I saw it on an auto ad at the top of the neogaf page and found it to be hilarious.
I've seen some seriously eye-raising ads myself over the last day or two in terms of targeted advertising. Big Data is a very real thing :/
I saw it on an auto ad at the top of the neogaf page and found it to be hilarious.
You Really Think Someone Would Do That? Just Go On the Internet and Tell Lies?
I've seen some seriously eye-raising ads myself over the last day or two in terms of targeted advertising. Big Data is a very real thing :/
So great"Please understand."
I'm suspicious that the dragon killer effects on the weapons are a workaround for the limitations of killers when jumping at the moment. Looking forward to seeing the datamine of her full skillset.
Clearly photoshopped. Giancrysts don't exist on global, period.
I laughed more than I should have at this.
I still need to do Shadow ELT. I might just avoid the hassle and go 6-man it because 15% MP materia is absolutely irrelevant to me.
So great
Not sure what others do, but the next banner for me is "Use all my resources for that 4* Zyrus and try to get atleast one".
Wonder what it'll be like if Net Neutrality ever gets the axe.
Quietly hoping that Zyrus will be a rough 4* equivalent to Exdeath as a well-rounded(ish) mage. Currently, those unspeakable wannabe 4* mages are very narrow in casting scope. Hence why Exdeath is still everywhere. If his datamine is solid, I'm tossing my tickets at him instead of saving for the next Mog King event.
Hopefully everyone remembers that if one pulls unit from Friday Dragoon banner, there is a chance that Raid event drops those Reberta & Zyrus TM Moogles.
Would be good enough reason for me to do dailies hoping for Zyrus if I can grab the TM as an added bonus from the raid gacha.
After doing almost no pulls since Orlandu I've got an itchy summon finger. Rebar being awesome would be good and all, but Zyrus being great would be the thing to make me summon.
Thinking about it more, I would think they'd almost have to give moogles as part of the raid summon, otherwise most people would have no hope of using the TM's obviously intended for the raid.
Next set of enhancements have been announced.
New Skill - White Light's Protection - Confuse/Para/Silence Immunity
+1: DEF/SPR Up every Turn (Auto-Protect/Auto-Shell)
+2: Auto-Refresh
Btw I skipped Eileen banner (no dailies done), but I will burn my Lapis when Friday new banner hits. Not sure what others do, but the next banner for me is "Use all my resources for that 4* Zyrus and try to get atleast one".
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
I'm going to daily and then use tickets on the last day of the banner if I don't have him. As you say, at the very least the TM is worth it. I won't pursue heavily though as I don't believe these are time limited(?)
That's a big win, congrats!Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Congrats on that one!Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Only downside to get them later might be that if event drops Moogles, its kinda shitty to store those Moogles. I have 20 Xon and 20 Fry Moogles in inventory. If I don't get Xon now I will sell his Moogles.
Get ready for a new pack of 30 Gigantuars as a raid reward and the "oh oops you need 30 free slots to claim it!"
Gumi's secret tactic to force us to use lapis.
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
The Revengeance begins.
Trance Terra sounds like she's getting a new skill when she uses her power up skill called "Inheritance - Maduin's Power" that is available for 5 turns. That's on top of significant MAG/MND buffs and getting White magic DC with the enhancements.
You mean "make legal what corporations were already doing being everyone's backs anyways"?
It's like penalties in sports. The foul is only illegal if you get caught in the act. And in America, there is always (and very frequently taken) the option of settling outside of court without admitting legal wrongdoing. A common high-corporate tactic is to set aside contingency settlement fees when starting intentionally illicit activities via the calculation:
Profit = (Net Income from Illicit Activities - Expected Court Settlement Costs)
The whole net neutrality thing is pretty much a dog and pony show to the public.
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
It's less "If" and more "How much?"
Expect to see the scummy tactics pumped up to 11 once the regulations get removed.
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Nah. All removing regulations do is simply enable corporations to come out publicly without fear of legal repercussions and accompanying court settlement costs.
Lack of court settlement costs because activities are now legal as a result of removing regulations generates additional profits, which is all that ultimately matters in the corporate world. Which is one of the core tenets on why lobbyists exist (Legal costs saved from removed regulations - lobbying costs to remove regulations = profit).
