I really want Ramza...
I'll buy lapis for it you fucking game....
First paid pull of of day....
Wow. That's your second double 5* 10+1 pull if I remember correctly!
Your luck is back! Gratz!
I really want Ramza...
I'll buy lapis for it you fucking game....
First paid pull of of day....
I really want Ramza...
I'll buy lapis for it you fucking game....
First paid pull of of day....
Japanese players apparently give less a fuck about TM farming, so they were caught off guard by this trial when it was released there, I guess.That trial felt like utter chaos. Every turn felt like damage control save for a couple. At one point I only had Cecil and Refia still alive. Thought I got the LB kill, but apparently not.
Really awesome trial. I'll give a it a go again to finish the rewards after completing a couple more TMs.
Does it say something about the state of Global when this trial is billed to be the ultimate test and a lot of people cleared it relatively easily. There's a even a OTK video out there.
So what's next?
I just can't survive through the HP thresholds. Inevitably my Bartz/Sealer will die then I have to spend the next round rezzing and it is all over
Do I need a magic baker or something?
Yeah shared Noctis with Excalibur+Chirijiraden.
Good luck with your rematch with Greg.
I just can't survive through the HP thresholds. Inevitably my Bartz/Sealer will die then I have to spend the next round rezzing and it is all over
Do I need a magic baker or something?
I just can't survive through the HP thresholds. Inevitably my Bartz/Sealer will die then I have to spend the next round rezzing and it is all over
Do I need a magic baker or something?
Can you post your team and equipment set up?
Who are you using besides Butz?
Well, unfortunately I couldn't recover after the third threshold kill with Vals tank Noctis and the unit wasn't available after. So I had to change things up, guess who came back up again? Your Noctis!.
This was good because I removed Lightning who was using Chiri, and your Noctis had Excalibur and a Tridant (thanks). As you had water covered, I removed the Tridant from my Noctis and replaced it with the Chriri to cover the missing fire.
So I went in as follows:
Noctis: Light / Fire weapons and used Stonra Blade.
Refia: Cures, Full Revives on threshold kills, Dispell, Debuffs (I had Thunder on her but never used it as I used your Noctis for Thunder Flask later).
Cecil: Wind weapon, Provoke, odd Curaga spell here and there.
Ling: Wind weapon, MP up for party.
Noctis (bonkeng): Light / Water weapons and used Thunder Flask.
I am greedily trying to do the 5 man right out of the chute because that 30% is a game changer for me, but anyhoot:
Refia (Ramuh)
4.6k HP - DC
Cecil (Golem)
8k HP - Survival Edge for Wind
Bartz (Diablo)
4.5 HP - Trident and Excal DW. Wind Slashing
423 attack
Olive (Odin)
4.6 HP - Nothing elemental, just my dmg source
913 attack
Friend Noctis to cover Fire
I think I need Refia and Bartz to have more HP but then I just don't know what else. I guess scrap Olive for Firion + Man Eater? I can give him Kaiser Knucks + Saka + DW + BM I guess. Should I prioritize Fire coverage over Holy and switch Bartz Excal for the Chij
Prioritize HP equipment and materia over attack. This trial is all about survival. Your unit's high attack won't matter if they're dead.
Olive is not ideal, replace her with Ling or any other support unit.
Equip Bartz with Golem Staff and Trident, with Gale Barrage. Noctis friend with Excalibur and Chiji with Thunder Flask should cover all element seal.
Your Cecil and Refia are fine.
Do you have Ling? She'll make your life much easier.
Can you all Who helped me yesterday keep your refias with dc as leaders? I need refias to keep progresing un my ultimate f2p run (but with dualcast is not so f2p... But whatever)
So please refias leaders!!!
Thank you all!
Knowing that, what do you think about Firion opposed to Olive? Or even a Rain so I can break + cover a handful of elements?
Knowing that, what do you think about Firion opposed to Olive? Or even a Rain so I can break + cover a handful of elements?
Knowing that, what do you think about Firion opposed to Olive? Or even a Rain so I can break + cover a handful of elements?
So Orlandu's Holy Explosion enhancements math out to about 780% or so, I think. That's after Ignore Target Defense and the Elemental resistance. So he's basically a little weaker than Eileen in attack modifier. He's also technically weaker than Tidus in regards to modifier as well, after you calculate elemental weapon/elemental debuff but Tidus' Quick Trick is hard to chain comparatively, so it might even out a little bit.
Finally lost to the 4 Noctii + Ling dude in the arena. Feels bad, man.
Just got Lucina in Fire Emblem, my luck today is through the roof. Holy shit.
The goal is not damage, but to survive and last.
Good thing about Snow was though, I needed to do nothing with him. Aquastrike was 9MP. He never ran out of juice.
