I need to get back to posting more, work has been balls to the walls this month and so many social events from weddings to my youngest sister graduating HS. Anyway, can't believe I didn't have Hippo and Shintoki after all this time but glad to have you guys on my list now
Valentus, you rock as always. My team had no trouble with any content until Gilgamesh and I just haven't been able to beat a trial since though I haven't tried the latest plant lady yet. I missed the moogle but more importantly got the other rewards and it was a nice surprise that Genji Blade is even better than Sakurafabuki. Guess that's one less Miyuki I'll have to bother learning a TM with

Noctis is so close to 900 ATK now but just can't get over the hump without a proper body armor. If only I had a Ramza... Anyway, appreciate your amaz-evade Lightning. It was pretty entertaining and crazy to see her endure anything Gilgamesh threw at her.
Now I need to figure out how to beat those heavy hitting dark espers. I know I should swap out Ex Death for Minfilia which would have me with a team of Noctis-WoL-CoD-Refia-Minfilia. What friend unit would be best to bring? I know if I didn't have Minfilia it'd be Marie or maybe it would still be her and the two together would make me extremely resilient to their attacks? My problem is Minfilia only being able to protect against one element at a time, if only DC worked on her buffs. Maybe if I could create Watera for Refia and had Minfilia focus on darkness that would make the difference but I'm guessing a friend Marie is key to an easier victory. Do you guys kill Ifrit first?
As for Anniversary, I don't know what I'd want at this point (unless they'd give us free rainbow pulls ;p) as we don't know if the FFX banner will hit before then. I have enough resources to feel as confidant as I can as a f2p player to get Tidus (and for sure will get Rikku) but should it not workout, the Anniversary could be a second chance at Tidus. Maybe they release Cloud for it....j/k haha
Namely I'm desperate for WoL's 6* upgrade. Not just because I've used him since he came out, even over Cecil so I'd like my loyalty rewarded ;P but especially because I'm having major inventory problems due to all the pots and metal gigantuars I have hogging up space and I have plenty more sitting in my mailbox that I'm trying to avoid expiration on. When he gets his upgrade I'll be able to burn those gigantuars and shield and whatever the spirit pots are which will be a god send for my inventory. Not to mention I'm sitting on a bunch of RAID coins for when I clear up inventory. I obviously have a deadline on when I can use those coins so gumi pls , as soon as Wilhelm leaves the banner, give us WoL's 6*. There will be no reason to hold it back at that point. It's not like he's godly until he gets his enhancements anyway. Also, I'd like to say it sucks how much inventory space these enhancements crystals waste...a handful per type, ouch!
As a closing note, I'd like to say I'm one of the few that stayed strong and kept his promise of saving resources for FFX banner ;p Haven't used lapis on a pull since the first Noctis banner though I used 40 tickets to get two shines on her banner. I've went from dead lapis and ticket broke after the Noctis banner to roughly 50k lapis and I haven't done the latest story content or the Crystal Tower missions yet

I'm back up to 105 tickets plus the guaranteed 4* or higher ticket so by the time FFX hits, I'll be in a position to have some fun spinning the wheel. Who knows, maybe I'll get Ramza, Orlandeu, and or Eileen on the way?
Your Lightning is Nomidor correct?
Something broke and I don't know what it was
40 stam down the drain, waiting for companions to refresh
You used the Nomidor Lightning? What went wrong exactly? She was impervious when I ran the trial. Maybe keep paying attention to it just in case? Perhaps when your device went to sleep it did something goofy when you came back up but I think mine went to sleep a time or two during the encounter so that's weird.