Yeah, the "optics" (that is what people are calling it these days? - I personally like the branding of the phrase) to the average citizen will appear like corporations are committing more dubious, shady, and scummy actions than ever before. When in reality, it's just another day that ends in "Y" for those corporations.
Today's MBA lesson is brought to everyone courtesy of my dark days in business school.
I saw a claw machine with small XIV figures in Club Sega.There's a TAITO Station in Akihabara. Can't miss it. I don't remember seeing it have the claw machine with XIV stuff though but maybe they'll have moved one in by now.
So in your opinion, how much of a chance of something like this happening?
Exactly as pictured? Literally zero chance. That's an **seriously old** picture that is well outdated, but still shows up for scare tactic purposes (fear is a powerful motivator).
This isn't the 1980s, and the Cable TV pricing model is practically obsolete and has been replaced with newer equivalents that are already implemented.
However, in some form, most of this is already implemented.
-- Base service: That will never change; it's an service access fee to the local Internet provider.
-- Pathfinder: Search engines get revenue from ad/link referrals and have for a long time instead of an access fee.
-- Internationals: Don't see this happening for dissemination of information/narrative to the public purposes.
-- News Sites: Many already charge subscription fees for access already. No need to charge again.
-- Internet TV: Most are subscription-based already.
-- Social: Same premise as search engines -- ad/link referral revenues
So, most of this in one form or another is already implemented and accepted by consumers. The rest is hidden away in forms that the average consumer will never realize (such as link referral fees in search engine results).
But that image, in all its obsolescence, will likely never change despite what is really happening on that front.
Daily Rainbow
Daily Orlandu
The Revengeance begins.Can't fight these Tears bitch. First big pull(I can use) since Noctis. Makes up for flopping on his banner.
I'm happy ^_^
Get ready for a new pack of 30 Gigantuars as a raid reward and the "oh oops you need 30 free slots to claim it!"
Gumi's secret tactic to force us to use lapis.
Wow!! Congratulationssuch a incredibly lucky and very useful pull.
I got Snow today which isn't too bad, quite a decent TM.
You did it!
I continue to take up residence in Town Daily Rainbow Never.
Wow grats
Only downside to get them later might be that if event drops Moogles, its kinda shitty to store those Moogles. I have 20 Xon and 20 Fry Moogles in inventory. If I don't get Xon now I will sell his Moogles.
That's a big win, congrats!
Congrats on that one!
Congrats!! That's a major win.
Congrats shintoki!
Gratz!! that is super lucky.
Still waiting for my next 5* ....
accidentally press claimed all. T_T
Shintokis time to shine finally has come!
Congratz my friend!
Simply amazing. Welcome to the brotherhood lol. Grats!
Congratulations! Just in time for Bahamut, too.
Very curious to see what the final numbers are on the Magi Awakening -> Chaos Wave -> Awakened Chaos Wave combo. Shame it's 8 months away for GL, but good to know there's potential double Trance Terra chain antics in my future. Time to start building another cadre of Inguses...
Congrats the deliciously sweet daily!
One day this will be me. Grats.
Damn, congrats! Daily Rainbows are the best.
Whaaaaa.... Congrats!!
They already are the devil. Please don't continue to give them awful ideas.... x_x
Also, is that image in regards to net neutrality stuff or are we talking about cable version of internet?
Finally beat that damn Icebird trial. It's a luck-based one so you gotta eat up some EN and hope your preparations are good enough. My Eiko almost has 700 SPR now thanks to the crown and new mastery
Also, is that image in regards to net neutrality stuff or are we talking about cable version of internet?
Was the first one I found with a google search, and I know it's old, but the point was to ask about the segregation of the costs. Find what you say to be pretty interesting, so I'll have to research more on my own in the future.
Net neutrality, with the original (and now quite old) scare tactic in the picture being to frame the end of net neutrality as the internet being transformed into cable TV subscription packages.
Ah well. I've been farming the enhancement materials every day to burn stamina while I'm at work, and still haven't seen a single giantcryst. How rare are these things exactly?
I got caught up in Shin's lucky daily, so i tried my hand at it and got what I deserve. Lenna.
Ah well. I've been farming the enhancement materials every day to burn stamina while I'm at work, and still haven't seen a single giantcryst. How rare are these things exactly?