Tuffy, I can't for the life of me remember if I mentioned I did the Esper trial with your Ling but if not, thank you so much! It took literally all night lol this was because I did it on Nox and every time I checked on it the game had crashed. Maybe because the non stop action from having it on auto was too much. I did the two evoke in this run so once I evoked Ifrit and Siren I was able to just auto the rest of the battle. I want that sword ability reward but don't know if I want to babysit it that long to get it haha Thanks again!
So the Type-0 event is already gone, right? If so, I can finally do the latest story and the FFBE story event. I'm not sure how much blue phantoma I got but definitely enough for the moogle and tickets which is namely what I care about. I should have enough for the SQ easily and some 6* mats as well. I made sure to burn all the Bahamut coins last night and had to use a number of metal gigantuars to free up the space to keep the burst pots and king cactuars or whatever they are called. For the love of god, give us WoL 6* already so I can burn these pots and gigantuars!
I wonder if I'll be able to beat Titan on ELT or if I'll farm pro like I did for Ifrit. Bummer that there's no new banner, the sooner they flush Wilhelm out the better (WoL).
As for FFXIV, I'm strongly leaning on checking it out when Stormblood hits. I've heard in multiple places that it has one of the best stories in the whole FF series and so I'm thinking I could at least play through the story and see if I enjoy the game enough to keep playing beyond that. Those of you that have played, is it a pretty darn good story?