My team was Y'shtola, Fryevia, WOL, Cecil, Snow, and friend Orlandu, aka triple tank formation 😅.
I did it with the complete opposite team
Dark Fina
No tank all waifu.
My team was Y'shtola, Fryevia, WOL, Cecil, Snow, and friend Orlandu, aka triple tank formation 😅.
I feel like an idiot.
I spent like 800 energy doing The Gathering trying to get the "Defeat arachne with an esper" mission to get that 10% Trust Moogle. There are two enemies in that fight, one of them you gotta beat with a limit burst and is bigger and stronger. I beat the big dude like 8 times with an esper, and I didn't get the mission reward,I though my timing was off or something.
I kept thinking "arachne" was the stronger unit that wasn't the spider. Me smart.
I never had a problem with it. They're all just in the gacha now though. I'm still f2p and have gotten a supreme card as well as Cloud and Mythic Knight legend jobs.Mobius was a great great game...until they started to put premium jobs behind a paywall.
So, for one of the rare people on here that has Fohlen, maybe you can answer this for me. I'm a bit confused, but once in a blue moon it seems he does something to the enemy? Not a debuff that I can tell? Looks like a little wisp thing that goes around them and goes above and disappears? Not sure how best to explain it. What is that? I don't recall seeing anything in terms of passives or anything that would cause that?
Speedster? Probably the -75% Wind Imperil on counter that's part of Speedster passive.
FF12 event in July
FF12 event in July
So they didn't announce anything worth a shit? Or is it still going on. Didn't tune in because I felt like the winner at E3 has already gone and nothing can top it.Nintendo
This was just to announce the collabs, I think. They have another FFBE event happening tomorrow, no?
This was just to announce the collabs, I think. They have another FFBE event happening tomorrow, no?
This was just to announce the collabs, I think. They have another FFBE event happening tomorrow, no?
Ubisoft and Sony had better conferences than Nintendo. Yeah, I said it.
Yeah seems like there is one tomorrow:
There's 2 events tomorrow! lol
Ubisoft had interesting things, I'll give you that. But so very little for Switch it didn't mean much. And I am not into the Mario + Rabbids thing. That can go burn in a fire.
Sony? I dunno. I guess if you're into God of War and all that, it was great. But their big games aren't things I'm into. But they also didn't have any surprises that I saw so it was meh. Plus they spent far too long on some of those games. Ugh. Was rather boring.
I guess Zargabaath is a physical attacker that boost stats and resistance against status ailments. I guess that makes sense in that in FF12 all he did was stand around and buff that other judges in that insanely hard trial stage.
Given he's a base-5* his real utility will depend on how much the buffs are especially as Ramza should get his enhancements soon.
There's a Shadow of Colossus remake. Uncharted. Days Gone. Freaking Monster Hunter on a console/PC finally. It had a lot.
Nintendo had an off hand message about pokemon on the switch and a title screen for metriod prime. That was about it. Yoshi looks cute but if it's anything like the previous game you'll be able to blow through it in about 5 hours tops.
As a person who plays all consoles, Nintendo really didn't have much gameplay to show for much. Mario looks alright but not worth buying the console for by itself. I'll wait until they fix the desync issues and such. That switch fanboys want Nintendo to abandon the 3DS is annoying as well to be honest.
That sucked
Wow, talk about writing Nintendo off, they showed several games during the announcement and went into MUCH greater detail in the treehouse, which I'm guessing you didn't watch. Roughly 30 minutes of gameplay on whatever they played, XC2 and FE:W included.
Anyway you look at it, I appreciate how this year it was about the games... very little show on stage and in between talk it was bam bam bam bam bam bam and done...
Maybe Balthier is on same banner where Vaan (finally) gets 6*.