I was curious so I checked and...
I got 155% trust worth of Moogles, they'll probably go for Rikku since her TM is amazing, but I might do a bit of ES with her before since I won't need it day one.
I'll make sure to keep 100% for my future Onion Knight
How in the universe do you hang onto them? I've always got someone that I could immediately dump my moogles onto. If it wasn't for some ill-placed hope that some kind of rainbow special was coming with the anniversary, I would have dumped all of mine for May on someone already. (probably poor lonely Chiz, who I **still** don't have her Blade Mastery after almost a year... such failness :/ )
I've got 185% stocked up. I think I have a problem.
I have 114%. Also got 2 Noctis but Iam not in a hurry to get Ring of Luciis. By using Roctis they are now ~20% & 16%, raid events are great for upping their TM's .
Basically my problem is, that I havent got unit that is worth of Trust Moogles. Same thing with King Cactuars, 53 in inventory...
TM farming is on hiatus too, thanks to new event's and my phone being semibroken (should get new phone in 2 weeks time, will be Xperia XA1). I may use old phone as TM farming with Frep and when in wlan network