Yay! I really wanted her but didn't want to commit resources. Can't believe my luck. 1 ticket as well.]
Yay! I really wanted her but didn't want to commit resources. Can't believe my luck. 1 ticket as well.
Just got 542+4236 and 470+4588 eggs from the highest story mission in the game running Locke x2, Xon w/ thief bracer (for his AE steal), and Noctis + Orlandeau to make things easy peasy.
Anyone got numbers on other levels or explores?
I need cactuars
I'm generally just looking for an excuse to pull and aoe steal seemed awesome for the event. So I did an 11 pull
I need cactuars
I'm generally just looking for an excuse to pull and aoe steal seemed awesome for the event. So I did an 11 pull
I need cactuars
Lol. But to be honest, your rainbow rate is amazing. 4 Rainbows in, what, 35k Lapis? I spent 30k Lapis last banner with only 2 Rainbows.
Thats the only consolation i had...
cmon bonk and zera, its your time now.
Well someone is going to do some awesome ice chains hehe.
Reddit math with Fryevia BIS (dual-wielding her TM with optimal abilities/gear) puts her at 1.6 of a BIS Orlandeau. Assuming you don't have two WKN TMs I'm sure it's still around the 1.4-1.5 mark.
Enjoy your ascent to godhood.
Good luck!
Grats! I'm very curious to see her animations - fencer-type units in games tend to have great ones.
Damn grats!
Her sword will be AMAZING for Ashe if you decide to get her.
Nope. It meant that currently she gains the bonus when wielding any 1 handed weapons plus shield.
Imagine if a couple 10+1 pulls were something you could just burn as a "whatever, I'll just not eat out this Thursday night" kinda thing. In the $10-15 range or something. Ah well.
Frankly I'm much more interested, now, in who is going to be in the first wave of enhancements. Surely a mix-up is on the horizon. Subtract Ramza, add Demon Rain. A recipe for success!
I have 10 moogles that I had stored up for a potential Eileen. Should I just use them now on Fryevia or grind her TM manually?
Man, you guys so easily pulling Rainbows.
Nope, not gonna get caught up, I refuse to spend more money after that Orlandeau bullshit. I swear it this time. Nope nope nope.
Wait, you did get him, right?
Scattered impressions from Reddit are suggesting explorations may not be a slam dunk this time around, which I'm personally fine with.
I have another hour before my energy caps so I'm going to let everyone else figure out what the frontrunners are for egg efficiency before I spend. If explorations aren't the winner then I think the best rank exp+eggs/NRG is going to be the way to go here.
Doesn't Fryevia need a 2nd one for chaining purposes? Plus the fact that she needs a shit ton of TM's to make her useful makes her a hard pass. I can't see that many people pulling for her to begin with so my friends list won't be filled with her like it is with Cid. Did I also read that she needs 2 WKN TM's to maximize her damage?
Edit: I just fucking wrote that, and I pull her on my first ticket. God dammit Gumi.
Ok, one question, are you whaling on Eileen until you get her? If yes, then keep 10 moogles.
If not, then use it on Frevia. She needs her TM as much as Eileen needs hers.
And max her already lol.
I mean... pulling specifically for her is not a great idea. Her BIS is a lot of situational/conditional stuff, yes. Difference between WKN TM and Vanille TM is not so insane that it's a deal-breaker. But even poverty Fryevia with Enhancer in the offhand is better than BIS Orlandeau if you're willing to grind Letters & Arms, I believe.
I suspect she's going to be about as common (or uncommon) as Yun, possibly less - so if you pull one and kit it out, you're going to be seeking out other Fryevias specifically to support her.
I alluded to this sometime last week; that's the direction friend lists are going to take as the game progresses. Pull an Eileen and you're going to need Eileen friends to chain with. Having 20 BIS Orlandeaus isn't going to do you any good. Pull two Orlandeaus but no Ramza and you're going to need some Ramzas on your friend list. Et cetera.
Of course, outside of raid events, you only need maybe a friend or two with a powerful unit to tackle a trial. A fully stacked friend list is a convenience, not a necessity.
I mean... pulling specifically for her is not a great idea.
Doesn't Fryevia need a 2nd one for chaining purposes? Plus the fact that she needs a shit ton of TM's to make her useful makes her a hard pass. I can't see that many people pulling for her to begin with so my friends list won't be filled with her like it is with Cid. Did I also read that she needs 2 WKN TM's to maximize her damage?
Edit: I just fucking wrote that, and I pull her on my first ticket. God dammit Gumi.
I always pull the rainbows I don't want when I am trying for the 4*.
Yay! I really wanted her but didn't want to commit resources. Can't believe my luck. 1 ticket as well.
Ok... what the hell is this Craft-ception madness here? We are crafting into crafting into crafting to actually make an item?
Ok... what the hell is this Craft-ception madness here? We are crafting into crafting into crafting to actually make an item?
So.... we start with metal eggs dropping from enemies.
Metal eggs are used to pull red and blue eggs from the event gacha.
-- Many red and blue eggs (super common) are used to craft Chocolate and Great eggs.
-- Multiple Chocolate, Great, and Rainbow(!!!) eggs are needed to craft Magical and Radiant eggs.
-- Multiple Magical and Radiant Eggs are needed to craft the lesser event equipment.
-- Multiple lesser event equipment pieces are needed to craft the actual event equipment (each!!).
Dual Wield Knife Recipe:
-- 1 special vendor bought egg (1 rainbow egg cost)
-- 2 lesser magi staffs (Staff of Wrath)
-- 1 lesser black cowl (Black Bandana)
-- 1 soul crown substitute (Crown of Justice) <-- 2 rainbow egg recipe
-- 300k gil
Good frigging luck making this. /facepalm
So, grats to all who got her or the thief. I got a sazh, a seven and a few more dh and ultimas with some knuckles inbetween.
Anyway. Since i'm only at fire shrine i guess i should run the eletric tower?