Yeah, I've learned to let others be the pioneers, and I will follow along. I spent close to 1500 lapis leveling CoD, and running that damned trial. Now I am can run cactuars the rest of the weekend, and level my cutie Arc
Should have maxed CoD first...
Should have been a little more patient. I just wanted to add Maxwell to my TMR team
With Gaf, Cecil, and Maxwell on my TMR team, I'm hopeful that my Lightning can break the 600 attack barrier in a month or two. Then I will work on maxing out one of my mages. Valentus was right that one whale unit can make all the difference.
Congrats on the Maxwell fight! I'm really happy for you!
Just woke up and tried again myself, and did it! (I kinda sorta fell asleep waiting for NRG to refill). A few notes that might be helpful to those still trying to do the Diabolos challenge -
- Barrage is the MVP with generating orbs. It's worth a loss of damage to bring a barrage unit or to throw barrage on a unit that you're bringing. (just make sure you have a powerful friend to push phases/finish the fight).
- Second best orb generator for me was Cecil with Black Belt equipped. I originally didn't want to lose the muscle belt on him, but it ended up not being a big deal, and countering every round was key in giving extra orbs. You get it from the Kolts fat chocobo.
- As much as I hated to admit it, Full Break is absolutely necessary. I lucked out in that I just maxed out my WoL and got my first Barrage TM this week, so I put it on him for extra orbs between full break rounds. My thoughts going into this were that without a 6* full breaker, and considering their native skillsets, it was a waste of space to bring them. Since this challenge is a turtle challenge though, it really is worth it. If you do have a barrage TM, throw it on this character though, no matter who it is.
Other than that, I still feel there is a fair amount of RNG in this fight that's going to determine if you win or not. I tried 3 times, and this last time, she just flat out didn't attack as many times per round, and didn't target Refia. I burned about 1800 lapis doing refreshes to max level my WoL and brand new Elza for this fight, but it was totally worth it.