In 8 he looks like a grown man. His Dissidia artwork makes him look like a teenager.
His artwork makes him look 14. I've never seen a 17 year old who looked that young. Plenty of teenagers also look a lot older around 17 and 18.
In 8 he looks like a grown man. His Dissidia artwork makes him look like a teenager.
Yeh, but at least all the tools and stuff lead to some actual level design in dungeons.
Man I miss games having level design.
whats with so many rpg series and entry #4 being so terrible
corvo pls
Final Fantasy 4 and Persona 4 are both amazing games Noi. I hear Front Mission 4 was solid, too. SMT4 didn't seem that bad.
I have no recollection of the event in question.Good thing you have a platinum trophy as proof of your fantastic journey.
?whats with so many rpg series and entry #4 being so terrible
corvo pls
Dark Schala said:Paper Mario 4 is underwhelming.
I have no recollection of the event in question.
I'd argue that it's the opposite. Fire Emblem 4, Final Fantasy 4, Persona 4, Shin Megami Tensei 4...
? There are only 2 Paper Mario games.
Can I come to your planet?? There are only 2 Paper Mario games.
Show me proof. :VSelective amnesia. You've finally become a JRPG stereotype.
???Nope. There's four.
The more the merrierCan I come to your planet?
Now you're really confusing me.
Paper Mario and Paper Mario: Thousand Year door are the only Paper Mario games.
The disappointment of Paper Mario Sticker Star and Mario&Luigi Dream Team hurts![]()
I'd argue that it's the opposite. Fire Emblem 4, Final Fantasy 4, Persona 4, Shin Megami Tensei 4...
Yes generally lighthearted. Darker themes littered throughout though. You're remembering correctly.
LR:FFXIII dog says lols
I already have a reputation for watching a lot of bad anime. But I actually kind of like Sticker Star. Mostly because I've never played any other Paper Mario game for any significant amount of time. Project X-Zone is probably the worst Super Robot Wars game I've ever played, even though I like the battle system.
I dunno, I feel that, aside from the Villain Sue, Crisis Core is the best Final Fantasy Fan Fiction. That ending, man.
I was curious about this and thought it'd be an interesting discussion topic: How do you guys feel about the lack of world-spanning RPGs nowadays?
Taking the FF series as an example, every main series title after 10 usually takes place in a small part of a larger continent/planet. X's "world map" is arguably the smallest in the series, and XII/XIII don't even attempt to do so, with XII in particular teasing and giving background info on tons of areas outside the available map and XIII only placing you in predetermined spots according to where the plot wants you to be. XI and XIV are MMOs so it's excusable there.
Meanwhile, up to FF9 (and technically FF4:TAY), Square had to come up with and design proper maps covering the entire planet. In a way, this made it feel like your crew's adventures always took around every corner of the globe and escalated the importance of it whenever a world-ending catastrophe took place. Like when Exdeath rips out whole chunks of the world into the void or Kefka plain out destroys it, you get a much bigger sense of "shit got real" than if the damage is contained within a smaller area.
By contrast, I really couldn't give two shits about what was going to happen to Cocoon in either XIII or XIII-2. SE did a terrible job in making me care about that world and I'd have just as likely let the whole thing fall if the plot didn't tell me to do otherwise.
(This could all be taken as a thinly veiled defense for more World Maps in RPGs, since a lot of series are going in favor of eliminating the entirely.)
tl;dr i want more of this
So on the one hand, Type-0 had Orience, which was a really well done continent, I felt. It felt small when you finally got the air ship, but otherwise it was big enough and there was enough going on that it didn't need a whole world to explore. I mean the Lord of the Rings all takes place on one continent and it works fine.
On the other hand, Four Heroes of Light had a full on world and it was great too. I had very little in the way of complaints with 4 heroes of light, and that was not one of them.
Really, I think it's in how you do it. I mean, I love World Maps, but XII does a really great job without them. FF4 has 3 world maps that are radically different from each other and I love that. XIII has two full planets to explore and you never get to, which is still, I think the greatest crime that game commits.
I think the FNC is a fantastic mythology, actually, and the concepts which FF13 has are really good, I think. It's just that it falls short in so, so many ways of what it could and should be. It created a great world and then forbade you from exploring it. It gave you a rich mythology and then did its best to never tell you about it in game. It sets up a cast of characters who are ripe to subvert every Final Fantasy trope ever and then plays them increasingly straight. ESPECIALLY LIGHTNING. She's all set to completely undermine every kind of FF hero we've seen and while she does an okay job in the first game as the series goes on she's been completely broken and changed into someone she wasn't.
FFXIII could have been the best Final Fantasy if Square Enix had bothered to try.
You mean that's in the game?
I thought that image was some weird photoshopped game joke I simply wasn't getting.
It actually looks like that?
Show me proof. :V
Of course it does!
Of course it does!
Does it turn into a monster or something at least?
I'd argue that it's the opposite. Fire Emblem 4, Final Fantasy 4, Persona 4, Shin Megami Tensei 4...
It's just a normal dog silly!
And the greatest 4 of all Resident Evil 4. A Japanese developed game, where you Role Play as Leon S Kennedy and level up your Guns.
That makes it a JRPG right?
Yeah Persona 4 was great, but P3:FES will always be number one in my heart.
To me Persona 4 is the Final Fantasy 7 of the Persona series. P4 is for many gamers their first Persona game. It introduced a lot of people to the Persona franchise and SMT in general. It was an accessible JRPG, like FF7. Even had a few spin offs like the Compilation of FF7: P4A, that anime, did it have a movie? probably, some dancing game.
Eh, I personally preferred P4 over P3: FES, though both are fantastic. I can't even say what it was exactly. It may have been the mood of the game compared to P3, which was generally very dark.
