I changed it right away, maybe you need to refresh? Not sure how long it typically takes for friend units to update
3 hours.
I changed it right away, maybe you need to refresh? Not sure how long it typically takes for friend units to update
Isn't that how long until you can use the same unit? Or do you mean changing your friend unit or their equipment also takes 3 hours for others to see?3 hours.
Wow! Still just one for me and no bombs in forever after I got lucky with them at first. I have 30k currency after tickets and sq and a few others, not sure if I want gigantuars and megacites or a moogle.Second Nimbus in a row?! What the hell(that makes a total of 5 I think).
Isn't that how long until you can use the same unit? Or do you mean changing your friend unit or their equipment also takes 3 hours for others to see?
Wow! Still just one for me and no bombs in forever after I got lucky with them at first. I have 30k currency after tickets and sq and a few others, not sure if I want gigantuars and megacites or a moogle.
Isn't that how long until you can use the same unit? Or do you mean changing your friend unit or their equipment also takes 3 hours for others to see?
Wow! Still just one for me and no bombs in forever after I got lucky with them at first. I have 30k currency after tickets and sq and a few others, not sure if I want gigantuars and megacites or a moogle.
Man I got him down to 35 % healthbar now... then got into a bad loop as I never really could draw his attention to Cecil as I needed to keep up with healing.. fuck. 5 manning this with NO Dual cast TM is really fucking hard with Cecil, Bartz, Refia and rain
So if you had all of the units on the banner (with two DW two BM and 2 Excals already) but neither of the 5 stars (but had Olive, Marie and Emperor and Firion), would you pull? Say you also had just a smudge over 10k lapis and roughly 14 tickets![]()
So if you had all of the units on the banner (with two DW two BM and 2 Excals already) but neither of the 5 stars (but had Olive, Marie and Emperor and Firion), would you pull? Say you also had just a smudge over 10k lapis and roughly 14 tickets![]()
Not if you aren't paying for Lapis.
You know the first rule of the thread!
That said, around Christmas, I fished for Noctis and I've never second-guessed that decision. He's stupid good and makes literally every party better. It's entirely possible he'll get outclassed down the line, but it's like playing an entirely different game with his versatility and utility. (Greg would be a downright amazing consolation prize too.)
I wouldn't normally advocate chasing. In fact, you probably shouldn't chase. But if I were in your place, I would. But you probably shouldn't.
You know the first rule of the thread!
That said, around Christmas, I fished for Noctis and I've never second-guessed that decision. He's stupid good and makes literally every party better. It's entirely possible he'll get outclassed down the line, but it's like playing an entirely different game with his versatility and utility. (Greg would be a downright amazing consolation prize too.)
I wouldn't normally advocate chasing. In fact, you probably shouldn't chase. But if I were in your place, I would. But you probably shouldn't.
Just ran into another Golden Bomb on the round after!! What's going on?! Haha
I still need a few tickets, the MP Materia and I would like the 30k Moogle.
Yep, completely stopped after getting Noctis because of my 2 troll rainbow in the same 11 pull, but I used all my tickets again on Secret of Mana and regretted it.Even daily?
There we go.
Had a mostly stable run and cleared Greg for all the 6-man-able achievements. Smooth run, except for one extremely scary moment right after I had stabilized on the final threshold. Greg went crazy and killed all of my sealers except for the friend Noctis from full health (6k) in one round using normal attacks. THAT was a scary moment. Ling-->Refia combo FTW, with a just a bit of RNG luck in the positive direction the following rounds to re-stabilize and win one for the land.
Feeling much better now. I'll wait for the DWs in the oven to finish baking before attempting the 5-man run for additional stability.
Back to slow-baking until Friday![]()
Does anyone have that image with the Gilgamesh thresholds in English? I swear I can't find it despite reading the past few pages in this thread.
Does anyone have that image with the Gilgamesh thresholds in English? I swear I can't find it despite reading the past few pages in this thread.
God daaaaaaang I keep getting closer and then I run out of MP and then get caught with Noctis' pants down in a two turn Point Warp recovery smfh
(Celegus your Yun is BEAUTIFUL)
damn man what team are you running?
