I pulled so many Exdeaths in my chase for husbando that I could live without her, but I'm pretty sure I'll use her.I did one too, got three golds (none new, although one was Soleil) and a bunch of blues, none useful. Hope Dark Fina at least is useful to you.
Not that I will get anything worth mentioned, but I may as well do a daily for the last day of Cid. If rainbow please be Olive #2 or Queen #2 k thx.
You don't want to know.
j/k it was Snow.
I hate having such a high lapis intake right now... I want to use it >.>; but but, I want to wait and cross my fingers for a DQ or 1 year anniversary T.T
Told myself not to go for a daily and have not since 4 days back.... decided to do one anyway..
OVELIA...thanks, knew I should have stayed away.
Final Daily, Cecil. Good bye thunder god
Interesting. I feel like I get way luckier in FE:H than this game, too. Out of all the gacha games I play, I feel like this one is the least generous with premium units.
Well, he's still in the pool... at least. Will probably troll you when you want the banner 5* though. Haha.
My alt... got another Firion. Meh. That account is just screwed.
Honestly, that has more to do with the fact that the rat race (keeping up in power levels) FFBE gets folks in skews player's perceptions. It's trained folks to see 5-star units as the only viable units because they're the premium. However, that's really not the case as Valentus has shown everyone time and time again, 4-star units in general are viable units. So on any given banner, 20% of the pulls you'll get will be usable.
FE:H is actually worse than FFBE when you look at rates for worthwhile pulls, IMO. Because of the high requirements to evolve units and the power difference between star levels, only 5-star units are worthwhile out of the gate. That pretty much means only 6% of pulls are usable to a player from a banner. I mean, it's balanced out by the fact that all units can reach 5-stars, the power difference between units isn't that pronounced, the current pool is relatively small, and skill inheritance has dulled that edge but it's still pretty abysmal.
Basically, FFBE has messed with everyone and we need to recognize that to continue to play the game healthily. =P
im spending it as it comes in on refills![]()
I feel like this game is holding back folks favorite characters. At least, that's kind of the feeling I get. But it also comes down to having folks favorite characters be complete shit. Poor Shadow wades in misery for most part. (Hax full TM'd ones don't count, LOL.) Why can't some of the poor forgotten crappy ones get some love?
Wanted to do a last multi...then i saw this https://youtu.be/moqHVR4aUyk?t=471 and decided to end it on ramza and pull on tidus.
I loved Cyan and Sabin from 6, but man did they get crapped on here... Cyan was still pretty good at the release of the game, but was overshadowed pretty quickly... I loved his LB and it filled pretty quickly too.
Persona 5 is eating all my time, I'm just on TM farming autopilot...
But starting tomorrow we'll have to run explorations 24/7, RIP my social life.
Honestly, that has more to do with the fact that the rat race (keeping up in power levels) FFBE gets folks in skews player's perceptions. It's trained folks to see 5-star units as the only viable units because they're the premium. However, that's really not the case as Valentus has shown everyone time and time again, 4-star units in general are viable units. So on any given banner, 20% of the pulls you'll get will be usable.
FE:H is actually worse than FFBE when you look at rates for worthwhile pulls, IMO. Because of the high requirements to evolve units and the power difference between star levels, only 5-star units are worthwhile out of the gate. That pretty much means only 6% of pulls are usable to a player from a banner. I mean, it's balanced out by the fact that all units can reach 5-stars, the power difference between units isn't that pronounced, the current pool is relatively small, and skill inheritance has dulled that edge but it's still pretty abysmal.
Basically, FFBE has messed with everyone and we need to recognize that to continue to play the game healthily. =P
It's what I normally do too, but that won't get me a couple of units I'm eyeing in the near future~
I loved Cyan and Sabin from 6, but man did they get crapped on here... Cyan was still pretty good at the release of the game, but was overshadowed pretty quickly... I loved his LB and it filled pretty quickly too.
Is the unit calculator working right for anyone else? Pulled it up twice and it's not showing materia slots... NM Garland doesn't get any slots until his 6 star form... wtf Garland.
Yea, I get what you're saying, but 5* just plain have a better rate in FE, it's advertised right there where you can actively check your rate anytime you want. I'm not defending that game as the end-all, be-all gacha experience, because it seriously lacks depth and interesting things to do. However, 5* mathematically just are not as rare at a base 6% (which grows the longer you don't pull one) vs. 1% here.
Also, most content (aka Training Tower and event maps) is very possible with 4* units. Then there's even those gluttons for punishment like on Reddit that beat the hardest content in the game (those Grand Hero Battles) with 3* units, so it's not like it's entirely different. Though I agree, for the average user, 5* is a must.
