Any of you guys go hard for Sieg? He's pretty good if you don't have a Willy.

Any of you guys go hard for Sieg? He's pretty good if you don't have a Willy.
Thank god somebody noticed, I was hugely disappointed that nobody got a rise out of this originally.
Damn Shouta. That TDW sure makes for a nice ATK stat, lol. Which chaining families does he have?
Well, I had just about given up hope getting Christine, made it through all laps of the step-up and only got a few more Krylas and 2 WKNs. EX ticket got me Aileen #5 and 10+1 guaranteed got me a Gladio and Ignis. I kept doing the raid and throwing the regular tickets at the Christmas banner when out of nowhere, bam:
Feels realllllly good to get her when I was pretty convinced I wouldn't. I still haven't cashed in my special UoC tickets yet until we see what Chow/Ang get, but I'm 90% sure it's going to my second Christine. This has got to be one of the best "wins" for me in this game.
Damn dude, I'd watch out for falling meteors or something with that luck. Congrats!lol...
Yea I thought that was weird too. Maybe they were originally going to give everyone Sora as a welfare like Lara Croft but then SE/Gumi got $$$ in their eyes.Wait, so the new boss is gonna have a weapon reward that's exclusive to sora? Why would anyone bother with unless you pulled him? And even then, if you can beat the harder bosses, you prolly have better gear for him anyway.
I'd have to assume that most people are out of resources by now. Even mega whales have got to be getting tired of shelling out the wallet. We've gotten a ton of free pulls over the past two months, but they've all been random and not a ton of lapis for more directed pulls. I'm not complaining though, I have more units than I'll ever actually need or even use in this game.I'd love to have Vincent and Tifa, but I blew the wad trying to get Sora and Christine (who I didn't get) and I doubt I'll be able to get them. They'll always be in the pool, though. So I'm gonna spend my few tickets that I generally spend on Mog King fights and that'll be it. Which will kinda suck because I'm sure the Select Ticket will be 150,000 and getting there without good units is tough. I wonder how many people are gonna actually pull on this one. Probably not gonna be many friends with bonus units, too.
I wonder when the Nier and Valk Profile units are getting enhancements. They've been around a long time with nothing so far. I'd like to get Tifa, though. She's a cool unit.
I've been waiting for 7* Rena for so long. I'm not in a huge rush though because I could only get one of her, so I need the Mixer to be out first. Plus, Zarg kinda came out and ate her lunch, but still I like her kit.I wonder when the Nier and Valk Profile units are getting enhancements. They've been around a long time with nothing so far. I'd like to get Tifa, though. She's a cool unit.
Yea Gumi always rewards collabs and punishes holidays. Halloween bosses usually are harder than average too.I accidentally killed the KH trial boss before doing any of the quests. I forgot that event bosses were supposed to be easy after the GL exclusive tree mage thing that those sadists at Gumi gave us for Christmas.
At the Fan Fest, they said by the end of January. Knowing Gumi, that will mean 11:59PM Jan 31st.I see lots of folks with at least 5* Vincent. Not many folks with Tifa, though. I've been able to grind out the event without too much trouble. Just picked up the Select Ticket last night. So I should be able to get everything from this event without trouble. I didn't put too many resources into it, though. Vincent and Tifa are cool, but after the last few banners, I just wanted to save as much as I could. I hope the next banner is crappy, too.
They definitely need to put in the inventory changes. My inventory is busting at the seems and trying to manage it now is getting more than a little frustrating. I can't remember when it was added in JP, but we've had it for a long while now and that should mean Global will get it sooner rather than later.
Wouldn't be a bad idea if you're focused on playing GL. It seems like GL is doing pretty well overall and there's some new and interesting units all the time.
You're rolling the dice since we don't know how Ang/Chow are going to be, but I'd seriously doubt they'd be bad. D. Rain is a neat niche unit but you're stacked on tanks. Ang has a lot of potential, maybe go for him.So can't decide who to use my fan fiesta tickets on. I am down to Demon Rain and Ang. I guess I could also go for a chow #1. I am pretty set for tanks tho- I have 7* WKN, Mustache, Awk Rain, Gladio and Merc Ramza for tanks. For damage I have 7* Sora, KH Cloud, 2B (x2), A2, and a few other lower tier 7*s....
I've enhanced Lasswell in JP but I still need to beat the Series boss for his boost. He is crazy buff now though, I'm really glad.
You mean regular Lasswell or some other Lasswell?
CG of course
Ah. I wasn't sure if they did something to improve the regular Lasswell. He has some missions in the Vortex, right? I wasn't sure what they actually did for him, but I saw them there.
Regular Lasswell got those ages ago, they should be his S1 gear.