You've got a good stable of Soul Breaks to use, with Banishing Blade and Oerba's Boon/Miracle Prayer (not sure which one you have) as the standouts. Rose of May is the dark horse here, especially for Rift Odin (which is what you're having trouble with).
RW Shout. Unless you've got some low level armour, stacking breakdowns (Power and Magic, along with Riot Blade/Rose of May/Protectga from your Vanille) will be more than enough.
Now it comes to a question of your hones and native 5* gear. As long as you have something for each of the characters to use as a natural 5* weapons/3*++ synergy weapons, you'll be able to pump out the damage with Shout.
Invest in a Support (which from your characters, it's going to be Tyro). Alongside a White Mage, they're invaluable for harder content. Work on R3 Power and Magic Breakdown for the moment, and when you get a chance, the first 5* ability should be R2 Full Break. Don't worry if they're doing lower damage than the rest of everyone, they're doing their job by letting you survive.
Will there be another banner for Pecil's BSB down the road? I don't care if it's a collection banner or a FFIV banner.
Now I'm deciding if I want to try to get back up to 50 for the 2nd banner, or wait for the 4th (should definitely have enough mythril by then, have a ton of elite regular missions I haven't touched yet). I would really like a BSB, don't really care which one at this point since I missed Cecils.
Will there be another banner for Pecil's BSB down the road? I don't care if it's a collection banner or a FFIV banner.
Within a month (Rydia event) and the banner is crazy good.
Adult Rydia... I think? Someone back me up on that.
EDIT: Apparantly I can't read.
Ugh, that Cid mission for the Ultimate+ fight...I just can't do it.
Have tried RW'ing both Shout and Wall to no avail. I can get him down to about 15-20% remaining but then it just falls flat. Probably not worth pursing despite it being only two MFOs, but it still kind bugs me since the only other events I haven't been able to master were the original Parade Float, and some of the original Cid crafting missions.
I have decent synergy for X too, which makes it about skill/strategy.
On that note, is it still worth crafting Bahamut?
So with this BSSB I have now I'm trying to figure out the optimal configuration because of the 50% enholy boost. Synergy weapon vs 20% Holy boost Excalibur, and then 20% weapon damage vs 20% strength vs Ace Striker vs Mako Might oh god this is a nightmare.
We ready for Round 2 Gaf?!
First 100 Gem pull - 4* Mesmerize Blade (Meh. Combine with the other two I had for a 6* Weapon)
Pass. I am doing an FF14 pull, though... or not. I assumed it started tonight.
The net set of events are all on a Tuesday start/Friday bonus schedule.
Got Sabin's dragon claw (this is a bad relic, right?) and a 5 start Flametongue (V) with no soul break.
that's all folks
edit: .87 ^ 33 works out to just about an even 1% for the curious. Lower if you count the 100gem pull for 34.
that's all folks
edit: .87 ^ 33 works out to just about an even 1% for the curious. Lower if you count the 100gem pull for 34.
Was going to Leviathan Pouch BSSBFest. Will think about it again when Banner 4 comes
Was going to Leviathan Pouch BSSBFest. Will think about it again when Banner 4 comes
No Lev Pouch till OSBs.
Thanks!! ❤️Also GRATZ to Hours for pulling Squall's BSSB!!!
Did 100 gem pull on banner 2 and got sabins dragon claws. Is this basically a poor man's shout with no haste and only 30% attack boost? This might prove semi useful