I ain't celebrating till Crono gets one -_-
One day. One day!! I must remain patient.Hell yeah. Chrono is due...and soon. It's a shame that Chrono has gone this long without one.![]()
Nice, congrats! From everything I've seen/read, he's a pretty great tank. Nice pull!HOLY SHITTT!!!!! Daily pull... Gold.... oh god a troll... goes to Rainbow.. okay now it's going to be a fucking troll. NOEL!!
And to you as well.Merry Christmas Chrono!
It's a Christmas miracle. Congrats!Just woke up and I decided to do a 10 +1 pull for Christmas. RNGesus decided to give a great present, my second rainbow crystal, Noctis!
She has a nice sprite, but it doesn't beat Noctis. His is insane.Seeing lightning in game makes me sad I missed her launch? Her sprite looks awesome!
She has a nice sprite, but it doesn't beat Noctis. His is insane.
BTW, sorry if I missed anyone on the congratulations. Busy here, given the holiday and all. >_<
which espers do i level up? everything but siren?
and is leveling them just farming phantom forest over and over for the green magicite?![]()
which espers do i level up? everything but siren?
and is leveling them just farming phantom forest over and over for the green magicite?![]()
Diablos until you can get the human and demon killer passives. Irfrit if your best unit is physical. Ramuh if your best unit is a mage. Golem until you get provoke. Probably in that order if you have no strong preference. Carbuncle and Siren are the least useful espers right now. Probably all but Siren are worth maxing at some point.
i wish i had a refia
thought about trying to get a santa roselia to replace my krile
Krile your healer right now? If so I'd say it might be worth it. But she's 5* base, right? Might be tricky.Could get Noel in process too. (Which isn't bad! Just not a healer.)
Is there a deadline we have to accept these cactuars by? Don't have the unit spaces right now and don't really want to burn the lapis
i pulled a noel like an hour after event started lol
looks like she's 4* base according to wiki and yeah, krile is my current healer
Think we have 30 days? Not sure. Reluctantly bought space on both accounts and using them as I get them. Because I know it'll be thrown down list and forgotten about.
Awww. Congrats on the Noel though! Ahhh Santa Rose is 4*? Hm well that's a bit better than I thought. (Though for me the Golds I get that stay Gold are freaking Hope, ugh.) Good luck if you try for her! Surprised you haven't at least gotten Lenna.She was a nice tide over from Maria and before I got Refia. But I pulled hard to get Refia.
i have a lenna but i swapped her out for krile when i got the latter. should i go back to lenna?
i only started playing like a week or two ago so i was just going by the unit rankings.
Just one more materia (HP+30%) and my refia will be finished.
Im thinking of getting another black cowl for refia because is the hat that gives most DEF and SPR to her. But im satisfied with how she turned now.
When the event first started I spotted tuffymon in the top 30 and I was so proud of him/her. That's the last I saw of that though. I'm hoping I can at least stay in the top 10k but I doubt it since I'll stop as soon as I get all the individual rewards.
Guess it's up to you. Krile has some damage if I recall right (been a long time since I used her, and never really used her as my main hearler) which is nice, but I liked Lenna a lot.
The bonus for Krile is Dual Cast. Lenna has Cheer which came in handy a ton. Plus Lenna has Dispel and Esuna which I found helpful. Ended up crafting her a Stona too, in case.
As much as I love RDMs (mained one in FFXI and loved it .. RDM/NIN. Secondary play was THF/NIN and vice versa.. loved that combo too.), they get no love. As we say, jack of all trades and master of none.
Welp, hit the rest of the silver trophies for the Arena today.
That's 66 and 67.
The real Demon's Souls starts here. /gulp
Three more hell-tier trophies to go for the future right to craft a ring I'll likely never ever be able to create, lol.
Man, this is going to suck.
Val, why not Aegis Shield?
Just one more materia (HP+30%) and my refia will be finished.
Im thinking of getting another black cowl for refia because is the hat that gives most DEF and SPR to her. But im satisfied with how she turned now.
What last 3 are you going after?
Yeywell that's done.
Really want those two Burst Pots from the other rewards now!
Oh it's also cool that I'm seeing Brave EXVIUS ads on YouTube quite a lot recently.
Man that was quick. I'm about half way there myself. Did you use lapis refills to finish up the even quick?
