I have 2 Snows , 4 Jeans , 2 kefkas. Dont know what to do with them.
In that acount i have cecil, exdeath, CoD, Reberta, Bartz and Setzer. Should i sell or Enhance then?
Ofcourse i will keep one of them.
- Keep Snows, fuse Kefka to Kefka, fuse 3 Jeans to 1 Jean.
-> Keep 1 Kefka, keep 1 Jean
- Max level Cecil and evolve when you can, Cecil will be your tank.
- Max level Reberta and evolve when you can (have the mats)
- Max level Setzer and evolve when you can (have the mats)
- Max level Exdeath and evolve when you can (have the mats)
You need healer, Friday starts Raid event.
Get Y'shtola from raid event she will be your main healer. Unless you pull Rem.
So in the future your party could be:
- Reberta (dps + chaining)
- Setzer (dps + chaining)
- Cecil (tank + 2ndary healer)
- Exdeath (mage dps) - or another dps unit that can go to 6*
- Y'shtola (healer)