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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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You've got a good stable of Soul Breaks to use, with Banishing Blade and Oerba's Boon/Miracle Prayer (not sure which one you have) as the standouts. Rose of May is the dark horse here, especially for Rift Odin (which is what you're having trouble with).

RW Shout. Unless you've got some low level armour, stacking breakdowns (Power and Magic, along with Riot Blade/Rose of May/Protectga from your Vanille) will be more than enough.

Now it comes to a question of your hones and native 5* gear. As long as you have something for each of the characters to use as a natural 5* weapons/3*++ synergy weapons, you'll be able to pump out the damage with Shout.

Invest in a Support (which from your characters, it's going to be Tyro). Alongside a White Mage, they're invaluable for harder content. Work on R3 Power and Magic Breakdown for the moment, and when you get a chance, the first 5* ability should be R2 Full Break. Don't worry if they're doing lower damage than the rest of everyone, they're doing their job by letting you survive.

Ive been eyeballing full break for a while but cant get any dang major ice orbs! Sitting on 0 of those forever. Gotta hit up the daily once it rolls around and im not farming mythril.


Cleared Kefka without too much trouble; by a country mile I have more FF6 synergy than any other realm, and virtually all of it is MAG or armor-based, so yeah lol. Also a rare chance to actually use that Kefka's Cloak I just pulled >_>.

Was surprised at how easily I was able to full-master Odin though; FF13 is probably my second best synergy-wise, but it was really Full Charge + Chainstarter with a level 80 Lightning using Peacemaker + Kaiser Shield that did it, once he put his shield up and became more subject to physical attacks she just completely decimated him, it was pretty nasty.

More worried about upcoming Big Bridge bosses though; I have okayish FF4, 7 & 10 synergy but that's about it, and on those realms most of my synergy is in armor not offense. Gilgamesh himself at the end is probably going to be an issue, all I have for FF5 offense-wise is a Brave Blade and Galuf's Kaiser Knuckle.


Dumped 150 mythril into the Cecil banner, no dice on the BSB. Got Celes' SSB, and a few of the other on-banner relics, total of 8/33 of 5*, only one dupe (Vanille's wand thing). Probably one of my best overall results, but still disappointed for no Pecil BSB. It's the whole thing I've been saving for.

I wish you could use a mixture of both Mythril and gems. I am like 8 short of another 11x pull, but won't have it in time before the banner changes, and damn sure won't be spending 30 bucks on a RNG pull.

Will there be another banner for Pecil's BSB down the road? I don't care if it's a collection banner or a FFIV banner.

Now I'm deciding if I want to try to get back up to 50 for the 2nd banner, or wait for the 4th (should definitely have enough mythril by then, have a ton of elite regular missions I haven't touched yet). I would really like a BSB, don't really care which one at this point since I missed Cecils.
Will there be another banner for Pecil's BSB down the road? I don't care if it's a collection banner or a FFIV banner.

Now I'm deciding if I want to try to get back up to 50 for the 2nd banner, or wait for the 4th (should definitely have enough mythril by then, have a ton of elite regular missions I haven't touched yet). I would really like a BSB, don't really care which one at this point since I missed Cecils.

Within a month (Rydia event) and the banner is crazy good.


Within a month (Rydia event) and the banner is crazy good.

Adult Rydia... I think? Someone back me up on that.

EDIT: Apparantly I can't read.

Thanks guys. Looks like I'll just forego the rest of the celebration banners and save up then. In the meantime, I'll try out Celes' SSB, it should do just fine for my floating 5th party member spot. I could see that runic effect being damn nice.


Ugh, that Cid mission for the Ultimate+ fight...I just can't do it.

Have tried RW'ing both Shout and Wall to no avail. I can get him down to about 15-20% remaining but then it just falls flat. Probably not worth pursing despite it being only two MFOs, but it still kind bugs me since the only other events I haven't been able to master were the original Parade Float, and some of the original Cid crafting missions.

