Too bad this wasn't last year, cosplay as a Rainbow troll Galuf would have been great.
You could still cosplay as a troll Rainbow DKC. Har har har.
Too bad this wasn't last year, cosplay as a Rainbow troll Galuf would have been great.
So I carefully waited the time to be exactly 17:00, watching the second hand of the clock intensenly and hovering my sweaty finger on the summon confirmation button.. right at the second the time changed, I hit summon and .. rainbow!
I can feel the extraordinary enthusiasm over this event all the way over here on the other side of the Internet.![]()
lol!! Congrats dude. I actually do that time thing as well. I don't even know why. I end up making the most random rules for my pulls, like it's 9:33, so seeing as 3 x 3 = 9 now is the time to pull.
Putting my maths degree to full use there haha.
Do I have you on my FL btw? I have a free spot open atm if I don't.
3 pulls today. 2 Galuf and 1 Garland.
What in the.
Welcome to the Garbage Pull Day.
I was thinking about using a few tickets on my main for giggles. But after seeing what others are pulling, what I pulled on my alt and everything is garbage, I'll be passing.
Edit: I should note I think Galuf is back to troll. When new banner went up my daily on my main was Galuf. Decided to use a ticket that day too. Galuf. I figured at that point it wasn't worth using anymore tickets. Galuf is maybe the new Shadow these days.
oh trust me i get ALL the banner trash. Great for mediocre TMs and bonus unit farming, I guess.
getting really discouraged about the no-premier-units-since-noctis-and-yun thing. I mean, that's a helluva combo that is carrying me, but Orlandeauuuuuuu
Welcome to the Garbage Pull Day.
I haven't seen a rainbow since Dark Fina. Lord knows I've rolled plenty. It's honestly making me lose interest in this game since the only other thing to do is grind TMs and that's boring as hell. All my luck seems to be in FE Heroes now; I get 5* like candy over there.
GAF i need a favor please. Im going to do my "Gilgamesh vs FFXIII" video but i need a lightning or Snow Friend.
If its snow, with high HP and safety bit equipped (if dont have safety bit dont worry, i can adapt my strategy with Vanille's Auto-Revive)
If its Lightning, the best ATK possible with Diabolos, Excalibur and whatever other weapon you want.
Can you help me please? Thanls guys, youre awesome!
I joined the aileen all i have is a single 4* ticket...yep blew the new ones in hope for a second aileen because i don't get how she will be useful wirhout aileen friends.
Do we have any other good stone elemental weapon?
My future main team will be
WoL, Tillith, Ramza, Aileen and as swap ins Gilga, Luneth, Randi or Dark Fina...i guess. But without a good stone swort etc i can't really use aileens potential right?
Tidus looked so much bettee on paper with mercedes axe and orlandu has durandal and excalibur. Olive will get the 3* base 120 lightning sword later on.
But what shiny new toy will get aileen.
Also got my second xon, so i may need you esper ling again tuffy to get the summon moogle.
Woke up this morning to a completed Brave Suit and Genji Glove, Noctis is getting there slowly but surely!
Its happening
I haven't seen a rainbow since Dark Fina. Lord knows I've rolled plenty. It's honestly making me lose interest in this game since the only other thing to do is grind TMs and that's boring as hell. All my luck seems to be in FE Heroes now; I get 5* like candy over there.
My last rainbow was the Emperor in the free 10+1 summon in February and I don't think I've pulled since, hence I'm at 21k lapis.
I can probably reach 40k lapis for the Onion Knight, hope for a generous anniversary event.
what happens if you don't get OK with your resources![]()
fuck that
im clutching these tickets boyz
after burning for Trance Terra(and striking out) ive pretty much decided on not pulling for a nice long time
and im not dropping a penny on this game unless they do some mega deal that gets vetted by the community
Obviously Orlandu is the clear better choise vs Fryevia except for some instances, but I've been really liking the GL exclusive units Fryevia and Olive. Love their spritework design and their skillset -- they might actually be my favorite units in FFBE.
Slowly getting closer and closer to having my Fryevia somewhat equipped, obviously will always miss the one or two Ingus TMs and a second needle to hand her, but I'll somewhat got the rest of it covered.
Also curious to see if any future GL exclusive equips/units will complement her and if I could somehow make the DW water sword TMR work on her once Camille gets added.
