if it's 15 energy a pop that is 70 runs or 1050 NRG so nah. Will try to get everything else except the Materia's though.


Finally pulled a Cecil in my daily today. Went through 9 tickets and all dailies up til now. Glad I have at least 1. Picked up a Rosa and 3 Edges along the way.


The 70k trust moogle might not be worth it indeed, and it would be weird if grinding ES is more NRG efficient.
Oh well, we'll see soon enough.


MAN those event units, what a bunch of shit.

Literally all they had to do to make me want to pull on Demon Rain was give him his full break move. but nope, he's a weird hybrid tank. Witch Fina is garbage and looks like garbage. Laswell looks ok, but not worth pulling for, and Lid, meh.

I was going to do 1 11x pull, but now that I see that garbage, forget it. Not even gonna do the dailies.

Lots of goodies to grind for in this upcoming event. Gonna get Star Quartz, tickets, equipment (even the dagger, why not), then just stock up on 6* mats. Might try for the Trust Moogle, but probably won't. 30k in one spot seems like a waste of time. Definitely hell no to the 70k one.

I'm really happy DK Cecil is so high on the new JP rankings. The more I theorycraft with him, the more excited I get. Once I get Rem or Tilith, he'll basically be like Kain. Attack one round, then completely invincible (dead) on the next round, lol.

Also, I had no idea Balthier was released in JP, where have I been? That just might be my unicorn pull, as he's a great character and seems pretty useful as a support/secondary damage unit.
It's possible since it's a holiday event that the currency might me more plentiful than usual. There are also so many more different things than usual to invest currency into.
MAN those event units, what a bunch of shit.

Literally all they had to do to make me want to pull on Demon Rain was give him his full break move. but nope, he's a weird hybrid tank. Witch Fina is garbage and looks like garbage. Laswell looks ok, but not worth pulling for, and Lid, meh.

I was going to do 1 11x pull, but now that I see that garbage, forget it. Not even gonna do the dailies.

Lots of goodies to grind for in this upcoming event. Gonna get Star Quartz, tickets, equipment (even the dagger, why not), then just stock up on 6* mats. Might try for the Trust Moogle, but probably won't. 30k in one spot seems like a waste of time. Definitely hell no to the 70k one.

I'm really happy DK Cecil is so high on the new JP rankings. The more I theorycraft with him, the more excited I get. Once I get Rem or Tilith, he'll basically be like Kain. Attack one round, then completely invincible (dead) on the next round, lol.

Also, I had no idea Balthier was released in JP, where have I been? That just might be my unicorn pull, as he's a great character and seems pretty useful as a support/secondary damage unit.

Lid and Lasswell are the best of the Bunch

You could TM setup Demon Rain to work but why

Fina is hot garbage and not worth the resources

LID is the best BANG/Buck For 3 star base you get a high chance of pulling multiples for the TM and just an all around great Utility and DMG unit


Man I think I need to spend like 1000 lapis on slots.

I have 75 unit slots which are nearly full. I have some trash units I could ditch but I keep at least 1 around just to fuse for their garbage TMS. 73/75 right now but some of that is cactuars that I don't have a good target for.

I have 105 material slots which on paper is enough but with all the new 5 and 6 * mats and overnight TM farming I still have to go through and manually clear out duplicate stacks more frequently than I'd like.

Equipment I have 90 and is always getting full. I have to sell old equipment to make room every time they put in new stuff, and I still have a bunch of explorations I haven't done that have equips that may/may not be unique.

50 friends, this seems to work alright for now for TM farming at the speed I do it at. Abilities and items are at default and for now those are fine.

What's the recommended amount of slots around here? I feel like I need to up the units and equips to 100, at least. Maybe materials to 105 or 110.

Also I'm nearly done with the Thundaga Blade TM... yay

Is it possible to sort units alphabetically by chance? I can't find any sorting scheme through the filters that lets me find what I want to easily and alphabetical would be great.


Lid and Lasswell are the best of the Bunch

You could TM setup Demon Rain to work but why

Fina is hot garbage and not worth the resources

LID is the best BANG/Buck For 3 star base you get a high chance of pulling multiples for the TM and just an all around great Utility and DMG unit

Yea, Lid isn't terrible, esp for 3* base, but it's still a really disappointing banner overall. I got mad that I didn't pull a Rosa on this banner, and since I'm not pulling on the next one, I pumped out 5 tickets just now:

- Blue - Cecil (my 3rd) - Cool!
- Blue - Lani t(-_-t)
- Gold(!) - Kefka - er.... cool!
- Blue - Luna - Not bad, a few nights skipped of TM farming for my first Barrage.
- Gold(!) - Rosa - aww yissss

Now I can safely save lapis for at least the next two weeks, and I officially have every released FFIV unit except Golbez (why u avoid me, bro?). Feels good.