Were there any problems with that PSP port of 3? After 4 Golden, I wouldn't mind a portable version of 3.
The PSP version of 3 was presented like a visual novel, you don't walk around a map interacting with NPC and things like that. Also, probably the most important changes are you can play as a Female Protagonist, and you have the option to control all your party members instead of having to rely on the game's AI.
Edit: Really wish they would make a definitive version of P3, like P4:Golden. A complete P3 experience with all the cool stuff of P3P (Skill cards, FeMC, controllable party in combat) and the content of P3:FES (Walking around the map interacting with NPCs, The Answer).
That's what LR wants you to believe.It's just a normal dog silly!
Final Fantasy IV sucks.
Corvo, pls.
What kind of bad anime exactly?
I keep debating about trying Four Heroes of Light out. It's from the team who did Bravely Default, right?
Oh Schala, you and your IV hate. So cute...=p
That's what LR wants you to believe.
In what universe and what version? Because FF4 DS is a damn fine game, girl.
If you ask Anime-GAF all bad anime. So many I really cannot count. I mean there's crappy Gundam shows like AGE and 00, horrible other mecha shows like Eureka Seven Astral Ocean, intolerable not mecha shows like Sword Art Online and Glass Fleet. I just saw every single movie the Happy Science Cult has ever made, a slew of crummy 80s cyberpunk dystopian police OVAs, shit like Eiken, Apocalypse Zero, and the like. And though many people love it, I personally detest Attack On Titan post episode, like, 7.
Bravely Default is okay, but it has its share of problems. One major plot twist just sort of happens with no explanation, you cannot choose which enemy you're targeting with an attack, and you can't save on the world map. Just off the top of my head.
I've been thinking on this a bit lately, but would the long development time of XV mean that some aspects of the game may already be complete? We've known the voice actors for the main party for some time now I believe so is it possible that things such as recording and such may be further along? I suppose I'm trying to figure out how things such as that figure into how long game development takes.
Story and such would obviously be taken care of in pre-production and unlike XIII where I believe the state of the form of gameplay was often in flux, it seems to be that Nomura and co. have a firm idea of what the gameplay will be like.
About Akira, the movie is good but the manga is on a whole other level. I encourage you to experience both
About XV, Nomura has had a firm image of what they wanted the game to be for years, it was merely a problem of not having the technology to execute it.
Honestly I appreciate the unwillingness to make compromises in your vision I just hope for his sake it will end up being worth it.
The games he works with his team on seem to be a more democratic process, Nomura's role as director may actually be kind of different then what would normally be director as he acts more as a filter for ideas, making sure they match with what he envisioned well.
His team can also give feedback freely, they have meetings for that kind of stuff.
Probably slim to none but it would be nice.
This conversation made me realize I know too much about XVersus.
Seven goddamn years.
Probably slim to none but it would be nice.
This conversation made me realize I know too much about XVersus.
Seven goddamn years.
You'll probably be waiting 7 more. If the name change was to justify another 7 years that is.
Maybe it was to buy eight more years so that development time takes fifteen total.
There's some movies coming out soon as well, right?
Final Fantasy IV sucks.
Oh Schala, you and your IV hate. So cute...=p
Lucky Cecil. I wish I could have a perfect Goddess waifu...She just mad she can't be the perfect Goddess waifu that Rosa will forever be. /perfo
Lucky Cecil. I wish I could have a perfect Goddess waifu...
Cecil can't be tied down to one woman, man. He leaves Rosa's perfect butt behind to go gallivanting with his girlfriend for the sake of ensuring that Edge will be in the Friend Zone forever.
And when Rosa gets too needy Cecil replaces the castle staff withan army of Rydia clones.
You know how I feel about FF4, period.In what universe and what version? Because FF4 DS is a damn fine game, girl.
BD's plot is explained in general. Even the major portion of it.Bravely Default is okay, but it has its share of problems. One major plot twist just sort of happens with no explanation, you cannot choose which enemy you're targeting with an attack, and you can't save on the world map. Just off the top of my head.
LOL. Yes, that works.Let m be the set of all gaming memories m_n, future, present and past with m_0 being the present, further let all m_n with n<0 be all past memories with m_(n-1) = m_n - 1ocg ("ocg" being the unit of "one crappy game"). Consider the set x, with x_(m_n) = m/(n*q), depicting the quality q of the game at time m_n.
Now look at game "Last Rebellion" with quality q=0 at set time m_t. This lead to x_(m_t) = m/(n*0), a memory failure.
Now to proof that there is a m_n for which m_n = m_t holds true, look at the set m. If there's a m_n and a m_(n+1) for which m_n != m_n - 1ocq, then it follow there's a m_t between those two elements as described above.
For the actual proof I refer back to you, to build such the set m.
Stupid enough?
I did a playthrough in the playthrough thread from two years ago explaining why I don't like FF4. Corvo did two, too, to show why he thought it was cool. Heropon (did two) and Jucksalbe were indifferent.I wasn't a fan of IV either. There are way too many versions of that game also. The DS was alright, augmenting was kinda neat.
You are reading Corvo's fanfiction.I dunno what FFIV your playing, but it sounds way better than the one I played.
Cecil can't be tied down to one woman, man.[/SPOILER]
I dunno what FFIV your playing, but it sounds way better than the one I played.
BD's plot is explained in general. Even the major portion of it.
You can choose which enemy you would like to attack.
You can save on the world map.
What kind of "perfect Goddess" is Rosa, if she is not enough for Cecil?
And yet, Cecil's still a shitty character compared to Kain and Golbez.
Kain's character grows as much as a dead tree.