Also, Dark Fina enhancements are a mess. Why the hell would I use Dystopia if I could doublecast Ultima every turn? Why the hell would I use Ultima if I can equip Ring of Lucii and use Alterna (ok, this is more restrictive being a TM to a rare unit and being very costly).
Also, Dark Fina enhancements are a mess. Why the hell would I use Dystopia if I could doublecast Ultima every turn? Why the hell would I use Ultima if I can equip Ring of Lucii and use Alterna (ok, this is more restrictive being a TM to a rare unit and being very costly).
I could be wrong but if i read the announcement correctly it seems this raid doesn't use orbs but nrg though..
I could be wrong but if i read the announcement correctly it seems this raid doesn't use orbs but nrg though..
Dystopia: to benefit from a dark-element imperil (DKC, Veritas of the Dark, or hell, Marie), costs less than half the MP
Ultima: hits multiple times vs. Alterna's one hit (chain vs. cap), costs less than half the MP, not everyone has Ring of the Lucii, you may not want it on Dina, sacrificing 30% MAG/SPR (best case scenario) for RotL
While we're asking rhetorical questions, what else are you going to spend Black crysts on?
Also, Dark Fina enhancements are a mess. Why the hell would I use Dystopia if I could doublecast Ultima every turn? Why the hell would I use Ultima if I can equip Ring of Lucii and use Alterna (ok, this is more restrictive being a TM to a rare unit and being very costly).
I never even farmed those, I'm all about Support Crysts lol. Anyway, I should probably get some as I have two of them to awaken. That will probably take some time.
Her enhanced Ultima is now a 7 hit spell if you have 2 of them or use 2 of them that's 14 chained Ultimas. I'm going to go with that over Alterna I think ;p
For the ELT exploration of the current event, can you seal the dragon's heal/confusion with elemental weapon like Fryevia's TM sword or ice brand? Or do you actually need to use a water/ice spell/ability?
In other words, it literally doesn't matter that she's getting enhancements right now.
Also, Dark Fina enhancements are a mess. Why the hell would I use Dystopia if I could doublecast Ultima every turn? Why the hell would I use Ultima if I can equip Ring of Lucii and use Alterna (ok, this is more restrictive being a TM to a rare unit and being very costly).
It was a double-feature rhetorical question.
1) The only other interesting thing in the near future to use Black crysts for Enhancements is Exdeath's Meteor. I'm using "interesting" very loosely here.
2) Ultima+1 is 4 T4s and 2 T5s, +2 is 8 T4s and another 2 T5s. Unless you have the devil's luck that's probably a full set of TMs worth of NRG sunk into the Vortex of Gems just for the T4s, nevermind that you can only have acquired two T5s to date.
In other words, it literally doesn't matter that she's getting enhancements right now.
Same damage split over those hits. +2 is 280% with 50% ignore SPR, so 560% split across 7 hits (I assume 80% per hit). Not quite 14 chained Ultimas. You benefit from the chain increase but it's non elemental, so +0.1x per. Useful, but hardly game-breaking.
The heal gets sealed if you exploit the water/ice weakness but you get the confusion and a ton of auto attacks afaik.
If you don't ever hit the weakness I think you don't get the confusion?
There's only 5 tiersAre you confusing T4 with T5 and T5 with T6?
Because I never actully ''farmed'' crysts, I've used my stamina on those dungeons in very few occasions where I was bored and didn't want to farm TMs. With this in mind, I have at this moment 14x T4 Support Crysts and 2x T5 Support Giancrysts for example.
T4s can't be that rare considering I have that many with barely any effort.
Interesting. I'm going to try this tonight for the first time. If you pass multiple 10% thresholds, does he do multiple threshold attacks, or just a single one?
There's only 5 tiers
That's why I don't understand Gumi holding back on Ramza.
I'm starting to think just to rub this REALLY into the Global playerbase.... Cecil is going to get 6* enhancements before WoL gets his 6* base form. Actually, I'm somewhat it hasn't happened yet, given that Cecil's enhancements was in the very first batch on JP.
T4s can't be that rare considering I have that many with barely any effort.
Why did Gumi delay Orlandeau?
Why is Gumi delaying WoL6?
Why is Gumi delaying Hero's Rime+2?
Why is Gumi delaying Tilith6? (this isn't being said yet, but it will, book it)
Answer to all four of these questions is exactly the same, IMO.
Probably. Cecil's enhancements are questionable, though. Frankly, until story events come out, I don't see any reason to care about enhancements at all.
This is one of those quotes that should go in some sort of GAFFBE Hall of Fame.
In 10hrs, I'll be flying to japan for a week. Anyone knows if there's any FF themed store? Wanna buy some ff memorablia![]()
So at first I was bummed about getting a dupe D. Fina on Eileen banner, then I was bummed about D. Fina enhancements instead of 6* WoL.
