Not meaning to stealth brag, just asking because I would really like to save up like crazy again. Today tapped me out and as F2P I'm not buying a $50 bundle no matter how good a deal it seems to be.
My team right now is:
Realistically, how long can I go without ever pulling outside of a daily here and there? Could I go like 6 months and still have my team be top tier? Am I set for a long time on trials and shit?
Still down here in London.
Still down here in London.
You don't need to pull for anything anymore and WoL will be mostly more important than Rikku in your team.
There will be quite a lot of fantastic units coming up though, but you really won't need anything.
You have 2 weeks(?) time to get 5000 Lapis and pull from Guaranteed one time Rainbow banner too.
I have WoL too. He would replace Rikku in some areas but Tilith/Rem would stay?
I wonder where Ramza will fit in too. I forget about him because Gumi won't give him Enhancements.
Landu x2
No clue. I hate when it hits this point. Same problem I had in Brave Frontier. Too many units but want to use all of them.
Anyways thanks. I welcome to peace of mind to ignore great upcoming units. Well, not outright ignore, but not spend lapis on 10+1 but rather a ticket here or there and a daily here or there.
11 pull Number 3:
Nah it's still totally busted for me too. I'll forgive them if I get a Tidus when it does come back!Still can't even log in. This is patently ridiculous, but grats to everyone here so far!
So King Mog raid. Does the ELT feel like a puzzle fight to anyone else? I tried listening to what he said, and reacting to it. Like he said "brr I'm cold" or something so I hit him with a fire attack, and he just skipped a turn and said "kupo". Before I finally took his HP down, he snorted away 2 units, but I cleared it. I used the King's Play ability that one of your characters randomly gets, but I couldn't figure out what it did.
I might just be grinding Pro for the easy 1-rounder on this one. That took way too long for a single fight to upkeep over the length of this event.
Man this game is
Is Enchanted Maze still the best spot to get unit EXP right now ?
Grats to all the Tidus puller....its like Christmas in here.
PS. Is Rikku a substitute for Tillith or is Tillith still needed ? I never pulled her.
I had Refia+DC and Ling on my main team as of 5-6months ago.
Still can't get on. I feel like the only person who can't get on yet.
Man this game is
Is Enchanted Maze still the best spot to get unit EXP right now ?
Grats to all the Tidus puller....its like Christmas in here.
PS. Is Rikku a substitute for Tillith or is Tillith still needed ? I never pulled her.
I had Refia+DC and Ling on my main team as of 5-6months ago.
Man this game is
Is Enchanted Maze still the best spot to get unit EXP right now ?
Grats to all the Tidus puller....its like Christmas in here.
PS. Is Rikku a substitute for Tillith or is Tillith still needed ? I never pulled her.
I had Refia+DC and Ling on my main team as of 5-6months ago.
Yes do Maze now. It goes away tomorrow or so. Just read what the moogle say. If yo get to empty room-> Choose different dungeon path.
It's best to have a healer there with her. Tilith would have been great and she's still pullable today I think, otherwise you may have just missed out on Y'shtola too? If so I guess Refia or Luka will have to do.
So if I buy the anniversary bundle, do I still get ex points?
And is 6* garland any good?
Farming raids to summon cactuars is the best source of XP as you won't even waste stamina. If you can't really farm the hardest raid, the Maze is the best option + it gives LB pots and 6* materials.
Rikku is a support character, the best by far, but you will still need a healer for hard trials and Tilith is the best one as long as you have equipments/TMs to sustain her MP.
So I'm pretty sure I've had the absolute worst day you can possibly have in terms of pulls.
I ended up doing four 11 pulls, the free 11 pull, the guarateed rainbow pull, 23 regular ticket pulls, the daily free pull, and a 4* ticket pull.
What did I get out of that?
12 Wakkas.
12 Lukas.
And a whole bunch of shit. Let that sink in. I even bought the bundle in the hopes that two more 11 pulls would do the trick. Nope. Just crap.
I literally did not get a SINGLE unit I will use. Not a goddamn one.
Argh. I'm feeling awfully low on the game right now. I won't quit, but I'm pretty close.
Got on for a second, but still can't get one and stay on.
Alright thanks, the new Enchanted Maze is much better than the old.
Though...i also saw that there is a Mogking Event going on right now...i have to look up the units but if i farm a bit i could get some Gigantuars from Mogking too.
Just need to see what units are boosted.
Sadly i didnt pull Yshtola Refia will have to do it.
Though...lets say i manage to get a couple Tickets now, should i use them on the Banner with Tillith or try for Tidus and FFX instead ? I already pulled the Likelyhood of getting Tidus is quite low anyway.
ELT is easy, dunno about this. No orbs atm, need to wait 1h.
Ok i know i was salty as fuck a few hours ago. So i used my free 10+1. Got trash.
Did 1 multi, got double rainbow Tidus+Marie.
Together with the daily Rikku, quite happy right now.
Ok i know i was salty as fuck a few hours ago. So i used my free 10+1. Got trash.
Did 1 multi, got double rainbow Tidus+Marie.
Together with the daily Rikku, quite happy right now.
ELT is easy, dunno about this. No orbs atm, need to wait 1h.