Back and meh, still no 7*, powercreep is plateauing x)
Anyway he looks really good!
EDIT : wait, JP is getting yet another free dailies for a month, damn.
That FP summon sounds really good, I hope they would introduce that in GL ASAP rather than in the normal JP schedule.
6* for Sephiroth is also good news, given the rumors he was going to be 7*s. Looks great as well.
Also, 2nd Terabattle Collaboration ?
They are looking into letting us increase the amount of items, abilities, etc. we can hold; Hirono also mentioned possibly adding a storage space to put items, abilities, etc. that you don't use often into so they don't take up space.
May look into changing repeat to instead allow you to set commands to use, so that they are used in the order you input them in; in addition, they may add a reset option to reset what's in the repeat command's memory.
Close to an year, but doesn't matter because we are not following any reasonable order so it's impossible to know.Lot of these changes sound great.
How far behind is Global?
I knew Sephirot would have Masamune as a TM, this is extremely disappointing because we already have a fuck ton of incredible Katanas available with no effort to get at all.
They did say it will have a very high attack so it better be 200+ otherwise it won't matter at all.
Sephiroth looks cool and all...but when's mah boy Squall coming? The ONLY way Gumi can get me to stop being F2P in this game is by rolling out an FF8 banner. And if Quistis is somehow a broken 5* unit...oh boy *fans self*
Can I hope alongside this that we can get a Selphie healer/support that's 4-6? Please?
Give Selphie a slot ability with a 1% chance to trigger 'The End' with 100% AoE unblockable death.
Good lord that ability broke FF8. I was so upset with myself after using it to beat Omega Weapon. I reloaded the save just to make sure I didn't kill him with it.
I had no idea her LB was so cool, she flies over the UI at the bottom of screen, lol. Wasn't expecting that the first time I saw it.
Is there any particular reason JP is getting bonuses and free stuff on a silver platter constantly?
Is this game having a receding player base in JP or something?
The battery in my tablet is on its last legs and I plan to get the battery replaced. I fear I will lose my game and I wonder it there is a way to back up the game other than Facebook?
I have backed up everything onto my computer but I don't know if it will hold onto the save data.
Well....Ayaka then Sephiroth for me lol. Hoarding starts now.
Finished the story event.
They really need to sort out the difficulty spike.
You could (exaggering a bit, but you get it) go through the first 8 with a team of friend units, and then suddenly for 9 & 10, you need a top-tier team all of a sudden.
Facebook is the only way on Global. Which is a damn shame.
Yea wish I saved that ticket now. Oh well, still have plenty of story to go so I will definitely go hogwild for Seph on JP.O damn Sephiroth is so perfect for me. I wanted Onion Knight because half my friends list is him and he can fire chain. Did an 11 on the step banner, got trash, and decided to wait to see if Sephiroth will be announced. Not only was he announced but he chains with OK. I am so ready for this. Got my 10% 5* ticket, 5 4* tickets, and just under 20k lapis. Please RNG be good to me.
As a new JP player and considering what I've been through here and there, the only thing GL has over JP is the expedition mode and the recent QoL change, the expeditions indeed allow us to get a lot of Moogles and LB pots. Literally everything else is way better on JP and probably won't ever be as good when we reach their content on Global, when you compare the lapis rewards specifically, it really put things in perspective how much they rob Global players.JP versions have way stiffer competition and have huge potential revenue in that market so they need to build their player base while attracting newer customers at the same time, hence the periodic giveaways. Bribing them with candy, etc.
However, that doesn't really apply so to BE and a few other GL versions like Dokkan Battle. GL for BE has way better stuff regularly (10+1, tickets, moogles) where JP is very punctuated, coming in solid chunks then it dries up for awhile. JP does get what amounts to about 160 Lapis a day though: arena, login rewards spread across a week, daily missions. Otherwise, it's mostly meh stuff like evo mats.
Well....Ayaka then Sephiroth for me lol. Hoarding starts now.
As a new JP player and considering what I've been through here and there, the only thing GL has over JP is the expedition mode and the recent QoL change, the expeditions indeed allow us to get a lot of Moogles and LB pots. Literally everything else is way better on JP and probably won't ever be as good when we reach their content on Global, when you compare the lapis rewards specifically, it really put things in perspective how much they rob Global players.
4-star rates during the Dragon Quest collaboration were fucking garbage, for example. I used everything I had saved at the time, which was a ton of tickets and lapis only to get 2 4-star units, 1 Killer Machine and 1 Yamata no Orochi. I didn't even get the Hagure Metal during that which was the real prize. -_-
This. I got a bunch of the focus 3* units but NONE of the 4*. And it was the grindiest of all MK events for me coz I wanted that Roto sword for 200k currency. The burn was real.
Edit: in all fairness, shitty 3* base units were still in the gold crystal pool during the DQ collab event. So naturally it was a bitch to get any of the 4* units on banner. The gold crystal rate in itself was probably 19%-20% like now. We can never know.
I can only really comment on the current situation of both games and I believe when you say JP was probably pretty bad in its first year.Let's look at these rewards for for GL in July
That equates to 15 summons, almost 10% in moogles, and 900 Lapis.
Here's a list of what was given in the previous months
When JP was at this point in its life span, It didn't have this stuff. There was the the friend system but the rewards for it were pretty garbage until fairly recently.
In comparison to what JP gets now, GL is pretty competitive. JP gets about 100 Lapis a day and assorted evo mats, energy, and occasionally a 1% moogle or ticket. The Moogle and Ticket are only on the 7th day of a week and at the rate of about once a month, if that. That's only recently too. The monthly livestream nets about 10 tickets regularly and assorted other things.
It's a very good comparison on a monthly basis with JP getting a little more but that's to be expected of a game that's much further along. GL's giveaways have continued to ramp up, especially the last few months, as the game has gotten older, just like JP. It's actually faring better than JP was at the same time.
So yeah, saying GL gets shafted in the giveaways and free stuff is fairly nonsense. It's little less yeah but far more than what JP was getting at the same time and it's pretty damn good when comparing a 1 year old game vs a 2 year old one.
I mean, if there's any real discussion of where GL gets potentially shafted it's not getting the same 4-star rates as JP right now. HOWEVER, I don't know if the current JP 4-star rates were the same as what we had in the first year of the game either. 4-star rates during the Dragon Quest collaboration were fucking garbage, for example. I used everything I had saved at the time, which was a ton of tickets and lapis only to get 2 4-star units, 1 Killer Machine and 1 Yamata no Orochi. I didn't even get the Hagure Metal during that which was the real prize. -_-
In fact, I think it was pretty garbage during Type-Zero too. I remember being really happy to get King to farm that event and I only had 1 of him until later.