You know what remaining gaf members..... I take back what I said about sticking with exvius until the bitter end. I was thinking about the future of this game, what it entails, the 7* units, the money sink I already dumped into it, and just everything in general. It's REALLY difficult for me to quit something I've been so invested in, but 10 minutes ago I gave myself and the game an ultimatum. I haven't pulled for much since the Nier banner and I had saved up about 22,000 lapis. Thats MONTHS of not using it for anything. But what it amounts to is 4 silly 11 pulls. That's all I get for scrounging and saving. That's a little more than straight up spending $100 on the game. All of this talk about iNichol being a game changer made me decide, I'll pull for em, and if I don't get this little 4* gold crystal unit, I'd quit. Well, 4 11 pulls later, and all I got were 2 pirate jakes. No rainbows. All GARBAGE. Saved for months, and months, and I get trash. I vowed after nier to never put money into this game again and I fear in the future if I save for months and get garbage pulls, I'll just slowly but surely fall to the way side, no longer able to accomplish end game content. Hell, even as a whale I couldn't bring myself to beat Malboro. The main thing is, I'm simply not having fun with it anymore. The end of the season 1 story was good enough for me as a point to end on. This forum splitting up is another facet to me not caring as much anymore. So it comes with a heavy heart, and its hard to say good bye, but I'm deleting exvius for good. I was thinking about just keeping up with dailies, and logging in to collect stuff, but that's just a chore. I don't care anymore, and seriously its not like I was going to play this the rest of my life. I'm done with it, but it was ok while it lasted. Good bye everyone,best of luck with all your future endeavors! Don't give gumi any more of your money, they don't deserve it. This is tough to do for me, but I'm sticking to it. Just a memory now. Farewell.