It's kinda fun to know that eventually I can have 3 people in a party equipped with Excalibur, though that's a looong time away. Also, I'm going to definitely keep one Cecil at 3* until I max his LB, no reason not to now.

This also makes me think; how good would a 3 Cecil, 1 DK Cecil, and CoD PVP party be? Some big damagers, with lots of annoying covering and healing going on.

Does Saint's Wall block only physical, or any incoming single target damage?


Lid and Lasswell are the best of the Bunch

You could TM setup Demon Rain to work but why

Fina is hot garbage and not worth the resources

LID is the best BANG/Buck For 3 star base you get a high chance of pulling multiples for the TM and just an all around great Utility and DMG unit

Yeah, this banner is weird, given that the best unit "out of the box" is supposed to be the worst unit of the banner. Lid is solid, and would be exceptional, except the she is balanced by being locked at 5*s. Her best attack is effectively 380% ST. That would be insane on a 6* at this point in the power curve on global.

Fina is kind of really a wierd mix of a being a Light element mage, while still carrying over story-Fina's skills.

Plus: Gets 6*s. Learns Entrust. Still has Cheer. Learns Raise. Can regen MP for everyone besides her.

Minus: No Curaja at 6*. That kills her as a healer. So, her only real role is to be a light mage.... but her upgraded light nuke is locked to her LB. Bad, bad, bad.

She's gimped too bad as a healer and as a mage to be effectively useful in either role.


Plus: Passive Improved Camouflage. Best attack debuffs ice resistance better than Imperil. Learns Aeroga.

Minus: Not really a mage, and can't capitalize on the ice debuff (maybe someday when a 90+ ATK Ice element sword is release, but will he still be relevant then?); can't use Aeroga well. Natural vulnerability to fire + light.

Reasonably solid, but not exceptional because of a lack of relevant gear on Global.


Plus: Tons of HP. Learns Stonega. Learns a offensive-only splice of Cheer and Focus (ATK/MAG).

Minus: Practically everything else. Learns a ton of skills from all sorts of disciplines, but most aren't relevant at all. Worse Cover than Cecil and Charlotte (15%, with 25% mitigation). Why would a tank use doublehand? Or summon? Can counteratttack, but still needs Golem for Provoke.

Complete and total mess :/


With 75 energy you could do 4 runs of 15 nrg. With 200 corn pero run, you can get 800 corn per run.

At 5 min/energy in 6,5 hours. So you could do 2 refills per day if you start at 9am

So thats 2400 corn per day (2 refills Plus initial run

2400 x 14 days = 33.600 corn. Asumming you Will level up give times, thats 4000 more corn, to a grand total of 37.600 corn

No way they would price the second Trust Moogle if it was literally impossible to get. I'm betting on 750-1000 mats per longest run available (which I wouldn't even doubt if it is 20 energy). It will be impossible to get everything, this I'm pretty sure will happen unfortunately.


Hmm, Tilith is better than Refia? Thought Refia was the better healer.

Tilith has lots of powerful abilities but she's also an MP hog. Refia is a better standard healer along with Y'shtola.

Have no idea why Exdeath is in the top list. I thought he was less powerful than Majin Fina and Trance Terra.

List is incorrect. Majin Fina is below Ramza now because of her Skill upgrades. Exdeath moved down quite a bit. Speaking generally though, he covers more standard elements than either does and has a bit better utility which is why he's considered better than the others, at least until recently.

Explain Gilgamesh trial then.

Gilgamesh trial doesn't require a lot of TMRs and you can do the fight with non-top tier units but you need to have the strategy down and good equipment ready for it.

Anyway, a note on Rain in general, he's supposed to be a jack of all trades character. That's why his special event version has a bit of everything. They don't want to give him Full Break and the like though because it'd then make his normal 6-star version pointless until he gets skill enhancements and special equipment. If he has a high counter rate, then making him into a pseudo-Snow might be an idea.


Tilith skills:

- aoe curaga with esuna
- aoe 40% elemental resistance
- aoe 2500 heal 50 mp
- arise
- Focus+cheer in 1 skills
- aoe dispelga resistance
- Regenga

Traffic cone fina skills:

- cheer
- 30% hp 10% mp heal (in cecil that would be like 1500 hp 20 mp heal)
- curaga
- raise

Calling traffic cone fina a "mini tillith" is an insult to the real goddess


sparkle this bitch
Guess I'll be saving this banner. Pretty disappointing in the units since I had some hopes on Fina.

Looking at upcoming banners... it's really looking like I'll just be saving for a month and a half till FFIII comes. another 2100 Lapis this month sounds good. Possibly even more for the following.

Wish I could pull a Firion :(


So with Altema's new ratings I thought I'd try and go for an 11 pull on DKC before the banner ends...


I'm lost for words.


This banner is only one week right? We'll have a new one next week?

