Yeah that's what I'm currently doing right now and thanks to your Xon I'm even getting more crysts haha. Good thing there isn't an MK event this week so I'll just be spending time on the story event and farming.
Wish I had Xon for those sort of stuff.
I level up 4 Xons for the story event and vortex.
Daily yield Reberta, and free pull gave me the Noctis I've wanted from day 1!
Now that I've used all my luck I'm never gonna get Sephiroth if he does come by next month's supposed FF7 banner!
Sorry. JP talk. We have a single free pull every Monday lol.
Daily yield Reberta, and free pull gave me the Noctis I've wanted from day 1!
Now that I've used all my luck I'm never gonna get Sephiroth if he does come by next month's supposed FF7 banner!
A japanese Noctis would be neat, I really really really need evade gear to beat Shiva.
Edit: nvm, this is Sara. I was looking at Aria's skill set lol. I'll level up mine.![]()
She is your best friend.
free pull >.>? wait what?
Crazy. Been raining Xons for me. I guess we have those units that follows you.I got my first one 2 weeks ago. Took gazillion pulls to get it after it was introduced.
Crazy. Been raining Xons for me. I guess we have those units that follows you.
Better Giancrysts drops.What's the deal with Xon?
What's the deal with Xon?
.Master Thief Increases drop rate of rare items (50%)
What's the deal with Xon?
Better Giancrysts drops.
Yup. Carrying 2 Xons through Stage 9 and 10, I get ~95% drop rates on Giancrysts. Beats farming the gems vortex hands down, any day of the week.
Is this really confirmed? Or just placebo?Yup. Carrying 2 Xons through Stage 9 and 10, I get ~95% drop rates on Giancrysts. Beats farming the gems vortex hands down, any day of the week.
I finally maxed out two Ashe and put them on my arena team. Each is only around 500 mag with leftover equipment but they are tearing it up. Heaven's Fury is busted with how useful it is.
Is this really confirmed? Or just placebo?
I've farmed a few times with only 1 Xon and giancryst dropped every single time.
Confirmed, multipicatively, most likely. 9S's Pod doesn't help though, although the upcoming Raven's Mantle will.
One Xon yields ~84% drop rates for T4 on Stage 9/10.
Two Xons yield ~96% drop rares for T4s on 9/10.
Three puts the rates at 99%, and four is a guaranteed 100% rate (although that's probably really hard to pull off and three by far is good enough).
I've hard ran Stage 10 on the last event entirely for the whole 14 day period. Only missed the cryst drop once in all of two weeks of farming with 2 Xons.
Snow and Sozhe for me. Obviously everyone gets Hopes & Rosas.
I got my first one 2 weeks ago. Took gazillion pulls to get it after it was introduced.
my free ticket nat 5 streak continues
Adventurer IV done... only 1200 more to go!
Nice! I still need about 300 more for Adv 4.
Still groaning over the S10 boss. It's exactly like the Malboro, in that nothing defends against it, except something like HyperNulAll and a metric ton of SPR. Still haven't found a way to safely stabilize the fight while carrying 2 Xons.
Thanks Gumi for advancing the fight over a month in advance, while Global still doesn't have a magic-defending tank unit yet.
Nice! I still need about 300 more for Adv 4.
Still groaning over the S10 boss. It's exactly like the Malboro, in that nothing defends against it, except something like HyperNulAll and a metric ton of SPR. Still haven't found a way to safely stabilize the fight while carrying 2 Xons.
Thanks Gumi for advancing the fight over a month in advance, while Global still doesn't have a magic-defending tank unit yet.
I've been thinking about maxing my other ashe as well, but for trials. I have 2 extra ashe but little equipment to give them, I can still equip 1 more decently. They chain well with Pod 153 too with a little timing. I can run a no healer setup and she can cure status ailments too.I finally maxed out two Ashe and put them on my arena team. Each is only around 500 mag with leftover equipment but they are tearing it up. Heaven's Fury is busted with how useful it is.
You mean advancing it one week, maybe two? JP schedule had this story event coming the week after the FF3 Mog King event, which is all but confirmed to be next week. The first magic-defending tank unit, Mistair, isn't even out until Season 2.
You already ascertained what defends against it: global damage mitigation (Rikku, 9S (who JP didn't have at the time) and gearing for SPR. Damage mitigation LBs would also work, so Wilhelm/EV/Y'shtola.
I don't think the fights are tuned around carrying two or more pieces of deadweight unless you have a stacked team that can one or two-round the boss.
Timeframe, hard to say nowadays as all sorts of events are all out of order. Global is very overdue for the FF11 raid, and outside a collab that won't happen on Global and a custom banner that will sure feature Balthier, the FF3 banner is the only piece of content that hasn't yet been released before the end of the Season 1 story and there is still a full island to go before the island that contains the end of the story.
The boss here is pretty much tuned to punish people who try to one-shot it. Either you succeed, or you die in a burning inferno, as there's no way anyone is surviving 3 or 4 threshold attacks simultaneously, even with global damage buffs and reraise. Otherwise, the fight is a very slow tapdance around each and every threshold. That's fine for trials and one-time bosses. But for something that's supposed to be farmed for two weeks, spending upwards of 10 minutes on a single fight is rather annoying.
So uhhhhhhhh. Game of Thrones though![]()
JP BE said:New Campaign: Summon Trust Moogles via Friend Points
Use Friend Points to summon Trust Moogles (the character specific ones).
Will only consist of Trust Moogles.
No "All" Trust Moogles.
The Trust Moogles available will change between campaigns, and will be announced on the day of the campaigns.
New Banner: FFBE Original Units + Sephiroth (9/1)
ミィム 3★-5★
Debuffer + Heals.
LB similar to Tim.
シルト 4★-6★
Magic tank.
Will function similar to Mistair but will also have a different kit.
TM will be something that raises SPR by a lot.
リーラ 5★-6★
TM: Dark element fist-weapon.
Sephiroth 5★-6★
Chain attacker.
Will have skills that chain with both Orlandu's Holy Explosion and OK's Onion Slice.
LB: AoE Damage that lowers light and dark by a lot.
TM: [Katana] Masamune. Will have a very high attack stat.
Sephiroth should be fine as either a DWer or TDH user.
New EX Unit: メディエナ (8/31)
Black Mage specializing in ice element.
Has some support spells.
Will have Freeze.
Will have a brand new magic spell for the FF series that's a strong ice spell.
TM will be a Dual Wield for magic users; basically the opposite of Lorraine.
Took this from Reddit JP Nico thread.
If that ever comes to GL I bet 100k FP gives 0-2 5% Moogles to your favourite Rainbow. Pool of units is so large. Smart way to make people spend Lapis to unit upgrades even after fusing all the % same moogles to one.
Edit: @Kourio There is your Sephiroth