Both are amazing surprises, but I think hands down the best global exclusive has been Ling. She is the supreme waifu~
Haha, I'm quite picky about sprite designs when it comes to units or there are just other things that makes me care less about certain units.
Didn't pull hard for Orlandu, never really use Yun as I'm not fan of his sprite or his innate normal double attack...or his other skills, really. Ling seems alright but never felt a urge to pull for her either.
In JP the best example of this might be Fire Veritas, who is arguably the best finisher in game, but due to his sprite I don't really want to use him.
Just really glad the 4* ticket did give me a Fryevia, as that has made the GL experience much much more fun and interesting.
how do you gear FV to be best finisher? FD shenanigans?
Nope, can only see pig snout. Just a Road Hog skin.
Nah, even if I can't get it with those rates, I might have a great off-banner rainbow so I won't be mad.
I'm almost at 70 tickets so it should be doable.
Well apart for not pulling for 6 months and getting sh*t x)
Since my anniversary will/should be a bit before that, I'll probably buy some lapis too, only if we have the EX system by then though.
his sprite looks cool when it's blown up and you can clearly tell that the collar armorplate is not a pigsnout
For some reason I thought I had you on my FL already, but it turns out not. My id is 764,276,625, send me a request.
Nope, can only see pig snout. Just a Road Hog skin.
If only Roadhog had a skin that good. Blizzard need to give him some love.
his sprite looks cool when it's blown up and you can clearly tell that the collar armorplate is not a pigsnout
how do you gear FV to be best finisher? FD shenanigans?
Yea, FD is the way to go for him. I think the calculations determined that FD > DW once you get like 340+ atk which is somewhat easy to do. With TDH FV can reach like 700+ atk though and while he can dish out a lot of dmg without TDH materias he turns into an absolute beast with those, generally chomping off more than half hp from even the newest trial bosses.
It'll obviously turn into a game of huge variables though, with him needing to counter trigger his 1000% dmg skill and the FD having a huge variable.
I got my FV just recently and so far my only real experiences with FV have been using them as friend units for some trial fights. Haven't bothered to equip mine yet, would probably have to get him multiple earth veritas TMs and finally grind out a FD.
I'm more inclined to just continue using ice/fire knight Lasswell as his dmg is just a steady line once you get his LB off and I've pretty much had him fully equipped from the start already.
Fire Veritas has a 20% chance to reduce fire resistance by 100% when taking magic damage and a 30% to gain access to a 500% ST with 50% ITD. So if you get both, that's a 2000% Fire attack damage, lol. Also gets a 150% attack buff below 30% HP.
Doublehand makes him a pretty beastly chain finisher though most people will be fielding him with DW as it's easier to gear for that.
we need Cloud and Eifreed TMR for that tho right. And Cloud TMR probably won't stack for GL.
though i guess that's already 200% atk bonus already so shouldn't matter
Just pointing out how powerful he can get. Also, you'll get to 250% after Cloud and Eifreed come out if you include Bartz's
Hey cool, 4 free tickets!
Pulls Fran, Gilbert, Guy and Alma.
Thanks Gumi!
Hey cool, 4 free tickets!
Pulls Fran, Gilbert, Guy and Alma.
Thanks Gumi!
I thought there was a change where Bartz DH can't be used on 2-handed weapons or something?
You guys should probably get your Garnet ready in the coming months, she's getting a lot of use in Japan, Bahamut is super strong.
Example fight with the latest JP event :
Lmao I'm going to do a ticket pull just cause this post made me laugh.
Got Cerius.
Anyone have any good macro's for farming the earth shrine with proper settings for no refresh farming? Mine either quits randomly, after 1-100 runs, even though I have it set to 270 second delay, still doesn't run every 5 minutes, etc.
I too spent one of my free tickets. It was Fran. Haven't seen her in a while, so at least she's a novel type of bad?
I too spent one of my free tickets. It was Fran. Haven't seen her in a while, so at least she's a novel type of bad?
Go here and get the no refills version. This will do basically anything you could ever want and it's basically foolproof.
That's the one I have. More often than not just randomly stops, no crash, just script just starts doing nothing.
Hm, do you have it set to repeat until manually paused? Are you running the Memu or Nox version?