I want Tidus because I hard pass Orlandu and to embrace the chain meta, hope I'll be lucky on this one.
June 29 is the data of destiny.
30k and 100+ tickets saved up for Tidus. My credit card is ready if that doesn't work.
My credit card is ready if that doesn't work.
900 Ancient Coin
These odd-looking coins are sometimes discovered from historical sites.
Expedition Guild Masters often offer new contracts to adventurers in exchange for them before auctioning it to other antiquarians for profit.
901 Advance Token
A mystical token thought to bend the passage of time, allowing a party to travel to their destination faster.
Some dispel the myth and theorize that the token helps to energize the party, thus allowing them to travel faster instead.
904 Expansion Voucher
Can be used to expand any slot (units, friends, etc.) by five slots one time.
Knowing your luck you'll get Orlandu instead of Tidus.
Azuran, holy shit, LOL.
During one of the late May maintenances these items were datamined so I think there's still hope we get free slot increase unless I missed some news since then that invalidates them. Though it'd be kind of weird if GL got a missable slot expansion while JP got it as a base upgrade like the NRG increase.
Look at the flavor text. Those signal rather strongly that those are from the new Expedition system.
Those items sounds like expedition rewards stuff.During one of the late May maintenances these items were datamined so I think there's still hope we get free slot increase unless I missed some news since then that invalidates them. Though it'd be kind of weird if GL got a missable slot expansion while JP got it as a base upgrade like the NRG increase.
Those items sounds like expedition rewards stuff.
Fast travel = complete expedition instantly.
Edit : of course once again I'm LTTP.
Knowing your luck you'll get Orlandu instead of Tidus.
Azuran, holy shit, LOL.
*high five* Good luck, man!
Azuran is not fucking around lol.
Oh man, NomarTyme can finally join the rainbow club?! Are there even any other long-timers that haven't joined yet?
June 29 is the data of destiny.
30k and 100+ tickets saved up for Tidus. My credit card is ready if that doesn't work.
55k, 2 4* tickets, and 168 tickets for Tidus. Match me!
Yeah unless something happens to my account by then.Oh man, NomarTyme can finally join the rainbow club?! Are there even any other long-timers that haven't joined yet?
Yep. Not going to say the unit I want though because I don't want jinx myself.Soon we all all be Rainbow members.
I'm assuming if I wait until the 29th the 10+1 with free 5* won't include the Rikku banner?
I want Rikku bad but don't have enough for 2 10+1 pulls.
Am I basically forced to decide between spending the lapis on a guaranteed 5* (which may end up being a double) or taking a try at Rikku?
This is all assuming the 10+1 with guaranteed 5* unit costs 5,000 lapis and not free.
Do we know if that pull is free?
Free 5* is nice, but useless to me if I have to spend the 5,000 lapis I've said for Rikku.
The 10+1 doesn't even start until the day that banner comes out, so we don't know if it will include Tidus, Wakka, Rikku or not. They won't have any form of rate up if it does though.
Do we know if that pull is free?
Guaranteed 5* is nice, but useless to me if I have to spend the 5,000 lapis I've saved for Rikku. I can only picture myself getting a Lightning I don't need, or Delita.
Going >in< for Tidus, but I'm not purchasing any lapis until that Ex system.
Damn, I was out in Oakland for the Warriors victory parade, and I missed all this stuff. Just caught up with the last few pages. What a great anni event!
Going >in< for Tidus, but I'm not purchasing any lapis until that Ex system. Free pulls are always nice, and guaranteed 5* pull is fantastic, even if it still costs 5k. Watch me get a 4th Luneth or my least favorite character Lightning. Exciting stuff.
Apparently it's freeDo we know if that pull is free?
Guaranteed 5* is nice, but useless to me if I have to spend the 5,000 lapis I've saved for Rikku. I can only picture myself getting a Lightning I don't need, or Delita.
Apparently it's free
*Prays it's true*
Did you kick Draymond in the dick for me? Cause that would have been very nice of you.
Still no fix for the Equipment UI bug and stat Percentages. Grr
They said it was true in the live event didn't they?
Lol, no dick kicking I'm afraid.
It's crazy seeing NBA players next to real life human beings though. Durant is almost literally twice the size of his mother.
Durant is a big dude. I remember seeing him at the 2k hoops classic at MSG back in like 2006 or whatever when he played for Texas. I was standing like 5 feet from him and just like wtf at this giant ass teenager haha. I'm 6'2" so not short, but this guy just towered over me, and I am sure he has grown since then.
I want Trance Terra
You all know why
We should make a top 3 of the 5* you think you're going to pull for the free 10+1 Anniversary Banner.
1. A dupe (so either DKC, Fryevia or Majin Fina) because in a span of 1 months my bro get 3 Transe Terra and 2 Majin Fina lol, my turn now?
2. Lighting because I hate her, her TM, her animation, her games so I expect to pull her, so it's the perfect moment.
3. Marie, because I need a top notch DPS, chain monster, and I only get the opposite of what I want.
Recap : DKC/Lighting/Marie
We should make a top 3 of the 5* you think you're going to pull for the free 10+1 Anniversary Banner.
1. A dupe (so either DKC, Fryevia or Majin Fina) because in a span of 1 months my bro get 3 Transe Terra and 2 Majin Fina lol, my turn now?
2. Lighting because I hate her, her TM, her animation, her games so I expect to pull her, so it's the perfect moment.
3. Marie, because I need a top notch DPS, chain monster, and I only get the opposite of what I want.
Recap : DKC/Lighting/Marie
I need her for my Collection