You likely don't need multiples of most of those units. WoL, Vaan and Terra you only need one of. 1-2 Agrias (though you have Orlandeau, so probably just 1), Kefka might be worth keeping multiples of if you TM macro for a few Ribbons, otherwise you could pretty safely merge them all into each other.
Just some advice if you have unit space troubles.
Yeah thanks. I do have trouble with space. I have upgraded it and I have 315 units slots still having issues with finding spots as I hord and save most units....
315 is crazy, at the positive side though... it's a permanent increase. I'd love like a google doc of the entire list and condensing it >:O
315 is crazy, at the positive side though... it's a permanent increase. I'd love like a google doc of the entire list and condensing it >:O
Crazy how much Ifrit coins are selling, I got 6M gils that way so far.
PM to you him again. Wasn't expecting to pull again but I got the itch, used the remaining lapis I had set aside for tm farming. . 2 rainbows. Another TGC and another Emperor. Dark Fina still evades me.
when do we find out what the next banner will be?
Any educated guesses for what it would be or what the next good banner will be?
My brother is on the fence to pull or not... he needs a good Attack unit he has good magicians and healers and support but no real DPSer.
when do we find out what the next banner will be?
Any educated guesses for what it would be or what the next good banner will be?
Thanks guys
Eileen, seems like she is a attack unit. Will she be better than Noctis or luneth?
Thanks guys
Eileen, seems like she is a attack unit. Will she be better than Noctis or luneth?
Almost done with Ramza, he's now lvl 95. That will be the third unit I level from the dunes after Ling and Minfilia. I think I will stop there for this weekend and start on the mog king event, there's also 100 cactuars there.
The drop is any good? I managed to get three bonus units so far.
I have maxed
what was left on Yun
working on WoL now.
I have Y¨sthola to lvl up but as I have Refia with Dualcast...might just be pointless to max her out.
I'll pass on Y'shtola for now. Maybe another event if I don't have anybody else to level. Refia with dual cast does the job fine.I have maxed
what was left on Yun
working on WoL now.
I have Y¨sthola to lvl up but as I have Refia with Dualcast...might just be pointless to max her out.
Hmm, made me realise we might be getting wol 6* soon, I will keep the cactuars from the mog king event for him once I can awake him.the powercreep we had makes you no need for 2 healers (thats where refia and Yshtola makes a good team)
Also, we probably will get Tilith 6 star soon, so yeah... if you have limited resources, save it for WoL (and even garland)
man oh man
Hearing people get double orlandus makes these tough times
Cant even get one and IM done trying
Gonna horde up for Esper Terra I think
Decided to use my leftover lapis from my Players Choice purchase for two 11 pulls.
All garbage. ��
Not doing another 11 pull until next players choice.
i bet the next people choice will be Tidus and Orlandu and week after that, it will be OK Banner.
I'll just consistently live in the previous meta. *hugs Noctis*
Noctis previous meta? No way!
I still think he's the best overall unit in the game. He's too unique that there's really no replacement for him.
On the other hand, Orlandu can be replaced with other top tier dps units like Eileen, Tidus, Dark Veritas and Onion Knight.
I agree. I regret not trying to get Noctis, he's the complete package. He can raise, regen mana & HP for everybody, debuff, buff etc..Noctis previous meta? No way!
I still think he's the best overall unit in the game. He's too unique that there's really no replacement for him.
On the other hand, Orlandu can be replaced with other top tier dps units like Eileen, Tidus, Dark Veritas and Onion Knight.
Yeah Noctis is something else IMO.
I would trade my Orlandu for a Noctis![]()
I have 3 noctis, give me your orlandus people, gladly give away 2 noctis.
You need a tank in there. I'd go with Cecil, refia, ling, orlandu and olive if I were you.Still can't believe I can't beat Ifrit ELT w/ Olive, 2x Orlandeau, Refia and Ling...
He just hits so damn hard, even with MAG, ATK down and Barfira up.
Still can't believe I can't beat Ifrit ELT w/ Olive, 2x Orlandeau, Refia and Ling...
He just hits so damn hard, even with MAG, ATK down and Barfira up.
We'll start to get a lot of unit with either bonus ATK passive with swords or can't equip greatsword, I need to check which one are coming.
Hoping we will indeed get the Dragon Quest event for the Killing Machine 105 ATK one (with Machine Killer passive)
Talking about the next strong 4* units here, Setzer (no GS or Katana)/Ashe and Raser +50%ATK(and +50%MAG for Ashe) with a sword, etc...
We really need better swords in general, be them elemental or neutral. Leon's TM is garbage tier at the moment, you lose attack using it while neglecting Excalibur/Save The Quuen/Deathbringer.
Just pull 200 more times. Problem solved.
Just kidding
There's is no need for more Orlandu considering Agrias exists. She has like 200 less attack at best.
We'll start to get a lot of unit with either bonus ATK passive with swords or can't equip greatsword, I need to check which one are coming.
Hoping we will indeed get the Dragon Quest event for the Killing Machine 105 ATK one (with Machine Killer passive)
Talking about the next strong 4* units here, Setzer (no GS or Katana)/Ashe and Raser +50%ATK(and +50%MAG for Ashe) with a sword, etc...
Probably would get a 4th noctis... i still dont know why im so mad having 3 noctis xD, its like "first world problems" stuff...
Doing quick math (with GS Mastery Materia) :
Orlandu Base ATK: 189
Passives 255% (+70% ATK, +160 ATK Materias, +10% Genji, +15% Brave) : 482
Weapons: 227 (exc+genji)
Armors: 57 (black cowl+bracer)
Odin: 62
Total: 1017
Agrias Base ATK: 170
Passives 255% (+70% ATK, +160 ATK Materias, +10% Genji, +15% Brave) : 434
Weapons: 227 (exc+genji)
Armors: 57 (black cowl+bracer)
Odin: 62
Total: 950
Agrias Only falls short of 67 ATK vs Orlandu
But, lets assume you have both Agrias and Orlandu, and you will prioritize GS Mastery, Genji Blade and Odin on Orlandu
Agrias Base ATK: 170
Passives 235% : 400
Weapons: 218 (Exc + Sakura)
Armors: 57 (Black Cowl + Bracer)
Ifrit: 52
Total: 897
120 ATK less than a full geared Orlandu.
Agrias 6 star (enhanced) is the true waifu we deserve. But we are still far away from her enhacements.