I have decent synergy for X too, which makes it about skill/strategy.

On that note, is it still worth crafting Bahamut?


I'm not sure Bahamut is entirely worth it given the game's general trends towards insanely high-RES bosses and emphasizing elemental effects. The future 5* summons - Titan, Ultima Weapon, and whatever else is after them - will likely all be elemental. Though you obviously want to avoid the trap of constantly waiting for future content, you may be better off sticking to 4* summons with elemental effects (Leviathan, Ixion, etc.) and then just falling back on Valefor or Maduin in a pinch.

If you're thinking about BFA specifically, the most effective summon to bring to him is Alexander, since he is weak to holy.


So with this BSSB I have now I'm trying to figure out the optimal configuration because of the 50% enholy boost. Synergy weapon vs 20% Holy boost Excalibur, and then 20% weapon damage vs 20% strength vs Ace Striker vs Mako Might oh god this is a nightmare.


Ugh, that Cid mission for the Ultimate+ fight...I just can't do it.

Have tried RW'ing both Shout and Wall to no avail. I can get him down to about 15-20% remaining but then it just falls flat. Probably not worth pursing despite it being only two MFOs, but it still kind bugs me since the only other events I haven't been able to master were the original Parade Float, and some of the original Cid crafting missions.

I have decent synergy for X too, which makes it about skill/strategy.

On that note, is it still worth crafting Bahamut?

I have issues with Summoners, due to their low use abilities. Right now, Bahamut is basically locked at R3 max (unless you managed to be the luckiest person in the world and get lots of MSO during Orbfests), so that's 3 casts of heavy damage. The damage is high enough that you can probably get away with even using it in a Shout team. But now comes the other ability. If you're going to double summon, you're going to have to basically R5 a 4* Summon and use a magic boostga to be competitive with Shout + Physical skills. Which is only 8 measly casts. You could sort of alleviate this issue by bringing a -Ja spell and Bahamut, but the damage output is far lower. (Not to mention you'd have to run Devotion on this character to boost both abilities to their max, can't use a pure Summoner +20% RM/Double Cast Summon).

Ultimates typically last 10-12 rounds on a decently geared/honed physical team. Even more if you're doing Mage meta, due to crazy high resistances and less stacking of buffs. So unless you've got some SSB backup for your Summoner, chances are they're going to be sitting around, twiddling their thumbs after expending their stuff. Going to have to rely on your teammates to pick up the slack and usually this is the time when the boss is going nuts in a weak phase.

They work fine in a fight specifically where you need to AoE. Other than that? If you're going with a Mage team, expending those MDO on Memento Mori/Dark Zone would probably serve you much better (and can fit into Shout Teams if you so desire).
So with this BSSB I have now I'm trying to figure out the optimal configuration because of the 50% enholy boost. Synergy weapon vs 20% Holy boost Excalibur, and then 20% weapon damage vs 20% strength vs Ace Striker vs Mako Might oh god this is a nightmare.

Well, my Drunk Cecil does more damage with Dark Sword's bonus than a synergized weapon, once fully buffed with Dark Bargain (+30%), Soul Eater (+35%), and Apocalypse Shield (+30%). I imagine it's even easier to get that advantage when you've got an En-element buff going. It's hard for +20% Damage to outperform Dragoon's Determination, but you'll get more mileage out of DD on a character that isn't Enholy'd.


Subete no aware
I'll probably do 1 at 4 and 1 at 5. Otherwise, meh.

At least I wish they would up the inventory limit, because I keep getting 3* items from these dumb draws. lol


I got Squall's BSB from the 100 Gem pull. I'm done with that banner now. I hate to give DeNA money, but I'll probably do the 100 Gem pull on all these fest banners. I'm going to save all the Mythril I can for banner four.
Smoked Golbez with a predominantly white mage party. I also equipped a bunch of KO-resist accessories, Arise R1, and kept Rosa's Divine Favor in reserve because I didn't want to mess around with the dragon's death attack. The encounter made me wish Celes already had Knight-5 to get infinite Saint Cross.


