Anyone have trouble with the their friend list? Like for some reason one of my buds just disappeared from my list and I from his and when we try to re add each other it says we are still friends even though we are not on each others friend list anymore. Is there a way to solve this?
Cleaning up in this arena with fire flask. Thing paralyzes or cripples most then it's just clean up.
What are the pots for that you get for being certain rank?
Nevermind, looked em up. More hp is nice. Any cap?
Cleaning up in this arena with fire flask. Thing paralyzes or cripples most then it's just clean up.
What are the pots for that you get for being certain rank?
Nevermind, looked em up. More hp is nice. Any cap?
There's a cap for each pot that you'll see when you use it. You can look up max stats on ExviusWiki, but for instance, it might be something like 200 extra HP, 30 extra ATK, etc. You can't go over the cap.
For what it's worth, I only have one maxed character (Noctis), but some of my other characters have some stats situationally maxed, like Refia's SPR and Cecil's DEF.
Any TM coming up that is worth saving trust Moogles for?
Aileen or Tidus if you're chasing them. Rikku otherwise.
Going by Gumi's current rate, how long do you think we have until Rikku hits Global?
If it's months away I'm just going to spend my Moogles now to continue suiting my Orlandeau.
Going by Gumi's current rate, how long do you think we have until Rikku hits Global?
If it's months away I'm just going to spend my Moogles now to continue suiting my Orlandeau.
Literally anyone's guess. They're deliberately delaying WoL6, in my opinion, because of his power level, even unenhanced. Same deal with Tilith. Everyone knows Rikku is the beast support unit for the next x months; I'd expect her to be delayed somewhat as well.
Given previous data points (FFV, FFII) I don't think we'll be getting the early Tidus banner with Wilhelm, and we'll simply get the second FFX banner with Tidus, Rikku, Wakka. That may either push it forward or delay it more.
I've given up trying to seriously predict things in the wake of them moving FF6 up so drastically.
If we're armchair quarterbacking here...
If Gumi really wants to be an ass about this, I could probably see a month's worth of content they have hopscotched over where they can continue to avoid key awakenings (like WoL and Tilith) by just filling in the holes.
From dates on the JP schedule:
Next up: FFBE custom exploration (7/15/16) AIleen banner
Next Mog King: FFZ-3 (7/21/16) Rem banner
Next Raid (global custom or a buffed version of the skipped Bahamut raid)
Next exploration: another FFBE custom exploration (8/1/16) Wilheim banner (No Tidus becuase WoL/Tilith reasons)
And after that... story events would surely be due by then... and then there's the summer banner.... and who knows when another Global Exclusive Event will show up...
Yeah, there's easily 4-6 weeks of content Gumi can do while still continuing to avoid WoL and Tilith (and possibly eventually Tidus as well until the first FFX banner).
Guess that'll change if they see a huge drop of interest and money/lapis being spent.
If we're armchair quarterbacking here...
If Gumi really wants to be an ass about this, I could probably see a month's worth of content they have hopscotched over where they can continue to avoid key awakenings (like WoL and Tilith) by just filling in the holes.
From dates on the JP schedule:
Yeah, there's easily 4-6 weeks of content Gumi can do while still continuing to avoid WoL and Tilith (and possibly eventually Tidus as well until the first FFX banner).
Then we get some custom made global 1 year anniversary event & banner. Thus our predictions will be thrown away with 2-3 weeks more.
WoL early August 2018...
Die die die!
Drop kick!
I literally lol'ed at that![]()
FifyNo WoL as expected, we won't get Tilith before the 2nd anniversary at this rate.
It seems Lapis price has raised 10% in EU. This same happened in Summoners War and prolly in other gacha games too.
in other EU games or all gacha?
o is this a brexit thing
For me it's more like "I used almost 50 tickets for Tilith and want to use her before the next decade" x)
in other EU games or all gacha?
o is this a brexit thing
So what should I prioritize as a new player? Do I max out my strongest unit first? How do I get the keys to open the grey chests?
Keys can be crafted. What's your current team?
I recommend focusing on the current Mog King event, The Floating Continent. Even if you can't get enough fish for unique rewards, the low tier rewards are great for new players. (i.e. 6 star awakening mats, Metal Cactuars, mats to craft keys for story)
Right now my team is Lightning as leader, then Snow, Mercedes Luka and Rosa. Probably not the best team I'm sure but Lightning seems to be pulling her weight in damage at least and the two healers have what I assume are handy limits this early on.
Reckon I could maybe run the upper tier of it? I managed INT on my last run and got Light to lv40 since then. I could push her a bit further but I'm short on gold now.
Gumi is killing me with the WoL delay. He needs his shine Gumi, let him have it!
Got another day of grinding fish ahead, I'm close to getting the support megacryst, so I'm going to go for it. Does the fish thing end at tonight's maintenance, or does it go through Thursday still?
G-g-g-guys, I'm literally shacking right now.
Had 2 tickets so I decided to YOLO them and...
Wait, it's evolving...!
I'm sorry for the salt this post will generate since I got another Chizuru yesterday
Right now my team is Lightning as leader, then Snow, Mercedes Luka and Rosa. Probably not the best team I'm sure but Lightning seems to be pulling her weight in damage at least and the two healers have what I assume are handy limits this early on.
Reckon I could maybe run the upper tier of it? I managed INT on my last run and got Light to lv40 since then. I could push her a bit further but I'm short on gold now.
While waiting for our WoL to get his shiny upgrade, let's remember our WoL pull.
Mine came with his banner in August 2016.
Ahhh, the good times when I wasn't afraid to YOLO.
My path to WoL was a path of anguish. Pulling on his banner was the first time I ever spent over 50$ on a mobile game, and did not get him.
Fast forward months to Noctis banner, which was another painful banner for me and my wallet, and I picked up a WoL trying to get Noctis. It was truly bittersweet.
Of course since then, I've gotten like 5 or 6 just in dailies or whatever.
My path to WoL was a path of anguish. Pulling on his banner was the first time I ever spent over 50$ on a mobile game, and did not get him.
Fast forward months to Noctis banner, which was another painful banner for me and my wallet, and I picked up a WoL trying to get Noctis. It was truly bittersweet.
Of course since then, I've gotten like 5 or 6 just in dailies or whatever.