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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT2| All your Shadows Belong To Us

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Nope doesn't matter. I used the first turn for buffing. The second turn for one heal, and five normal attacks. LB meter is 2/3 to 3/4 full after round two. Esper meter is usually around a quarter or so. Round three or four Garnet ( your Rydia ) gets her LB, and after she uses it, the meter is either full, or really, really close.

I'll give it one more shot using that strat with my ultrawhale friend tonight. I'm getting close, I just need RNG to smile on me once and I'll have it.

I should just level my Cecil but I am LB training one and it feels TERRIBLE to level another one just for this event.


Acerac - if you are only worried about Rydia's LB, have her defend while everyone else attacks normal. All of the crystals will go to her.

Seriously think I might level up a second Arc - He's awesome, and I have a surplus of robes for mages to wear. I can at least get the second one to three * max with no issues after I finish with Maxwell tonight. I have ONE sacred crystal left, so cannot even awaken a unit to 4* status. Sad...


Acerac - if you are only worried about Rydia's LB, have her defend while everyone else attacks normal. All of the crystals will go to her.

Seriously think I might level up a second Arc - He's awesome, and I have a surplus of robes for mages to wear. I can at least get the second one to three * max with no issues after I finish with Maxwell tonight. I have ONE sacred crystal left, so cannot even awaken a unit to 4* status. Sad...
I did not know that, that's huge, thanks.

I just started leveling a second arc myself. He'll be outdated with exdeath's 6* coming out soon but he feels so legit in the meanwhile. Given how I lack any mages that are getting a 6* form I don't feel too badly about it.


I have two ExDeath's waiting on 6*, but the ability to equip robes and things like the creepy mask cannot be understated. I know ExDeath is awesome in 6* form, but he'd be much better if he could wear robes.

Personally, Arc is just cuter as well... And I have not forgotten the event that basically required chaining five mages together, or Lightning. Having four mages that can use DC will probably be useful. But, I'm still hoping to pull Hope on the next FFXIII banner.


Correct, I have the chijirioasjnda on him. I'll check again, but his base attack is 230 with chij, 280 w/ BM, 280 w/ BM and DH.

What equipments you are using?
I dont have Doublehand but wiki says you cant equip shield with DH.

Unique materia: Only one materia equippable at a time, but the effect itself does stack with other sources
Single wielding means you can't use shield or Dual Wield
This ability increases all of your equipment's ATK, not just your weapon
Does not increase percentage-based equipment like Hero's Ring, only flat ATK
Does not work with bow, harp and gun


The problem I see with these Arena Teams stacked with Arcs is if you don't get the first turn and the enemy has a decent team, you can kiss your streak goodbye because there is a good chance he will wipe everyone out in one turn.


Pushed her slightly too far turn 3 so the Meteor turn was followed up by Rune which crushed my team. I'm supposed to push her past 60% turn 4 to avoid Rune, right?

I just have such difficulty wrapping my head around this fight for whatever reason. It's not meant to be an easy encounter I suppose.


The problem I see with these Arena Teams stacked with Arcs is if you don't get the first turn and the enemy has a decent team, you can kiss your streak goodbye because there is a good chance he will wipe everyone out in one turn.

Running more than one or maybe two 5*s in the Arena, assuming you can do otherwise, seems like a rough call.

I run Cecil, Refia, Cloud of Darkness, Ramza, and Arc - I have pretty much everything covered, from stat buffs (incl. elemental resists), offensive breaks, MP drains, a functionally unkillable tank, strong healer with Full-Life, DC Meteor (thanks Golbez, your contribution will outlast you~), and eventually DC Ultima in.. 12% TM.

The only fights I lose are the ones to the game crashing. 1 Cecil 4 Lightning? No worries. 2 DKC 1 CoD 1 Cecil 1 Refia? No worries. Elza, Lightning, Luneth, Refia, Cecil? No worries. Et cetera.

Overwhelming alpha strike superiority is good but being able to chase high ratio teams and deal with them with little/no danger is better. Good thing the AI is so bad!


Is anyone else having Maxwell PTSD lol? Every fight I can't help but notice the summon orbs drop and be like "Yes!" And then remember I don't actually need them lol.

