Professor Beef
Isn't it the best?
Me everytime I watch it:
I just watched it again to make sure I wasn't going crazy. NOPE, IT'S AN ACTUAL THING! :lol
I'll probably get started on the game in the morning.
Isn't it the best?
Me everytime I watch it:
Please enjoy the following selection of dungeons:
Waterfall Cave
Waterfall Cave
Waterfall Cave (Flashback)
Waterfall Cave (In Reverse)
Orange Cave
Green Cave
Space Cave
Different Colored Space Cave
Waterfall Space Cave
I laughed at this much too much. Sometimes I wonder how some of you put yourselves through this more than once. I was so tempted at times to just leave TAY on the floor.
I think the second time around, when I played the PSP version and cheated to get the rare items, the game was much more tolerable. I love FF4 and I think TAY has some great moments, but that does not really change that the game is in many ways a shitty romhack. TAY has a LOT of flaws.
It's still an infinitely better sequel than Dirge of Cerberus or XIII-2, which speaks not to its quality, but to how bad those games are.
I mean the story is utter garbage, but I actually had a pretty good time with FFXIII-2.
And that's okay. It was definitely an improvement in terms of gameplay over FFXIII, but there were still a number of quirks about it that I wasn't fond of. Especially the way different time periods were just different weather effects.
As I've said before, divorced from FFXIII's plot and with a little fine tuning I think it could've been a perfectly decent new IP from Square. The plot's attempts to tie into XIII and the sort of phoned in, rough nature of numerous elements though did not make it a very great game.
EDIT: Something really freaky happened with your account Wazzy. When I reloaded this page, you had a tag that said "Blue Water" (or something along those lines) and a dog avatar, but when I went to make my post your account reverted back to normal.
You mean "Blended Water"? Just move your mouse cursor over the tag.
NO FRIGGIN WAY. Talk about a secret cheat code!
Haha yeah it's a cursor over tag.
Also I'm really enjoying p4. I've got three party members at the moment and I'm rescuingYukiko
Haha yeah it's a cursor over tag.
Also I'm really enjoying p4. I've got three party members at the moment and I'm rescuingYukiko
Haha yeah it's a cursor over tag.
Also I'm really enjoying p4. I've got three party members at the moment and I'm rescuingYukiko
Let us know when you get to December 2nd. P4 has multiple endings, and you can potentially lock yourself out of the truth path if you mess up.
Make sure to fuse Personas!
Thank guys!Awesome!
Couple of tips:
- ABF (Always Be Fusing). Always fuse out your old Personas for new ones. Personas quickly fall out of use, so you constantly have to upgrade in order to keep up with the game. (A strong Persona will typically last one full dungeon at most) It can be a little daunting at first, but you'll get a rhythm for it eventually. Here's a helpful early game fusion tip: Get yourself a Ukobach (Devil arcana) and train it until learns Resist Fire. Then fuse that into a Persona that can create Archangel (Justice arcana). It'll be useful for the first boss. Archangel learns Media (a useful healing spell that heals the entire team) and Double fangs (a strong physical attack). You don't necessarily have to fuse Archangel, but any Persona that resists fire is ideal.
- Make sure you have the right Personas when you social link with someone. For example, if you want to social link with Chie (Chariot arcana) make sure you have a Persona of the Chariot arcana before talking to her. This is because you gain additional points that go towards ranking up if you do.
- Eat at Aiyas on rainy days! Aiya is a chinese restaurant that's located at the northern shopping district. On rainy days, they serve the "Rainy Day Special Mega Beef Bowl!" It costs a ridiculous amount of money, but in return, it randomly raises 3 of your "attributes (courage, diligence, knowledge, etc). It's the best way to raise your stats.
- Keep track of the days where you can social link with your friends. You can't usually social link on rainy days & Sundays, so use those days to enter the dungeon/eat at Aiya.
- Take it easy.
You don't have to rescue Yukiko right away. Slowly build up your social links and get your team set up before you do. Make sure you have a lot of revive items before challenging the boss. Trust me, you'll need them- Let us know when you get to December 2nd. P4 has multiple endings, and you can potentially lock yourself out of the truth path if you mess up.
...That's about it. Holler if you're stuck!
What'd you think of it? I thought it was one of the most revolutionary games of its time, and ends up being one of my favourites.And now that I finally finished Phantasy Star II
u know u gotta go fast thoActive is way too busy for my tastes though, so I'm sticking with Wait for now.
u know u gotta go fast tho
Beef pls. I expect you to go so fast that you're faster than the game loading the rest of the environment in.It's not the good kind of fast!
Oh Corvo, I'm gonna love seeing your reactions when you finally get around to playing Lightning Returns.
Good stuff.
Oh Corvo, I'm gonna love seeing your reactions when you finally get around to playing Lightning Returns.
Good stuff.
Beef pls. I expect you to go so fast that you're faster than the game loading the rest of the environment in.
Don't be a scrub, Beefy-chan. It is unbecoming of a Digimon.
FFX2's battle system is kinda fun. Of course I've only gotten to the first save point, but I imagine it gets even better.
Active is way too busy for my tastes though, so I'm sticking with Wait for now.
what's it like to be old
It's stupid, sure, but I didn't find it nearly as frustrating as the bullshit Bravely Default pulls, particularly the stuff corvo's referring to.
Never finished LR though so maybe it had some worse stuff later in the game.
The biggest offense of Chapter 2, as far as I can tell, is that everything in the main plot was so unnecessary it should've been optional, whereas everything in the sidequests felt strong and should've been what was mandatory.
I just think it's funny you're already thinking she's a moron when I think she has a worse moment far later in the game.
I don't think it's as bad a story as the others do. I think it's very well-designed until a certain point when one particular thing can get in the way of a lot of the good it tries to do. Depending on your disposition, it'll make or break the game for you.I kinda want to play BD now just to see what you guys are talking about but this game sounds maddening and a bad story really ruins a RPG for me. If a RPG has a bad story, forget about it...
so close
I'm saying that, and you like to tease that I hate video games.![]()
What'd you think of it? I thought it was one of the most revolutionary games of its time, and ends up being one of my favourites.
so close