There's no group of people rating the unit on exviuswiki, it's just me. As I add more feature or pages to the wiki, there's less and less time for me to update everything, and people simply don't contribute enough for me to catch up with the content. I was looking into a group of people to contribute solely for the rating to no avail, and it will not solve the underlying problem in any case.
I didn't give much time to the ranking/rating as it's just an opinion and I don't think that's really important to begin with, but people are taking the rating with more weight and way more personal than I thought, especially to their favorite or pulled unit. The problem grew as the game got more complex with more modes, equipment, monsters, unit synergy, materia, etc. The combination of those things are now impossible to take into account in every situation.
So now I'm unsure on what to do with the page, should I just change it into something else or take it down and focus on other parts of the wiki? What do you guys think?
I know it's only 1 person. Since you've posted here before.
And i take your rankings as your own personal opinions. Others may disagree, but ultimately, it's yours and yours alone.
And if it helps, your ranking is almost accurate anyway. Don't let the naysayers dissuade you from doing it. You don't owe anyone anything.
If I may suggest, maybe don't take TMs into consideration with your rankings, no exceptions. Because with TMs, it gets a lot more complicated.
Or simply add on your remark. Take Gilgamesh for example, you rated him 11.0. Which is pretty spot on imo. You can add a remark that with Dual Wield, he goes up to 12.0. Same with Refia with and without Dual Cast. Some units benefits greatly with DW or DC, some only minor (like Delita).