Until Terra/Golbez/Rinoa/Vanille memory crystals, Rydia is pretty much the de-facto 2nd fiddle after Vivi, which is hilarious because she only has 3* BM since we haven't gotten that balance adjustment that bumps that. Yuna and Garnet have decent MAG stat for summoning, though.
Quistis can use -ajas but her MAG stat kinda stinks.
Until Terra/Golbez/Rinoa/Vanille memory crystals, Rydia is pretty much the de-facto 2nd fiddle after Vivi, which is hilarious because she only has 3* BM since we haven't gotten that balance adjustment that bumps that. Yuna and Garnet have decent MAG stat for summoning, though.
Quistis can use -ajas but her MAG stat kinda stinks.
I'm actually getting by on r2 Breakdowns (Magic Breakdown is r3) by sticking them on someone who isn't expected to do large damage in the first place then actually staggering his turns to get the most uptime (Hence, 4 + 4 ability uses lasts ~10 turns, whih is more or less enough to carry through virtually all bosses)
My early character relic was Rydias whip. Now that Rydia has learned Shiva I've gave her whip to Quistis. She's pretty damn good with that and Rydia can have a realm rod whenever she's in. Vivi and Rydia at the level cap now so Ice Whip Quistis is the queen for the forseeable future bar when I need my A-Team. I can see how Quistis could be lower tier without such luck though.
I finally. I mastered the Turks in Pursuit EX++. I used a pretty much carbon copy of the team used in this guide on Reddit. The only difference was me using R3 Quake instead of the R4 Comet on Vivi (and the equipment obviously). Man that's nice to be over with. I hope I never have to deal with that pyramid crap again![]()
Quistis stays interesting even without a whip, since she has access to rods, and you can equip her with at least one Breakdown ability if you need to. Of course, she truly shines with a good whip, allowing her to actually do damages with breakdowns
Some characters are very dependant on the weapons available for them, mostly ranged characters (Irvine and Sazh), to be useful.
Quistis stays interesting even without a whip, since she has access to rods, and you can equip her with at least one Breakdown ability if you need to. Of course, she truly shines with a good whip, allowing her to actually do damages with Breakdown.
As I've been informing everyone with increasingly obnoxious frequency, I've had Gordon filling this role since my Enhancer is one of the three or so weapons that make him useful. He's actually pretty good at it.
The Aerith bangle having a rod icon? They did offer any refunds this time.Speaking of Mythrils anyone got the compensation off that error in description on one of the banners? (I forgot which).
In that case go for losing no damage medals so you can lose the two action medals. This guide might be of use:Ok so WHAT are people doing to master robot of babil 2 elite? I just can't do damage fast enough and retaliate is a little unreliable for targeting.
The Aerith bangle having a rod icon? They did offer any refunds this time.
So there you have it weapons being wrong type is fine but wrong stats listed is a refund.
In that case go for losing no damage medals so you can lose the two action medals. This guide might be of use:
sorry for the late reply, just wanted to thank you for the tipsDepends on how many eggs you have and what your hoard is but I like to egg to around 30 or allowing them to take a hit (unless they're core, those guys can be hopeless). Then it is a matter of who to level. Ones you have MC for generally take priority over ones you can get MC for (from doing a dungeon), may be too early for you to think about MC coming soon. After that the order is what RMs are important. In other words ASAP White Mage and Black Mage as their RM2 are insanely useful and fixed drops.
I tend to priortise getting mage characters up to 50 as being able to equip RM helps them a lot.
No matter what difficulty you do on Sunday aim for doing full runs as various levels of growth eggs are a completion bonus for each time you do the daily (I wish the other dailies would do this rather than be gil). The heroic dungeon gives 3 growth eggs so effectively 30k extra EXP just for doing all three stages. This makes the advice of spam RW and retreat after one stage hard to recommend.
In terms of EXP do note 1-40 is about the same as 40-50.
I would always bring a full party as it makes it harder to lose damage medals asnd you really don't want to get non-champion rank when doing these (as that can be up to 35k EXP lost per battle)
Are we getting Steiner's RM in this next event?
Kimahri fucking sucks.
Doesn't look like it, which is a shame because I wanted to lv him up tomorrow.
Looking down the line it looks like Kimahri will be getting his memory crystal a few events down, so I'll probably lv him up for exp dungeons.
Kimahri fucking sucks.
About as useful as he is in FF10.
Doesn't look like it, which is a shame because I wanted to lv him up tomorrow.
Are both characters required for boss medals?You should level him anyway if you plan on doing the bonus battles in the Eiko event.
Are both characters required for boss medals?
Anyone happen to know the minimum attack stat that will consistently one-shot BladeBlitz EXP Heroic? My farming would be incredibly more efficient if I didn't always have to drag along Seph for the quick kills.
Anyone happen to know the minimum attack stat that will consistently one-shot BladeBlitz EXP Heroic? My farming would be incredibly more efficient if I didn't always have to drag along Seph for the quick kills.
I thought Solitude was the only RM that worked with empty party slots? Loner only takes effect if there are KO'd allies, right?
It would be nice if we had a broader choice when it comes to Roawing Warriors. Now, we only have a total of 10 RW (all random, including 3 people who don't follow us and that we don't follow), and if the right ones don't pop (like some rare ones, ie. Celes), it means we have to spend 1 stamina at Fabul Castle to refresh the list. Puzzle and Dragons allows the players to choose anyone from their friendlist at anytime. It would be a welcomed change.
Are you mistaking FFRK for another non-RNG-based mobile game???
FYI, if there are any other FFRK Inspector users out there, the latest update to Fiddler breaks FFRKI. Doesn't stay connected to the db and displays item IDs instead of their associated names.
Seems like another lackluster banner.
That is the weirdest thing. One game I play lists all friends that you can hire, and the other game I play just refreshes every time you are about to start a song. It's not even the 1 stamina, but the waste of time loading menus and doing the fight at the castle just to hope you refresh it into something you want.It would be nice if we had a broader choice when it comes to Roawing Warriors. Now, we only have a total of 10 RW (all random, including 3 people who don't follow us and that we don't follow), and if the right ones don't pop (like some rare ones, ie. Celes), it means we have to spend 1 stamina at Fabul Castle to refresh the list. Puzzle and Dragons allows the players to choose anyone from their friendlist at anytime. It would be a welcomed change.
Yeah the banner blows the rod sucks steiners weapons attack is downgraded due to minimal defense boost. I'd been planning on doing an 11 pull on this, I have 91 mythril, but I'm hesitating now. I'm pretty sure I can handle the content with my four star gladius and the zantetsuken
Thinking I'll compromise with a three pull and 100 gem and save the mythril for the banners later