I think I'm going to return to farming the event now I have Maxwell. Few extra things I would like to pick up.

I have 3 Vaans for Maximilian. What is better on Cecil? The extra defence of Maximilian or the extra spr of force armor?


Fucking finally got Maxwell thank fucking heavens.

I wish I could give credit to myself being especially smart on this one encounter, but RNG finally just decided to be kind to me with orb drops. That said, I wouldn't have been in any position to clear it without all the tips I got from everyone, you guys rock.


Sometimes we do. I don't understand.

First time it's happened to me I think. Woke up and the Earth Shrine farming was still going with 3 NRG in total haha! The quest has gone from today's list. Strange,

Well done Aderac and everyone who recently took him down!
Morning crew!!!
Just been TM farming since im basicallly caight up

My just do arena and dunes during the day and and overnight

Looking forward to the next event and challenges


Morning crew!!!
Just been TM farming since im basicallly caight up

My just do arena and dunes during the day and and overnight

Looking forward to the next event and challenges

Wow! I've been doing nothing but cactuars so I haven't even tried Maxwell yet. Once I get her, I need to get a bunch more karma to get the moogle. Haven't touched my TMs in quite a while sadly.

Already had two CoDs maxed out, so of course I get a 3rd on my daily yesterday and 4th today. I don't need that many!!!
Wow! I've been doing nothing but cactuars so I haven't even tried Maxwell yet. Once I get her, I need to get a bunch more karma to get the moogle. Haven't touched my TMs in quite a while sadly.

Already had two CoDs maxed out, so of course I get a 3rd on my daily yesterday and 4th today. I don't need that many!!!

Farm up auto limit!

Could prove useful for certain units especially when paired with High tide (Cecil and Elza)


Haha just annialated a team of 4 Lightnings and Refia in one turn! Well, first turn was his, I buffed up, second turn was mine, I went all out with Luneth, Kefka and Cloud of Darkness.


-- Daily: Shantotto. Can't be mad about that.

Dunes was good to me the last two days. Finished Refia and Ramza (UGH at the 6* grind). Too burnt out on dunes at the moment to start the very long haul for CoD, who needs to be raised for that sweet Omni-Veil. That will be needed again in the future, for sure.

2nd arena board was cleared yesterday. Refia greatly appreciated that 4* soul pot. Half way through the 3rd board, though the MAG pot will likely collect dust in inventory for a long time.

Back to the karma grind. Blew all my luck for the day with the first run yielding 2 metal gods. At 300% rates, I could be okay with farming this for a few days to finish cleaning out Mog again.

EDIT: 3 more Metal Gods on my 3rd turn... Over 20k karma in 3 runs. Yeah, my day is going to be really suck now, lol.


Gugnir get the other day! I bought those 2 destroyer authority materia and made a 435 atk Maxwell, sacred song + nemesis is crazy dmg in the arena. She also has like a 5 hit auto attack so I just might slap a barrage on her soon and see how that goes. Pretty pleased with her so far, she's better than my Kain in the arena, that's for sure.


What's the word on Demonic Life Materia? Any good? Does it stack with itself and buffs?

Doesnt stack but its damn good

Once it activates the buff is permanent until its dispelled or the fight ends

Fucking amazing


If you're fighting something that requires stat buffs, then the odds that the enemy in question will drop key units below half life somewhere in the fight is pretty much 100%.

Permanent (for the duration of the fight) Cheer + Focus on key units... say... your tank and healer? Yes, please.


Professional Schmuck
Getting back into the swing of things after being busy for 3-4 days on that work trip.

-- SUMMON TICKET HELL YES! Another Luna!! ... easier to grab that barrage when I get there, I guess.

-- Really in a weird place with the game right now. I could spend NRG finishing off my karma hunts, if only for the last two Guardians Authority materia.

-- Or I could spend it fucking around with Maxwell, though I just don't have the DPS to finish that off (I think).

-- Or I could spend it on cactuar dunes getting my peripheral units / new units (Arc, Zidane, Ingus) maxed out now that Refia and Tilith are both topped off.

-- Or I could just TM farm for perpetuity since I still need Rising Sun, Dual Wield, and DualCast to make it easier to win these types of events!!

