My parents bought me these and all of the larger figures for the main characters when I was seven. It was the best Christmas ever. I used to come up with my own FF plots and me and my cousin would have the most outrageous plots. Just never got Seifer.I had no idea VIII had a cool series of monster action figures, including Iron Giant and Forbidden.
Damn these are neat. If only I had them as a kid.
Are u using Soldier of Peace (I think that's what it's called, the ugly green garb that uses Artemis' s Arrows). Does a ton of damage.Anyone have any tips on the last boss for Lightning Returns? I put the game down for a bit and picked it up and got to the last boss. Failed miserably, so I did the trails, then tried again. Now I can get to about Phase 3... maybe halfway through that... I just can't get much further, though without running out of items. I can't beat him before his hyper nova.
Are u using Soldier of Peace (I think that's what it's called, the ugly green garb that uses Artemis' s Arrows). Does a ton of damage.
Sorry I can't remember what I did exactly to beat him since it's been a long time, but I remember for staggering in general I usedI wasn't, but I suppose I will now!
Tried it... and it got me to the 4th form. I stayed alive a good 5+ minutes on the fourth form... and did absolutely fucking nothing in damage. I can't stagger him, can't do any damage at all. I just sit there and waste all my items at that point.
Sorry I can't remember what I did exactly to beat him since it's been a long time, but I remember for staggering in general I usedthat helps you stagger at... 75%? As opposed to the usual 100%. Also had Soul of Thamasa which lets me use combo finishers twice in a row to help stagger more. Also if you're not using accessories/equipment that boost ATB recovery, you may want to consider using them now (Aeronite drops one IIRC) to help keep the pace going. For myself, I used the Witch's Rosary to recover ATB when using magic, and even used that one shield that had no defence but increased ATB recovery (for that schemata I didn't bother having a Guard skill).Caius's sword
Dunno, just throwing some ideas at you haha. Good luck! It's a bit frustrating but very rewarding when he's dead.
I cannot remember how I beat it, but I do remember that it took me a couple of tries and it took a good amount of luck that second time. I looked up a strategy on YouTube and it saved me.
Every strategy I see on YouTube is basically "Overclock and pray"
Now I remember, that was it lol Overclock and Artemis Arrow.
If I have to choose, which should I pick?
FFGaf, what do you guys think about these designs?
If I have to choose, which should I pick?
I'm picking one tomorrow.
FFGaf, what do you guys think about these designs?
If I have to choose, which should I pick?
I'm picking one tomorrow.
FFGaf, what do you guys think about these designs?
If I have to choose, which should I pick?
I'm picking one tomorrow.
Those would be so much cooler if they just had the symbols and didn't say the names of the games...
I just bought a new PS4 today. What's the story with the FF XV demo? Do I have to preorder Type 0 or will I get a code if I buy it on launch day next week?
It comes with all first run copies of the game.
As a 26-year-old guy, I feel as though I should be too old for plushies, but oh look cute things:
My brother bought me these. The cactuar was for christmas, and the moogle's for my birthday, which was today.
"The main character's name is Butz"I've been playing FF V on my Vita.
The translation for the PS1 version is really something.
It's really great.The PSP version of IV seems really cool. Looks nice too.
So I want to play FFIV... But I'm not sure if I should go with the GBA version or the DS version.
I heard the GBA version has some glitches, but I also heard the DS version is more difficult... considering FF3 DS made me want to tear my hair out I'm not sure I want a more difficult game lol
So what do you guys recommend?
I found out the android version has an easier difficulty and nicer graphics so I went with that. I just started the game, I hope I'll like it.Unfortunately the GBA version is really easy and the DS version is one of the harder Final Fantasies. I would say that FF3 is a little harder overall than the DS game, but not by much. If this isn't your first time playing FF4, then definitely go with the DS version as many of the encounters were changed to punish old strategies from previous versions.
Do they have any not about the XIII series?
Yeah, final dungeon was pretty rough, though I thinkMight be biased by time deprecation since last play date, but Lightning Returns on Normal was pretty brutal at the end.
Hard doesn't quite count considering how NG+ works in the game (You can only play Hard on NG+ and you carry all your stats over every cycle even if you game over)
Moogle's too cute. I think I prefer this version the best. XIII-2 and XII's moogles don't do it for me.
That is a pretty cute moogle, my favorite moogle design are from the Crystal Chronicles games.
At least you can throw that guy, probably my favorite thing in that game.
Moogle-throwing needs to be a thing in every FF going forward.