I think the other big thing that makes me feel better in FE is just the actual gacha system. 13 bucks to pull 5 characters just doesn't feel as bad to me as the ridiculous up-front cost to do a single 10+1 pull in Exvius.
The higher rates for 5* in Fire Emblem means nothing when you pull that great unit that automatically becomes useless because it has bad IVs and will never ever do what it is supposed to do (either tank X unit or OHKO Y unit).
Any claim that fe:h has a decent progression system falls lightly on my ears.. Because you know, feathers scarcity for upgrade...
So are we getting the new banner tomorrow? I'm a bit confused. Feels like it varies between Thursday and Friday now.
Yup. The Easter banner and event will be available after the 8 hour maintenance tonight.
And along those lines, today is the last day for the Orlandu banner and Auracite event, so make sure you wrap that up.
There's also another FF VI banner in the works and chances are there will be new versions of units we've already got in the game, much like there are two versions of Ramzas and Terras already.
Wouldn't hold my breath for a top tier Cyan or Sabin though.
FFVI is coming to JP. I'm actually hoping Sabin and Edgar are going to be in the event because we need the Figaro Brothers to have their time in the limelight. The question is which new chars would they add for a Sabin and Edgar event in that case.
Calling it now, Mog and Umaro!
The lack of Relm and Strago bothers me. Although Strago will probably come with a Blue Mage banner with Quistis and Quina or something.
I'm putting this out there because I think it'll help me stop if it's in words, but I am officially not spending anymore money on a mobile game again. And I need to STICK to it. When I quit Record Keeper it was tough, but it had to be done. I'm not quitting Exvius, but I will not spend another cent. I went through my bank records (tax season) and I found I officially hit $1000 on Exvius alone. Fuck that. So not worth it at all. But I'm invested, so I will keep playing till the end.
I solemnly swear not to spend a dime!!!!
I'm putting this out there because I think it'll help me stop if it's in words, but I am officially not spending anymore money on a mobile game again. And I need to STICK to it. When I quit Record Keeper it was tough, but it had to be done. I'm not quitting Exvius, but I will not spend another cent. I went through my bank records (tax season) and I found I officially hit $1000 on Exvius alone. Fuck that. So not worth it at all. But I'm invested, so I will keep playing till the end.
I solemnly swear not to spend a dime!!!!
So i read some jp playas (shouta i summon thee!) That the real nightmare of enhacements are not the tier 5 materials (the ones that are on King mog or special events only)... Are the tier 4 materials, because they only appear in the material vortex, but the rate of drop of them are 1 Each 300 nrg(!!!!!)
So getting a xon (that increases rare ítem drop) then must be crucial for Farming mats.
So i read some jp playas (shouta i summon thee!) That the real nightmare of enhacements are not the tier 5 materials (the ones that are on King mog or special events only)... Are the tier 4 materials, because they only appear in the material vortex, but the rate of drop of them are 1 Each 300 nrg(!!!!!)
So getting a xon (that increases rare ítem drop) then must be crucial for Farming mats.
Even though it's highly contested how effective Treasure Hunter is for farming mats I'd prob be trying to add every single one into my party, if even for the placebo effect. Going by my JP version farming I felt like it did make a difference -- if the drop rate is 0.5% and it gets multiplied by 1.5x it'll still be just 0,75% and rare as hell (not real rates, just an example)
Locke's TM boosts the rarity level of drops, assuming that the drops are not bonus drops from an enemy (like sacred crystals in the awakening vortex).
So questions then:
1) Are the awakening gems the only items that drop off opponents in the vortex? Or are they bonus drops like sacred crystals?
2) If they are the only drops in the vortex, are the drops different rarity levels (T1 = 1*, T5 = 5*)?
2) If they are the only drops in the vortex, are the drops different rarity levels (T1 = 1*, T5 = 5*)?
Confusing questions.
Enhancement vortex only drops enhancement materials, there are 3 vortexes with each having a pool for different colors of materials, so even if you get a T4 material it could be the wrong color. Only the last wave enemy has a chance to drop T4 material, the previous waves drop T1 - T3 mats.
T1 = 2*, +1 for each ascending level, capping at 6*.
That's a great answer.
Just need the answer to the other question then.
Are gems the **only** drop in the vortex, or do enemies also drop some trash item in addition to the T1 - 4 gems?
That's a great answer.
Just need the answer to the other question then.
Are gems the **only** drop in the vortex, or do enemies also drop some trash item in addition to the T1 - 4 gems?