Then today on Reddit I saw this:
Ok, maybe not so bummed right now. But man I am going to need to farm hard for upgrade materials, not to mention I didn't grab a single Dark Purecryst and I'll need 8(!!) to max out both of their Ultima's. I like that it's non elemental and can nearly reach cap, though.
if you went really crazy on easter its possible to have a bunch of T4s from the pulls
So at first I was bummed about getting a dupe D. Fina on Eileen banner, then I was bummed about D. Fina enhancements instead of 6* WoL.
Then today on Reddit I saw this:
Ok, maybe not so bummed right now. But man I am going to need to farm hard for upgrade materials, not to mention I didn't grab a single Dark Purecryst and I'll need 8(!!) to max out both of their Ultima's. I like that it's non elemental and can nearly reach cap, though.
Why did Gumi delay Orlandeau?
Why is Gumi delaying WoL6?
Why is Gumi delaying Hero's Rime+2?
Why is Gumi delaying Tilith6? (this isn't being said yet, but it will, book it)
Answer to all four of these questions is exactly the same, IMO.
Probably. Cecil's enhancements are questionable, though. Frankly, until story events come out, I don't see any reason to care about enhancements at all.
Just roaming around, the best I saw was a XIV Cactuar claw machine in a Taiko arcade but not an entire store (or even half of one) dedicated to FF.
You probably want to try Artnia?
You could visit the Eorzea (ff xiv) Cafe
Also roaming around is the best way to find stuff. Are you in tokyo or osaka sapporo etc? In hiroshima i found a neat little ff gachapon. Got a chocobo from it.
You can go to Artnia in Shinjuku. Lots of Square Enix merchandise there.
Additional Links 1, 2, 3
Its also a cafe; in case you want a cappuccino with a mog in it or some Shira pancakes.
Egg banner had Heavicrysts (T3s), not Giancrysts (T4s).
I understand, the easiest way is to count the spikes on those crysts, 1 spike = T1, 2 spikes = T2, etc...I see what's happening here, in the inventory Purecrysts have a 6* label on them, Giancrysts have a 5* and Heavycrists have a 4*.
I thought these were these numbers were the ''Ts''. SO I'm actually in a bad shape for enhancements lol.
Neat, watching it tonight.
Afaik XI Dragoons had pet dragons.
^Eorzea cafe requires a pre-bought ticket iirc and it's also probable not super exciting if you don't play XIV!
Also, Dark Fina enhancements are a mess. Why the hell would I use Dystopia if I could doublecast Ultima every turn? Why the hell would I use Ultima if I can equip Ring of Lucii and use Alterna (ok, this is more restrictive being a TM to a rare unit and being very costly).
Where do I go in Olderion? I've done the lake but it keeps asking me to go back to the town. I've not found any other path out of the town though.
If I remember right, there is a cutscene at a specfic location that you need to view to trigger the next area to show up.
I **think**, starting at the entrance to town, take a right at the first intersection with the shops and exit the map to another part of town. In the new map, go up/north at the first intersection and follow the loop to the top of the map. There should be an NPC at the northmost building that triggers the needed cutscene,
I'll bear this in mind. Turns out I needed a boat to the west of town but it sounds like I'll be coming back again.
I'll bear this in mind. Turns out I needed a boat to the west of town but it sounds like I'll be coming back again.
They are either saving a fuckton of stuff to make the anniversary fun (not likely), or they would just prefer everyone quit already.
And if somehow it is the first... if they have to 'save' stuff to make the anniversary thing fun, then they've already failed hard.
Also.... I'm really not expecting crap for the anniversary. GL gets no love. They would rather shit all over us, drop one thing and be praised as gods because we were so bored. Get your shit together Gumi. Give us a bone. So damn boring.
XI Dragoons were the shit. Best Dragoon.
One of the few success stories in MMO of a basic class redesign. Dragoons sucked ass when everyone was leveling on crabs and their 2 hour was calling the wyvern (which died to literally any AoE). When they gave the pets damage reduction, and changed it to 15 minutes cooldown, along with the other buffs, it became one of my all time favorite pet classes, and my 3rd favorite class in XI.
I wish other FF spinoffs gave Dragoons the pet mechanic instead of focusing on boring old jumps all the time.
Finished watching and you make it look like it's easy hehehe.
Going over the news.
You know, I get they want to drag it out. But it's getting boring when they keep holding back so much. I'm okay with stuff like WoL and Ramza being held back. And I appreciate them putting XIV and VI up, but come on. Release the fucking units people want. Month is looking deserted already. No new banner, new GL exclusive units, and we'll be having Zero 3 for the next Mog King. Give us something to get hyped for. I want a confirmation on like FFX or something. A 5* unit isn't going to break the game, give me something to be hype for.
On the positive side, I said it last month, but the game sorely needed a trial created for GL and looks like we're getting one.
I wonder if there is going to be a new event that hasn't been announced yet, as the raid will consume orbs and not energy.
Surely, Gumi wouldn't give everyone yet another consecutive week to freely macro?
Finished watching and you make it look like it's easy hehehe.
Let's hope the FF XIII cast will get their 6* upgrade soon enough in the Japanese version.