He had to of done that, or he had energy potions stockpiled and/or a level up or two for good measure. Or perhaps some combination of both.
I'm running on natural energy so far and I'm only at halfway to the TM moogle.
Impressive Refia, for sure.
Val, why not Aegis Shield?
Seems like the force shield is worth it. Time to untied the star quartz purse and get one.
I'm officially no longer F2P. I got a $25 Amazon gift card so I threw in the remaining $15 to get the $48 yuletide chest with amazon coins. For now I'm not sure if I want to do 10 pulls with the lapis but its nice to have a good buffer so I can keep buying the 300 daily chest.
Pretty sure I will at least spend the tickets on the Noct banner though unless this christmas banner is worth it...?
Is it? I have some Quartz but wasn't sure about it... been tempted to get it. Bought an Earring and Black Belt recently with what I've got but got some extra hanging around.
Not quite halfway through this list. I want to be done so bad. I'm only working so hard because I NEED that Moogle! I am 10% away from Dual Wield. I need to give that to CoD. That way I can tackle plant and get Thorn Mace. Then Demon guy. Ugggh. This grind on this one is boring.
Anyone here can help me with Noel?
Up to you, depends how badly you want Noctis. I mean do you have Chizuru? I think you save enough for the 2 ticket bundle and then wait until Thursday if you want to pull 11.I'm going to buy a christmas pack tomorrow. I plan to use my rare tickets on the noctis event. Should I save the Lapis or use it on the 11 pull?
I think it worth it. I have more than 250 SQ because I haven't used any so far. I don't see any non TM shield that good for a long while from now.
Up to you, depends how badly you want Noctis. I mean do you have Chizuru? I think you save enough for the 2 ticket bundle and then wait until Thursday if you want to pull 11.
I do not. Is Thursday when the event ends? that makes the most sense. Do the dailies then burn the 11 on Thursday is what you mean?
I think, looking at rankings anyway, only thing worth it is Noel. I would pull on Noctis banner versus this one.
Funny thing is I told myself I wouldn't even do daily pulls on this one. Then I did. Paid off, but no more on this banner. Got the only banner character that seemed interesting off it. I was going to after daily pull today, thinking it was going to be a normal bleh pull, was use a couple tickets on Noctis banner. I felt like I used all my Christmas luck up. Maybe if I'm feeling luck later tonight I'll use a couple for giggles.
Congrats! If Noel is good I might at least do daily pulls. I haven't been doing them because I thought the banner had all-terrible characters.
I was feeling lucky after having a very nice Christmas dinner with family and friends, so I spent my last 5 tix. Great pulls! My 2nd Refia and MY FIRST CHIZURU! Im loving having DC on Refia btw.
I have been pulling hard for her since her banner started. At least 30 pulls. and trust me, over 30 pulls on one banner is hard for me. Hardest Ive pulled since I started playing in August.
Still got over 10k lapis too.
Congrats on getting lucky too, @Muku! Gear your Noel according to which role you choose for him.
Well the last barrier for me to break with this game is landing one of those (hopefully non-troll) rainbows.
Im so happy!
Merry Christmas my friends!
Oh, @Bonkeng, your Noctis is perfection.
Damn @Celegus youre stacked in tix! I used to have around 30 tix too. Blew them all on FFXIII and this, plus an 11-pull on this. Congrats on your second DW! Im around 80% on my first, with Rising Sun and Double Excal. Soon..
Thank you!
I guess my confusion with Noel right now is weapon wise. But since he can't really use much, I guess it'll be a Rod for the little bitty MAG I get off it. He'll just steal Kefka's rod I guess. He's kind of confusing to me. Not sure if Black Belt is good to put on 'em either since he's more about casting and physical counter won't mean much for him.
11 tickets, decided to burn one on Noctis banner because it's my favorite banner I've seen since I've started.Shadow, baby!
It sounds like you plan on tanking with him, so why not use a staff to up his spirit. That's what I would do, if I understand the unit correctly. Either way you wont get much out of physical counters, and a tanks main skills are HP/DEF/SPR.
The mage side of him is like a bonus, I wouldnt gear towards it though.
You have him, so try both see which works out better if you want.
Seems like the force shield is worth it. Time to untied the star quartz purse and get one.