I think its two weeks man...

Yup, two weeks.

Pretty disappointing in the units since I had some hopes on Fina.

Yeah, she is a big let down. What is more telling here is that Gumi is essentially admitting that any current and future global exclusive units won't break the power curve at the time. They will be marginal or sideways improvements at best. Disappointing.


I figured today was still old banner. However, to the person who motivated me to spend tickets yesterday anyway to get Cecil, thank you. My pull today was yellow crystal that contained Exdeath. So, I still wouldn't have gotten him on my daily pull. And I feel lucky to have gotten him as quick as I did yesterday,

Plus, my Cecil went from 3* to 4* already and working to cap him out so I can upgrade him to 5*. So he'd have a leg up on anything I got today. Plus, gives him a bit of a chance to grow before event, which will then consumes everyones life for two weeks.

He's in my leveling group with Exdeath. Exdeath is almost done, then he'll be the loner in it for a while. (Still have a few characters to level, but they're not high priority like Exdeath and Cecil.)


So with Altema's new ratings I thought I'd try and go for an 11 pull on DKC before the banner ends...

I'm lost for words.


This new rating sure made me feel better about my atrocious 11 pulls in the beginning of the banner, I'll probably evolve DKC together with Cecil with the 100 Cactuars.


So tomorrow I'll have,:

2* Diablos for the maneater
My second Hero Ring
Access to multiple Phoenix Downs

If I can't beat Golbez this time, I'll be done for and just focus on the new content.


sparkle this bitch
Just for fun, doing some napkin math.

Assuming pro run gives you 1k Corn per go and is most likely 15 Energy. You need 30 runs for the Trust Moggle. This is 450 runs of energy on ES.

Basically for one unit to get 10% up, you must sacrifice 4.5% on 4 other units. Basically, for the cost of 22.5% TM up between 5 characters, you can get 10% on one.

So unless you have someone really special, I.E. Zid or Giglamesh, where you want it as quick as possible. It seems far from worth it. That means for that 70k TM you're thinking of getting. Guess what, you will end up with 10.5% instead of 10% to each character, rather than 1.

So basically the Trust Moggle is useless outside of time efficiency, which would allow you to increase the time you'll get one by about 100%. Sounds good on paper, but it basically condenses 4 days of energy into 2.





Back to Aegis Shield.

Come on Bartz, you too.

Lol, I just picture you and a ragtag group of final fantasy protagonists walking away dejectedly kicking rocks.

I think it's been datamined that the PRO level for the Halloween Event is 20 NRG and 650 rank xp, so the math a few posts up will be a little different. There's almost no way that grinding that second Trust Moogle is going to be worth the NRG cost when compared to Earth Shrine. That is, unless it's literally raining candy corn (like up to 1500 a run), which we all know won't happen based on the prices of all the things. I'm guessing 500 on a good run of PRO, mark my words - I'll bet 2 Lani's on it.
Wait wtf. First I read, SECOND TRUST MOOGLE! AND I rejoiced because they're so important to me. Then I read 70k material cost and I was like.. That's a shit ton. Now you guys are saying that the nrg cost to acquire the 70k might be the equivalent of grinding out earth shrine? But I mean, I could burn energy running the Halloween event much faster than running earth shrine.

So whatever. All trust moogle are top priority forever.


sparkle this bitch
Lol, I just picture you and a ragtag group of final fantasy protagonists walking away dejectedly kicking rocks.

I think it's been datamined that the PRO level for the Halloween Event is 20 NRG and 650 rank xp, so the math a few posts up will be a little different. There's almost no way that grinding that second Trust Moogle is going to be worth the NRG cost when compared to Earth Shrine. That is, unless it's literally raining candy corn (like up to 1500 a run), which we all know won't happen based on the prices of all the things. I'm guessing 500 on a good run of PRO, mark my words - I'll bet 2 Lani's on it.

Even if it is 1.5k Corn. That will be just under 1k Energy. LOL


Even if it is 1.5k Corn. That will be just under 1k Energy. LOL

Yea you're totally right. Pretty much not worth it any way you look at it.

Just used the spreadsheet for this next event, and for everything I want, I need to somehow come up with 120k~ corn in 2 weeks. Anything above that is going into extra 6* materials

Those Gigantaurs are pretty cheap at 100 corn per unit, looks like I'll easily be able to powerlevel at least one 6* to level 100, maybe 2 depending on how much Unit XP this event gives.


I have no idea what I just watched. o_O. Also, who are the two on the top row?

The girl with the whip is Majin fina. Demon fina i Guess is gonna translated to global.

She is the best wizzard of the universe. Dualcast, innate última, the complete package.

The girl with the rings is soleil, a dancer that has 1-turn dances that boost atk +60%, or def 60%, or mag 60%, or spr 60%

Soleil was meta in jp for some months.
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