Feel like none of the above are great options honestly. All of the above are fun for me, except getting wiped by Maxwell and/or wasting NRG with nothing to show for it. Just don't really know where to focus right now. Try to beat Maxwell? Polish off Karma shopping? Grind out these TMs? Max out my fullbreak units?

Advice pls. Also I need a no fullbreak option to kill Maxwell if you have one.

If you're fighting something that requires stat buffs, then the odds that the enemy in question will drop key units below half life somewhere in the fight is pretty much 100%.

Permanent (for the duration of the fight) Cheer + Focus on key units... say... your tank and healer? Yes, please.


Its the ultimate long fight survival materia for Tanks and healers

Also is nice for DKC first round volley

He can be almost self sustaining by rotating Cannon and Drain


Doesnt stack but its damn good

Once it activates the buff is permanent until its dispelled or the fight ends

Fucking amazing


If you're fighting something that requires stat buffs, then the odds that the enemy in question will drop key units below half life somewhere in the fight is pretty much 100%.

Permanent (for the duration of the fight) Cheer + Focus on key units... say... your tank and healer? Yes, please.

Awesome! Thanks boys. Picked them both up. Not sure if I need anything else from this event. Still have the Mag 15% but I have so many Shantottos to farm... I think I'm going to pass.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Any Elzas here minding adding my old acc for 1-2 days ?


Havent played the current event on this once but i have some time now to get at least the TM Mog reward.


Sakurafubuki done, my Lightning finally broke 600 atk, yeah!!!

Bracer, Black Cowl and Brave Suit still farming. Should be done in 1 to 2weeks time with occasional refresh.
Probably shouldn't focus on TM farming if you're a new player tbh, your maximum nrg is too low for lapis refreshing to be worthwhile. Clearing story/ranking up/leveling units should be higher on your priority list.

Yea I'm just leaving it on overnight and making it stall for ~4 minutes at the end of each run so that it's net 0 energy. Better than not doing anything overnight :) Seems to be working well, I got like 2 points per person last night.

Could even do this during the day when I'm at work or something.


Sakurafubuki done, my Lightning finally broke 600 atk, yeah!!!

Bracer, Black Cowl and Brave Suit still farming. Should be done in 1 to 2weeks time with occasional refresh.

Very nice!

All of those are so far down the list of TMs I need to farm that they are collecting cobwebs, lol.


Hope you didnt kick another active player because of me though xD

It was a player that wasn't a gaffer and was trending towards being inactive. Just pulled the trigger on the player a day or two early, that's all. Probably would have punted that player for inactivity by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.
Got Cecil and CoD to 6* Lv. 80. Think I'll call it quits on Cactuar Dunes for now. And I'm also done with the karma event too.

How do people usually level units when there's no supply of cactuars? Do you just grind exploration dungeons?
Elza destroys healers in arena. Lance is broken for stealing mp. Instantly creating a do nothing character. Helps mitigate Cecil a little (since every team has one).

I know she is premium, but that is a nice move. Does anyone else have it?
Farmed the Dunes and got my CoD and Maxwell maxed out. That means all of my current units that I actually care about are at max level.

The TM grind is slow, but surprisingly (and mind numbingly) a nice change of pace. I know that will change quickly once the reputation truly sets in. I will probably look into that switch control thing for when I'm at work.

Oh, and I'm trying to slowly build back up my lapis and I'm hoping to get enough saved for some pulls on the next banner that grabs me. Until then, I feel like I have a damn fine team built up: Cecil, Agrias, CoD, Arc, and Refia. Sub in Tilith, BCL, Maxwell, and Ingus as needed. That's hard to be upset with, especially with the GAF friend units.


Professional Schmuck
Got Cecil and CoD to 6* Lv. 80. Think I'll call it quits on Cactuar Dunes for now. And I'm also done with the karma event too.

How do people usually level units when there's no supply of cactuars? Do you just grind exploration dungeons?

If NRG efficiency is your focus and you want to level units, yes explorations are the way to go. Grab a heavy thundaga friend and let them carry you in Maranda Coast or some of new explos in Olderion.

But in reality it's pretty difficult to spend your IRL time grinding explos -- often takes 20-25 minutes to hit every encounter needed. So it's good when you have time and the patience. Literally twice as efficient as the exp vortex, too.
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