Can you all Who helped me yesterday keep your refias with dc as leaders? I need refias to keep progresing un my ultimate f2p run (but with dualcast is not so f2p... But whatever)
So please refias leaders!!!
Thank you all!
Grats to all the GAF Gilgamesh slayers!
I'll get around to it one of these days, lol. 40 EN too much for me to spend on a non-guaranteed run when I can get guaranteed returns (albeit lesser in quality) elsewhere.
Grats on the new GAF Ramzas out there as well! Brave suits ahoy!
Meanwhile, in the last ice age, I'm still farming phantoma, lol.
Shock to no one, I'm banking that the spawn rates for the golden bomb and Nimbus were "corrected" in the down time. 3 bombs and 3 Nimbii yesterday, using natural energy only.
Including this gem, from my last run of the night:
If yesterday wasn't one hell of a statistical anomaly, maybe I will get around to attempting Greg this week.
So now that we have this horrible banner, i must say that bushido-freedom makes ramza and dkc pretty competent damage dealers. But, if you indeed have bushido-freedom means you probably have better units to use XD
I am greedily trying to do the 5 man right out of the chute because that 30% is a game changer for me, but anyhoot:
Refia (Ramuh)
4.6k HP - DC
Cecil (Golem)
8k HP - Survival Edge for Wind
Bartz (Diablo)
4.5 HP - Trident and Excal DW. Wind Slashing
423 attack
Olive (Odin)
4.6 HP - Nothing elemental, just my dmg source
913 attack
Friend Noctis to cover Fire
I think I need Refia and Bartz to have more HP but then I just don't know what else. I guess scrap Olive for Firion + Man Eater? I can give him Kaiser Knucks + Saka + DW + BM I guess. Should I prioritize Fire coverage over Holy and switch Bartz Excal for the Chij
Got another Shine today, so unsure if I should get 2 30% or 3 30%. Thinking 2 to save time, since I already have the 30% from Giglamesh, 30% from Maxwell. I think I'd rather free up two spots earlier to start the next TM. So the next set of TMs is going to be 2x Leon, 3x Shine for 3 TMs. I feel like we'll be getting more and more 30% ATKs as we come anyways. Not to mention most characters can only use one or two additional ones. Need one spot for DW, One for BM, etc.
I'd also like to start picking up more on the Defensive/support TMs.
I think I was able to get 4 Shines, 5 would have been over kill. Both Noct and Ling will get 2 each. The only defensive TM's I've completed are Ribbon (I've pulled so many kefkas that I was able to go from 0-100% lol!), HP 30%, 1 Hill Digger ( i have another I can make), 1 Arsha's Talisman ( I have 5 more I can make). I need to complete 2 of Seven's TMs, 2 Sazh, another dual cast (not really defensive but I need it), 2 Garnets for melody of life and many more. The back log is insane.
Got another Shine today, so unsure if I should get 2 30% or 3 30%. Thinking 2 to save time, since I already have the 30% from Giglamesh, 30% from Maxwell. I think I'd rather free up two spots earlier to start the next TM. So the next set of TMs is going to be 2x Leon, 3x Shine for 3 TMs. I feel like we'll be getting more and more 30% ATKs as we come anyways. Not to mention most characters can only use one or two additional ones. Need one spot for DW, One for BM, etc.
I'd also like to start picking up more on the Defensive/support TMs.
I battled your arena team a few minutes ago. Your Ling's evade is admirable, but not full 100%. What did you put on her?
Bro she doesn't even have a chest piece on right now, wtf lol. She's got Evade from Cyan, Ring of Lucii, speed plus and Bushido for testing purposes, hp 30%, cat hat from BCL, Muscle Belt, and her chest should be brave suit or black belt gi.
Yes, but all my rolls with her were bad, so I settled with Robin + Camilla. I'm really happy today.Wasn't she who you were trying to get when you were rerolling on day 1?
Thank you for the advice, everyone, I will try again when I have the NRG
I must not understand how Emperor works
Soooooo I discovered a glitch with olive but ssshhhhh don't tell gumi!!!!
I accidently attacked with a unit I didn't mean to , so I closed out the game to hopefully take back my action. When I reopened it, to my surprise Olive launched her 3rd round mortar again. And it indeed landed 3 turns later. So basically you can keep launching this thing by closing out the app and reopening it. Wheeeeeee!!!!!
Thank you for the advice, everyone, I will try again when I have the NRG
I must not understand how Emperor works
I did get 2 Nimbi yesterday in 3 runs, but I figured it was just me. It's nice to get almost a full day's worth of currency in a few runs <3Shock to no one, I'm banking that the spawn rates for the golden bomb and Nimbus were "corrected" in the down time. 3 bombs and 3 Nimbii yesterday, using natural energy only.