Ugh, double 5* is disappointment as I already have Elza and the rest.
I personally would have thought they were gonna do Elza one week and Vargas the next, but maybe they have something else planned.
Mobius banner hype!!!
Ugh, double 5* is disappointment as I already have Elza and the rest.
I personally would have thought they were gonna do Elza one week and Vargas the next, but maybe they have something else planned.
Mobius banner hype!!!
Not looking forward to the enhancement material requirement numbers though to actually gain these enhancements. Expecting required quantities of crysts that are going to make Mercedes blush, to be honest.
Mobius banner hype!!!
Redux with WoL. "Crush Maxwell yet again!"
We might get some hints about what's coming up very soon anyway.
Would be nice if Maxwell had a new difficulty with an exclusive materia for her as a reward.
For once I will not be pulling on a banner, nor doing dailies as I have all units except Vargas who I care not for. Feels good to save some lapis!
Fucking hell. I hate Karl and Seria so much. Why did I have to pull those two the last time? :/
I'll drop like 20 tickets but I'm not expecting much.
To be fair, Karl's TM was a top tier TM for quite a while in those days, before the advent of 30% ATK materia.
So, what are peoples hopes and/or expectations for Nintendo today?
The only thing I would like to see is another flagship title on switch. Don't think it will happen as we've got Mario on the way, but it would get me hyped.
Yeah that's true, didn't think of that. Plus all 3 of her enhancements are good and worth doing. Going to be costly, but amazing when she's fully upgraded.
Why did they have to put her on the same banner as Vargas damn it lol. I didn't have the resources to go for her back in the day.
So, what are peoples hopes and/or expectations for Nintendo today?
The only thing I would like to see is another flagship title on switch. Don't think it will happen as we've got Mario on the way, but it would get me hyped.
I'm oddly glad the raid is gone. That one actually got pretty annoying by the end and I didn't bother doing it yesterday. It was taking too much time to burn up all my forms of NRG.
I'm oddly glad the raid is gone. That one actually got pretty annoying by the end and I didn't bother doing it yesterday. It was taking too much time to burn up all my forms of NRG.
OMG! I was wrong! Metroid Prime 4 for Switch yayyyayyayayyayaya.
Xenoblade looks great!
And that Metroid Prime 4 tease. :O
I can't emphasis how nuts I went just from a damn logo lol. I had genuinely given up on ever seeing Metroid again.
Also did anyone else find the voice acting of the main character in Xenoblade to be just horrible? Otherwise the game looks nice, and most of the voice actors seemed pretty good.
I can't emphasis how nuts I went just from a damn logo lol. I had genuinely given up on ever seeing Metroid again.
Also did anyone else find the voice acting of the main character in Xenoblade to be just horrible? Otherwise the game looks nice, and most of the voice actors seemed pretty good.
Nintendo won, mainline Pokémon game on Switch confirmed, who gives a fuck about anything else. Close E3, show is over.
That Metroid 4 announcement was the worst teaser I've ever seen, not even Square Enix could top that. They literaly have nothing of the game to show and just dropped the name for some hype.
Edit: I'm aware of the irony, but POKÉMON!!!
Nintendo won, mainline Pokémon game on Switch confirmed, who gives a fuck about anything else. Close E3, show is over.
That Metroid 4 announcement was the worst teaser I've ever seen, not even Square Enix could top that. They literaly have nothing of the game to show and just dropped the name for some hype.
Edit: I'm aware of the irony, but POKÉMON!!!
So far I'm pretty damn pleased with the release info of Nintendo, 2 out of 3 that I wanted so far, and a surprise Metroid~
Not sure what I think of Mario Odyssey Kirby Botw hybrid >.>;
I was kind of surprised they got British person to voice him again.
It's fucking Metroid!!!!! A teaser is fine I just wanted to know it exists and it does.
I went to Amazon and (I don't recall it being up yet) did the XC2 preorder already~.
I recall hearing they used British voicing again because it was considered an iconic of the first game, so it came back~ Watching the treehouse hoping for some more info... the Mario Odyssey gameplay hasn't really won me over~
Why the fuck didn't they announce this during the conference? This is really good news, 2D metroid is the only metroid I care and love.
What a snooze fest this E3 is! Save us, FFBE conference, save us!
Uhh what, it doesn't leave until Friday~
Raid's still there until Thursday I think. It's one of the best "free" sources of king cactuars we've ever had, so if you have the unit space, might a good idea to stockpile some for instant unit leveling.
Totally get the burnout feeling though. I'm not looking forward to another Mog King event.
Huh I must have glanced over it. It is a great source of Cactuars yeah but I've got like 200,000 points to cash in on the summons and still not got the awakening mats I need to use them. In that sense I'm eager for the mog event instead.
Is it bad that something I got the most excited for was the announcement from Japan of a .hack GU remake? I want it.
With the raid coins, does the ability to summon disappear after Thursday? There's nothing in any of the notes saying how long the summon option will be open for.
Usually it's 1 full week after. So evolve that Tilith and whoever on Friday and exp max em instantly etc~
It's no longer being shown on the homescreen is probably the thing. I noticed it now shows the story instead. Maybe that's where the confusion set in? I'm overall happy with what I snagged from this event, wish the cactuar rates were a little lower though, I feel genuinely bad I don't have enough units for all of them... ah well~ I do however wish we'd get more enhancements... Watching my money go up and up without anything to use for it is weird...
Only reason I am doing this raid until the end is for more Yda. She has a nice TM.
I noticed first week they gave me a lot of her. Second week it's fucking Minfilia, Pap, and Cactaur out the rear.
Only reason I am doing this raid until the end is for more Yda. She has a nice TM.
I noticed first week they gave me a lot of her. Second week it's fucking Minfilia, Pap, and Cactaur out the rear.
I don't even know why I'm stilling running it at this point. I have 440k raid coins. I think I'm just doing it cause it's there. Not looking forward to doing all these summons.