Noc has excal and chiri
Cecil has trident but basically never attacks
With the right friend I'm using my Noctis to seal thunder, fire, and light and my friend (Yun or w/e) is sealing Wind / Fire. my strat has been to ignore earth and water. Eh? Gets me damn close and then BLAMMO
Noc has excal and chiri
Cecil has trident but basically never attacks
With the right friend I'm using my Noctis to seal thunder, fire, and light and my friend (Yun or w/e) is sealing Wind / Fire. my strat has been to ignore earth and water. Eh? Gets me damn close and then BLAMMO
Noc has excal and chiri
Cecil has trident but basically never attacks
With the right friend I'm using my Noctis to seal thunder, fire, and light and my friend (Yun or w/e) is sealing Wind / Fire. my strat has been to ignore earth and water. Eh? Gets me damn close and then BLAMMO
Noc has excal and chiri
Cecil has trident but basically never attacks
With the right friend I'm using my Noctis to seal thunder, fire, and light and my friend (Yun or w/e) is sealing Wind / Fire. my strat has been to ignore earth and water. Eh? Gets me damn close and then BLAMMO
Was going to attempt the trial today but as usual, no time. I will definitely make some time to tomorrow.
Question 1: how do people find time to fit BE into their daily schedules? Recently life has become quite busy and I'm barely keeping up with the game.
Woooo! I got all the Gilgamesh rewards in one try!
This battle was pretty great. The last few slivers of help were pretty tense because I wanted the LB kill but Noctis almost brought him to 0% with a Thunder Flask. Thankfully, he lived for one more turn so I could finish him off.
Ling was the MVP by far. You can take things pretty slowly with her around. Invigorating Dance/Chakra is so good for MP management.
So hype after that fight. I wasn't expecting it to get everything in one try. More battles like this please!
Was going to attempt the trial today but as usual, no time. I will definitely make some time to tomorrow.
Question 1: how do people find time to fit BE into their daily schedules? Recently life has become quite busy and I'm barely keeping up with the game.
Was going to attempt the trial today but as usual, no time. I will definitely make some time to tomorrow.
Question 1: how do people find time to fit BE into their daily schedules? Recently life has become quite busy and I'm barely keeping up with the game.
Question 2: if i use provoke on Ling, who innately has 25% chance to not be targeted, then is her chance to be targeted 45%?
When I am actually playing the game, and not macroing I am usually at work at my desk in between doing actual work lol. I typically don't play at all outside of there again unless it's a macro.
Question 1: how do people find time to fit BE into their daily schedules? Recently life has become quite busy and I'm barely keeping up with the game.
Why does this work? I remember reading before that the Flasks ignore the element on the weapon and only hit with the chosen element.
Thanks for the clarification. I found where my previous misunderstanding came from.Whatever said that was wrong, flasks take their own element plus whatever weapons you have equipped and counts for all of them.
"An attack can be infused with elements from the ability and the equipped weapon(s) only if it deals physical damage. Magical damage take element from the ability only." What are Hybrid Attacks with elemental effects treated as (Noct's Flasks, Bartz's Wind Shear, etc...)?
Ex: Noctis has Excalibur (Holy) and Chirijiraden (Fire) and uses Blizzard Flask (Ice). Will the attack only be Ice elemental or will the elemental resistances of all 3 get averaged (like it would be for Lightning with the same gear doing Ice Blitz)?
Physical Abilities with Elements (i.e Lightning's Blitz) takes into account all elements involved. 1 from ability, up to 2 from weapons, for a total of 3 different elements per attack. (I'm 90% sure on this, not entirely though).
Hybrids are magical damage in nature, but takes both attack and mag stats to calculate damage((atk+mag)/2). It's element is what the ability provided (i.e Fire Flask always deals Fire damage regardless of weapons equipped). (also not entirely sure on this, but I'm 90% certain this is correct).
Correct. Physical attacks can take on the property of their weapons while magical attacks cannot. This is a key point in doing the Gilgamesh challenge boss.
So if you had all of the units on the banner (with two DW two BM and 2 Excals already) but neither of the 5 stars (but had Olive, Marie and Emperor and Firion), would you pull? Say you also had just a smudge over 10k lapis and roughly 14 tickets![]()
Great having about a 9 hour energy recharge. Hoping the one year gives us a 30+ energy boost too. 12 hour recharge would be aces.
While it didn't help me much (I still had to use an item in my victory), you can osmose with Ling to help with mp management.
Thanks for the clarification. I found where my previous misunderstanding came from.
After reading this reddit thread, I see now that there has been testing that show Hybrid Elemental attacks do indeed factor in the elements of the weapons just like standard Physical attacks.