Inspired by Across's reminder, I decided to do some napkin math to see how many pulls are going to be worth it for me.
I'm going to assume I can always bring an OK friend. Maybe that's wrong considering how down on this banner people are but I've seen how strong y'all's resolve is
I want the tickets (28k), sc(5.7k)), awakening mats(160*30*5=24k), and equipment. We'll assume the equipment is 15k. That's ~72k total currency to get.
With no bonus except the friend, and ignoring daily rewards and rare enemies, that's ~800 currency per 25 NRG. 72k currency will be done in 91 runs or about 7.5 days.
If I spend the same NRG, an additional 50% bonus unit adds 18k currency, though I'm much more likely to just finish sooner. In that case, with a 250% bonus I'm getting done in 73 runs or 6 days. The difference is 450 NRG. That means I have to get a Sara in 1 pull to just go above even, compared to 3 NRG refreshes. Even that's a stretch since I could just do the whole thing in 7.5 days for free. So one daily and maybe a ticket because f' it. Anything after that is actually a waste
even if I get a bonus unit.