Desire sensor is real :x
It's why they wouldn't give me a second Trance Terra but they gave me a 3rd Orlandu...fucking gumi.
Desire sensor is real :x
Definitely focus on Lightning. She unlocks Dual Wield at level 100 which will double her damage output and basically will carry you throughout the story.
Depending on the friend unit you should be able to do Adv or Pro. Try to get a Noctis or Setzer friend to paralyze the bosses.
If gold is what you need, you can sell the fish you get from the event drops for a decent return.
What is your ID in game. I toss you a friend request when I get your ID. My unit should help you to go thru some stages. You can use same friend unit every 3h time (i.e. you can use my unit every 3h time).
It's why they wouldn't give me a second Trance Terra but they gave me a 3rd Orlandu...fucking gumi.
Oh wow didn't know she could hold a second weapon. That's gonna be pretty nice. Thanks for the tips! Not sure whether to sell the fish or hold em for now. May as well hang on I guess and see if I can get some of the awakening items for Lightning or something.
Oh awesome! Thanks a bunch! My ID is 959,952,534.
Oh wow didn't know she could hold a second weapon. That's gonna be pretty nice. Thanks for the tips! Not sure whether to sell the fish or hold em for now. May as well hang on I guess and see if I can get some of the awakening items for Lightning or something.
Oh awesome! Thanks a bunch! My ID is 959,952,534.
Event seems fairly straight forward baring any GL changes. Think I'll just run my main team again with a friend Frye (if anyone puts her up. Otherwise I'll take Noctis).
Soo close to beating Kefka, but got killed by his breaks after getting him down to about 5%. Thinking I need to replace Exdeath with Minfilia.
Jack on the daily. Why do I bother with these dailies I have no idea.
Care to double check the ID, I cant find you. But you can send me a fr
ID: 147899569
You seem to be willing to learn, I highly recommend this site http://exvius.gamepedia.com/Final_Fantasy_Brave_Exvius_Wiki
Oops! Yeah I got the 5 and 9 on the second bit wrong. Sent one to you anyway.
Looking at the new event tomorrow I think I'm going to give my 100% evade 100% status immune 30% resist all Noctis a spin as the Fish tank (see what I did there?!?!?!?). I want to try and get his resist to 50% if possible. If it works I'll set him as my share unit.
Looking at the new event tomorrow I think I'm going to give my 100% evade 100% status immune 30% resist all Noctis a spin as the Fish tank (see what I did there?!?!?!?). I want to try and get his resist to 50% if possible. If it works I'll set him as my share unit.
I'll probably swap my dark esper ling into dragon slayer ling tomorrow so worst case scenario ling paper cuts it to death...
And its accepted. When multiple enemies, use Fire Flask, when one enemy use Warp Strike. Rinse & Repeat & Enjoy.
Thanks for reminding me, I have to go for round 2 with your Dark Esper Ling tonight. I am going to start the macro as soon as I get home today, no more overnight macroing mistakes this time, lol.
I'll probably swap my dark esper ling into dragon slayer ling tomorrow so worst case scenario ling paper cuts it to death...
The event announcement says it starts up on 5/5, so Friday.
But that is one helluva' Noctis. Holy bejeebus!
I think you are right, banner ends tonight and new banner goes live tomorrow and the event goes live on Friday. Yeah, had to farm Ring of Lucii, 20 sided die, 3 Quick Assaults, and Discernment to get him there. Was worth it though.
I can get Ling 100% evade and stat immune but since she can't use shields her overall resist will be low but she does have 50% innate fire resist and that's what really matters here. Will see which will be better.
I think you are right, banner ends tonight and new banner goes live tomorrow and the event goes live on Friday. Yeah, had to farm Ring of Lucii, 20 sided die, 3 Quick Assaults, and Discernment to get him there. Was worth it though.
Omg your Noctis hits like a truck! I know my Lightning doesn't have as much potential, but that's given me a good idea of how much good gear and being maxed out will make a difference.
Beat up Kefka and got all four conditions. Wasn't too bad. Didn't understand the mechanic of the battle and wasted one of my Void Vessels at first. Did like 100 dmg. I was all like, "Those redditors are full of shit"... Then I saw his weakness shuffled and was like, "I'm an idiot". True story.
Oh awesome! Thanks a bunch! My ID is 959,592,534.
Actually, according to the announcement, the banner starts up on Friday as well. At least, the increased pull rate does.
I freed up a slot on my friend list if you want to add me, as well. I'll be sharing Yun who might help you out. He has bladeblitz for crowd control and Raging Bird for single targets. My friend ID is 715,699,683.
If you want more OP friends, don't hesitate to ask
Sent you a request!
Oh awesome! Thanks a bunch! My ID is 959,952,534.
Oh wow didn't know she could hold a second weapon. That's gonna be pretty nice. Thanks for the tips! Not sure whether to sell the fish or hold em for now. May as well hang on I guess and see if I can get some of the awakening items for Lightning or something.
Oh awesome! Thanks a bunch! My ID is 959,952,534.
Thanks! FR sent. Gonna have all the mats to awaken Light in no time at this rate!
Thanks! Man you guys are making the start-up process so much better.
Thanks! FR sent. Gonna have all the mats to awaken Light in no time at this rate!
Thanks! Man you guys are making the start-up process so much better.
I swapped my leader to Noctis, he has neutral weapons, so if you like to try with it and some flask damage. I don't have clue how much it does damage with flasks when element is right (vulnerable to fire / ice / lightning).
The need to stop changing the reset day. It was Friday for the longest time, then it randomly changed to Thursday for like the last month or so, and now it's Friday again.
Oh awesome! Thanks a bunch! My ID is 959,952,534.
He said later he switched the second 59 by mistake, so his ID is 959,592,534.I tried adding that number but it can't find you for some reason, so send me a request - 014,414,382
I tried adding that number but it can't find you for some reason, so send me a request - 014,414,382
Man this community is awesome! Thanks for all the adds and the heads up about putting GAF in the name. Gonna have a 6 star in no time lol.
Yeah that's my bad. I accidentally got the numbers mixed up on the second bit. Sent you an FR and went back and edited it just in case.
Thanks! FR sent. Gonna have all the mats to awaken Light in no time at this rate!
Thanks! Man you guys are making the start-up process so much better.
Hey can someone share a Noctis with Excalibur (and Chirijiraden, not the most important part but can help) and Jeweled ring, please.
I'm struggling against Gilgamesh, get wipe out when I didn't seal thunder 😑 ...
Heysent you a request too. Hope you're enjoying the game so far.
Shared mine for you, hopefully you have me on your list!
Cloud is going to make me come out of the minnow pond and jump head first into whale waters again.
Your local whale is done 100000000% with the whaling.
I'll probably swap my dark esper ling into dragon slayer ling tomorrow so worst case scenario ling paper cuts it to death...
rip in peace
I beat that trial last week. Took me like 8 turns though.80 million HP is so much.