So I have been logging in over the past few weeks to do the events and collect characters/memory crystals, got on today and saw freakin' Steiner! Why does Eiko have this event about her when he is the superior FFIX character?
Anyways, I am much happier playing this game as a casual, and it's really made me enjoy it again. I still am not even done with all the classic dungeons from the past 2 updates, but my hones are all much better now after grinding out dailies while I watch Netflix or play another game. I'm not trying to maximize stamina usage anymore either, so who cares if I'm missing out on some stam crystals.
I drop $1 each time a new banner hits to support the game and take a chance, and so far I've gotten 2 5* out of the past 5 banners, not a bad %, better than my usual 11x pull in fact. I have over a hundred mythril waiting for the next multi banner too. One thing I've noticed though, my gold has dwindled down really far. at one point I was at 2-3 million, and now I'm down to less than 300k. Festival of Gold 2.0 when??