Rise is easily my least favorite character in Persona 4. While I think Laura is a fine voice actress I think she's overused.

Rise is easily my least favorite character in Persona 4. While I think Laura is a fine voice actress I think she's overused.
Rise is the best character in Persona 4, I just wish I could use her in battle,
Haha I love that Hector face.
Haha I love that Hector face.
Which FE has Hector in it? Is it one of the GBA ones?
Which FE has Hector in it? Is it one of the GBA ones?
Fire Emblem Blazing Sword. Just "Fire Emblem" on GBA. 7th installment of the series. Prequel Sequel to the JP Only FE6. Which is Sword of Seals and features Roy.
Fire Emblem 7: Blazing Sword to be exact. When it was brought over to NA, they just called it "Fire Emblem."
Great game btw, definitely one of the best FE games imo.
Path of Radiance is so good. I regret not buying it when I had the chance (I rented and beat it when I was younger). I really want to replay haha.Fire Emblem 7 and Path of Radiance are two of my favorite games period. They're nearly infinitely replayable for me.
I maxed out Rise's S.Link first because I never did it before. I can't fathom how I got through dungeons without her, holy crap. Constant health regen after every fight is like whoa.
I also friendzoned Yukiko for the first time. It was a difficult decision.![]()
meccanical pls.Jokes on you I play Time & Eternity for genuine enjoyment!
It's better than Suikoden II.
Schala pls calm down
dead to me.I'm gonna level with you: I kinda just like Laura Bailey in general.
This is my first time through the game. I was like "Oh Yukiko's sweet" and then "HOT DAMN LAURA BAILEY IS IN THIS GAME. YUKIKO WHO?"
I'm gonna level with you: I kinda just like Laura Bailey in general. Like, in the two SMT games I've played--SMT4 and Persona 4-- the girl Laura plays is the best each time.
dead to me.
worse president than beef, confirmed
I generally like her too, though the two characters she's voiced in Tales games (main characters anyway) kind of suck. Marta and Cheria to be exact.
Fire Emblem 7 and Path of Radiance are two of my favorite games period. They're nearly infinitely replayable for me.
I'm no fan of the Lightning Saga, but Ali Hillis, Troy Baker, and Laura Bailey are all welcome voice actors to me.
you're cementing that you're worse than president beef right here.Your vote doesn't count on this topic anyway.
best get it out of the way now so you can move on to the titles that are actually good.Speaking of Tales games, I own Tales of the Abyss for 3DS. It will be my first Tales game.
troy baker is part of tripp fontaine and they released a single back in the dayAgreed. They should all do a musical together, especially Troy. I saw that TLOU alternate ending.
Speaking of Tales games, I own Tales of the Abyss for 3DS. It will be my first Tales game.
I need to try out Tales of Symphonia one day. When does the HD version come out?
you're cementing that you're worse than president beef right here.
and president beef has chao-imprisonment policies.
best get it out of the way now so you can move on to the titles that are actually good.
troy baker is part of tripp fontaine and they released a single back in the day
February 25/28. Gameplay shows it's age a bit, definitely not as fluid as most of the Tales titles after it. Easily has my favorite Tales soundtrack.
PS: Finding decent FF art is sooooooo freaking hard.
Good fan art, you say?
Hello, just got my PS3 and it came with FFXIII. I know most people here don't like the game but I really want to give it a try. Any tips?
How was that Tales of Abyss for the 3DS?
At first, avoid using auto-battle except to ask the game what it thinks its mechanics are, or if you need to queue up attacks instantly*. Auto-battle is reasonably effective, but for most of the early game things aren't so hectic that you'll need it, and it'll make the game horribly boring.Hello, just got my PS3 and it came with FFXIII. I know most people here don't like the game but I really want to give it a try. Any tips?
Still 30 FPS.
At first, avoid using auto-battle except to ask the game what it thinks its mechanics are, or if you need to queue up attacks instantly*. Auto-battle is reasonably effective, but for most of the early game things aren't so hectic that you'll need it, and it'll make the game horribly boring.
Heck, at least for the first two chapters, you should put effort into careful placement of AoE attacks, and on using the triangle button to finish battles faster by avoiding some of your final ATB charge. You'll get very minor gains, but the alternative is spending the first two chapters doing nothing but hitting the X button twice every time an ATB cycle starts.
If FFXIII has one massive quirk to its battle system design**, it's that the reward-to-effort ratio for certain things is tiny, but that you should sometimes do those things anyway because they'll permit the game's low points to be mere "low points" instead of "use the disc as a frisbee" points. FFXIII is capable of being a blast, but you have to approach it, it won't come to you.
*Such as when you get a pre-emptive strike (and thus can attack immediately) or right after a paradigm shift.
**Well okay, it has like fifty massive quirks, but that's beside the point.
I really enjoyed it. The protagonist is extremely annoying in the beginning and the game drags on way too long but the music is great and the story is interesting.How was that Tales of Abyss for the 3DS?
At the start of an ATB cycle, you can queue up a selection of abilities/attacks* and then specify a target enemy**. Auto-battle does the first part for you.Is this Auto-Battle ala P4G auto battle or is it a feature deeply utilized in the game? I don't mind using it if it will make fights a little easier.
If you make the most of it, and can fit them into a time where you were just going to idle about anyway, it's not really that intolerable. Especially as chapter 1 is crazy gorgeous.And if what you are saying about the first two chapters is true, damn that's sad.
Qualitative expectations might be more important than how much you expect in raw quality.I think I have to go in with very little expectations.
Hello, just got my PS3 and it came with FFXIII. I know most people here don't like the game but I really want to give it a try. Any tips?
How was that Tales of Abyss for the 3DS?
Tales of the Assholes, more like.
I'll stop. I think it's well-established that I don't like TotA.
Tales of the Assholes, more like.
I'll stop. I think it's well-established that I don't like TotA.
Tales of the Assholes, more like.
It's okay. I don't like that abyss of a game either.
Tales of the Assholes, more like.
I'll stop. I think it's well-established that I don't like TotA.
Tales of the Assholes, more like.
I'll stop. I think it's well-established that I don't like TotA.