Happy birthday and congrats, even though it took a bit!Thanks everyone! Much appreciated. Also, good luck on your B'day pulls on Friday Hippo!
And its done. Ok I need one small HP pot & LB is only 21/25 but will max it.
If needed, I can swap GA to Melody of Life or to something else.
Or I can build Champions Belt Winged Saint build or counter + evade build or whatever.
A shame they still didn't give you an answer, and we pretty much send tickets at the same time.
About the crysts? The response I received pretty much guarantees they will give them to us, just not immediately.
Holy crap. That Wil is a damn wall!
Your Wil, and my Wol need to have a 1v1 dance off~
Forgot that those pics were made without Esper and I added 2 mini SPR & 1 mini DEF pot. So here with Titan Esper:
Dont. Its from devs of Mobile Strike
This page has some info about it from 4372 post onwards.
Also: It sucks.
Polygon | Final Fantasy 15 A New Empire iOS Android impressions it sucks
I need to do this with my Wilhelm. Which characters are the TM's from. One of them is Sozhe right?
Proof of the power of Treasure hunter Stacking
My god this is beautiful.
Thanks everyone! Much appreciated. Also, good luck on your B'day pulls on Friday Hippo!
Proof of the power of Treasure hunter Stacking
Only 5 items are from unit TM's:
Emperor's Majesty - Sozhe
Soluna Band - Cupid Artemios (time limited unit)
Elle - Arsha's Talisman
Rest are from events / trials:
Guardian's Authority - (Event) GGChronicles (King Mog)
Survival Edges - (Event) Akademeia (King Mog)
Hero's Shield - (Trial) The Octopus Teacher
Grand Helm - (Trial) Attack of the 2-Headed Dragon
Dragon Mail - (Black Key) Gronoa Shrine Depths - Exploration
I'm going to do my own extensive research in regards to this. I never saw any results like that in my 10 runs earlier using both Xon and locke. I know, small sample size.
I'm thinking of doing some lapis refreshes and running the thing 100 times. 50 with the pair on my team, 50 without. And keeping track of what I get of course. I'm just not convinced.
oof. I was about to tell you not to do the 5k pull and to save. We will have other chaining options in the future. 6* Agrias etc. :/
Zargabaath isnt the chase unit
You guys need to start living by the golden rule
Man we've been getting rapid banner release lately. Also, kinda strange there was no Player Choice banner for the anni. Seems like a perfect time to siphon some money out of new players.
Don't tempt me.
Let he who hasn't made a yolo pull cast the first crystal.
God, please don't tempt me. I just about recouped my last 5k pull after the 5* guaranteed one. And my non guaranteed one I pulled such shit.
I need Tidus in my life.... god please don't let the pulls take me...
I can't speak for Panther Lotus, but I am kind of tired of waiting for some unspecified point in the future for the ability to play the game in a non-painful manner. I have two Agrias waiting in the wings, but she won't make 6* until next month at the earliest when the last FFT mog king comes around and there's no guarantee that her enhancements will hit at the same time. Those are crucial for her viability as it allows her to chain with Orlandu, by far the most common unit on everyone's friend list.
listen i'm not saying for y'all to PULL RIGHT NOW because you shouldn't, i'm just saying that if you did PULL RIGHT NOW you'd probably have better luck than I did because when I did PULL RIGHT NOW it was bad. But now that I've exercised that PULL RIGHT NOW demon of bad luck, I would definitely not advise for you to PULL RIGHT NOW while Tidus is on the banner.
What's the worst that could happen? You're out 5K lapis? YOLO!!!
listen i'm not saying for y'all to PULL RIGHT NOW because you shouldn't, i'm just saying that if you did PULL RIGHT NOW you'd probably have better luck than I did because when I did PULL RIGHT NOW it was bad. But now that I've exercised that PULL RIGHT NOW demon of bad luck, I would definitely not advise for you to PULL RIGHT NOW while Tidus is on the banner.
What's the worst that could happen? You're out 5K lapis? YOLO!!!
Be wary of people scolding you about YOLO pulls!
They're the same people telling you you're not being creative enough to pull together an obscure team of specialists that, if you have the exact right equipment and the same luck you'd have on a pull, you might be able to finish some of these top tier trials without complaint.
Be wary of people scolding you about YOLO pulls!
They're the same people telling you you're not being creative enough to pull together an obscure team of specialists that, if you have the exact right equipment and the same luck you'd have on a pull, you might be able to finish some of these top tier trials without complaint.
I yolod a 500 single pull yesterday and got Vivi. I'm in a yolo mood today. So you know what? Here goes nothing.....
I blame Pather entirely
Someone tell me what's so good about Rasler?
I yolod a 500 single pull yesterday and got Vivi. I'm in a yolo mood today. So you know what? Here goes nothing.....
you ever need a devastate chain partner ill gladly share my queen
wowsers that pull
listen i'm not saying for y'all to PULL RIGHT NOW because you shouldn't, i'm just saying that if you did PULL RIGHT NOW you'd probably have better luck than I did because when I did PULL RIGHT NOW it was bad. But now that I've exercised that PULL RIGHT NOW demon of bad luck, I would definitely not advise for you to PULL RIGHT NOW while Tidus is on the banner.
What's the worst that could happen? You're out 5K lapis? YOLO!!!
I totally can empathize with you... I have buddies who can 2 turn content, and talk down to me because I can't (not on gaf)... It's like comparing Jp and Global with them sometimes... Like congrats that your triple Orlandu w/ double Fryevia blow things up. All I can do is Tm farm and try different strategies to do what's necessary~ One day Rngjesus will smile upon me... maybe... hopefully... please?
Lmao Queen does suck doesn't she? Could be in the running for very worst 5* unit in the game. This is my third one. At least her TM is good imo
Queen's TM is ridiculously good at the moment for physical damage characters, I wouldn't be bummed to get more (currently have 2). Instead, I have 4 Olives and 3 Delita.
I know you're exaggerating but ... exactly. The only time I've really been able to save for future banners was literally right after I pulled a Noctis and then a Yun. Easy when you just landed the best units in the game.
Queen's TM is ridiculously good at the moment for physical damage characters, I wouldn't be bummed to get more (currently have 2). Instead, I have 4 Olives and 3 Delita.
I'm sure there are a couple of here that would gladly gift you their extras if they could. XD
Her TM is the best attack materia in the game right now unless you're building an evade Noctis or some shit. I will take Wisdom 90% of the time over Quick Assault. She actually isn't a bad unit either even though we all talk shit about her. Dyer had a good video of him obliterating shit with her....well 5 of her. Oh wait I guess Adventurer 5 is the best ATK materia, but I'm not counting that one yet and it doesn't stack.
Queen's TM is ridiculously good at the moment for physical damage characters, I wouldn't be bummed to get more (currently have 2). Instead, I have 4 Olives and 3 Delita.
Forgot that those pics were made without Esper and I added 2 mini SPR & 1 mini DEF pot. So here with Titan Esper:
Tbh all Gumi have done since 2.0 is disappoint me. It's just issue after issue. The nice stuff is great, if the game works properly. From connection issues to FF10 boss not functioning, to raid gacha being nonsense to this, it's just a bit of a joke.
I only had 10k ore to use and I can't even remember what for. I think I was going to get the gigantuars. Could have used them as well seeing as the game removed my other ones and Gumi customer support won't respond.