Hey guys!
As expected, it looks as though Orlando Bloom broke people's resolve to adhere to the chase good banners, not rainbows motto here. At least a bunch of you got him and for those that did, congrats! Also thank you, that was the most successful mog farm event yet for me because of how abundant he was in the friends list lol Especially since plenty of strangers nabbed him too. I've stayed strong and kept my promise of saving all my lapis for the FFX banner. Haven't spent any since the first Noctis banner and it's accruing up nicely. I did blow 40 tickets to get two shines on that banner though.
Speaking of which, have one Shine in the upper 70's so with moogle help, shouldn't take too much longer to finish learning that TM. The other shine is in the 40's I think but she'll get moogles once the first finishes. I have my second DW in the mid to upper 70's too. I'll look into this event but it's looking as though I'll skip it. Not a fan of the crafting events, I skipped the mog cake one back when it hit too. I was waiting for the tactics event to end to do the Mysidia story missions so I can finally do those which should be fun since I enjoy the story.
My question is what do you guys think will follow the Easter banner? All the banners we've predicted the past few months have now come to pass. Well, DQ Collab is a high possibility but besides that. I suppose Eileen and then the FFVI that has Trance Terra? It seems like it's been forever since we've had a mainline numbered FF banner. I am hyped for WoL getting his 6* soon though! He never left my party and I always felt a little silly using 5* WoL over 6* Cecil but I love me some FB. Finally my faith will be rewarded and it will be legit to have him in the lineup