so Nox macros DO break from the update?
What causes it
so Nox macros DO break from the update?
What causes it
Ok. I need to get my 3rd DW, so I can swap Exdeath to Ace and have full party of Dual Wielders.
Without Espers my party with their eqs set:
1Noctis 744 ATK
2Noctis 522 ATK
Gilgy 806 ATK
Lightning 561 ATK
Exdeath 582 MAG
You can pull up mission requirements from the menu screen while inside of a dungeon/trial.
Finally an esper that takes the physical DPS crown away from Ifrit. So Odin goes on best physical DPS and Ifrit on your second physical DPS. Diabolos gets the boot.What's Odin good for?
Currently using Golem, Ifrit, Carbuncle, Ramuh, and Diabolos.
Which should I swap with Odin (if applicable)?
Remember guys, Titan is next who uses Orange crysts. When upgrading Odin save the oranges till last if possible.
80 tickets and 2-11 Pulls...
Got my first Rainbow ever....Marie.....
Still don't have a DPS. Only have Chiz and Firion since soft launch
Didn't even get a single Zidane. I did get 5 Shines but idk man....
I might be done
80 tickets and 2-11 Pulls...
Got my first Rainbow ever....Marie.....
Still don't have a DPS. Only have Chiz and Firion since soft launch
Didn't even get a single Zidane. I did get 5 Shines but idk man....
I might be done
So sorry80 tickets and 2-11 Pulls...
Got my first Rainbow ever....Marie.....
Still don't have a DPS. Only have Chiz and Firion since soft launch
Didn't even get a single Zidane. I did get 5 Shines but idk man....
I might be done
Emperor seems OK.
Free pull:
Emperor seems OK.
Flare, but with no water abilities to take advantage of it.
Starfall, cannot be dualcasted
At least his TM is sick.
Only redeeming factor out of it is a bracer if you didn't already have Gaffgarion but yeah ://cry
My Free 11 Pull:
-- Rydia x 2
-- Bartz x 3
-- Lani
-- Sabin
-- Krille
-- Guy
-- Garnet
-- Gaffgarion
I wasn't expecting much, but what the bloody hell :/
My Free 11 Pull:
-- Rydia x 2
-- Bartz x 3
-- Lani
-- Sabin
-- Krille
-- Guy
-- Garnet
-- Gaffgarion
I wasn't expecting much, but what the bloody hell :/
Fuck Sacred Crystals so much. Using my Cactaur on Shine.. cap 4*.... guess what I AM MISSING!?!?!?!!
Congrats to everyone getting awesome pulls! I'm not sure when exactly I'll use my free 10+1 but I really want 4 shines.... God ham Valenus...Valentus gonna Valentus. It will be cool trying your Olive out![]()
Nice man! Marie is the best support in Global, you got the 4 shines I really want, Refia is the best healer, WoL is going to be money at 6* soon, and you very fortunately got the ludmille you need to make Refia tops. Oh and you got Chorizo too! damn you are set! So time to re prioritize your TM farming ;p
Ludmille (DC for Refia)
Chizuru (Blade Mastery to combine with Sakurafabuki for Noctis)
Miyuki (See above)
Shine (Awesome ability to equip on Noctis)
Shine (you'll assign two of shine's tm, a DW, and Blade Mastery in Noctis' ability slots)
I've listed it in the order of priority too in case you only free up one slot at a time in your TM farming team. You could do the two shines before Chorizo and Miyuki if you wanted as well but the shine TM will have a larger impact with those two already in place so I'd still recommend this order.
Too bad I can't loan
So now that I pulled WOL everyone says I need to go get Golems provoke. Uh, what? Help!
So now that I pulled WOL everyone says I need to go get Golems provoke. Uh, what? Help!
Yes, for him to be a tank. But it's really helpful for any tank. I had to work hard to get it at point I was at, but I got it. Totally worth it. It helps a tank be a tank.
It's because he doesn't inherently have a move that makes enemies target him at 5* but Golem provides a move that does (provoke).
Did three ticket pulls and got a second rainbow today - Ramza. So with that and Dark Cecil that's two units that are "meh" until enhancements.
Guess troll rainbows really are now just off-banner 5s. Gonna stick to dailies until the next banner.
holy crap no more 99 materials cap!!!
Yeah if you are not after TM's you could consider them somewhat let downs as base 5* before Enchantments.
Thanks fam. I'll go research how to get this now.
holy crap no more 99 materials cap!!!
Wow, that's probably my favorite change. Is the cap 999 now?
This update has been pretty sweet so far, excepting the connection issues during the first 2 hours (which weren't even that bad).
I'm sure my tune will change when I decide to use my free 11 pull and get trash garbage. Nothing sours this game more than bad luck.