Mastered Golbez first try. Kefka still was the hardest for me. Normally, I don't have any difficulty with the 140 level battles. Might Tap out come the 160 battles.
I wasn't expecting much from this one, but this was probably the last relic I wanted (only because I have it already).

I'm not even sure if I should combine it, but when will I need III synergy again and will it benefit from two mind/magic items?

The net set of events are all on a Tuesday start/Friday bonus schedule.

Monday/Thursday was so perfect, coinciding with the worse dailies... Would always start saving Stamina on Monday Afternoon and 3 hours before it hits on Thursday. Now it sucks... I guess that I can dedicate all of Thursday stamina to reach the +++.


that puzzling face



that's all folks

edit: .87 ^ 33 works out to just about an even 1% for the curious. Lower if you count the 100gem pull for 34.


Got Sabin's dragon claw (this is a bad relic, right?) and a 5 start Flametongue (V) with no soul break.

Dragon Claw has a very high base attack and monk boostgas are great if you're not planning on using Shout. Sabin just got his MC2, too.

Flametongue is still, believe it or not, the strongest weapon in the game with RS. Has a nice + fire damage on it too.


that puzzling face
Actually at this point, since I did get Kefka's cloak last pull (i.e. a Hastega) just beefing up on RS/stats. Figured since I skunked the first pull, might as well pull again because if I skunked here, I'd have skunked on any other banner anyway.

Was going to Leviathan Pouch BSSBFest. Will think about it again when Banner 4 comes

(And yes, aware it's gacha all said and done, already chalked it down as an expense prior. Haven't spent on the game in a long, long while anyway - weighing if it's better* to just suck it up and wait a few months for 5* per 11 pull)

it's better

edit: If you've posted in this OT for a while you'll know I find this amusing, actually. My streaks are a meme unto itself. Gonna walk the talk and do these few months underpowered. No Lev Pouch till OSBs.


Damn Falk those are some awfully unlucky pulls. Hopefully you can get something good on banner 4.

Also GRATZ to Hours for pulling Squall's BSSB!!!
Falk, I'm sorry you've had such tough luck. That really sucks. Guaranteed 5* can't come soon enough.

Did a three pull and got a second Drill, one of the few relics I already had which was kinda lame so I did one more single pull and got Squall's BSB, which I sorely needed because my FFVIII synergy is pretty brutal.

I've spent a tiny bit more on the first two phases than planned but overall I'm within my spending targets. Banner 4 is looming though.

Also GRATZ to Hours for pulling Squall's BSSB!!!
Thanks!! ❤️


Aha! Take that Braska's Final Aeon!

Basically took him down by bringing Wakka forward with a dagger and using him as secondary DPS. Had to hone up some damage skills for Auron, but otherwise took him down after a couple of tries.

Guess I just needed bit more DPS and hones. Don't really care for the 2 MFOs, but I guess it was more pride than anything else.

Did a 100 gem pull and got Sabin's Dragon Claw. Finally gives him something other than a dagger to use for synergy in VI realms. Guess I can't complain.

So far in this round of banners (1+2) i am 6/24, which is not bad I suppose. Will only being doing a 100 gem pull on banners 2,3,5. Seriously considering doing an 11 pull on banner 4.


Damn Falk.

Well, pulled Sazhs' Boon with 100 gem. Too late, man, too late. Not pulling nothing until banner 4, I have 125 mythril now and unless there is some surprise gift I won't have enough for three pulls. Oh well.

And I destroyed Golbez with no healing whatsoever. Shout + Cecil's BSSB + Alexander + Everything and the kitchen sink. Poor guy had like three turns, the Dragon cast Haste on itself on a desperate attempt before the Holy storm lol
So I got another good breakdown SB, Gordon's goddess bell. I have that and I think the lesser or Faris' two bows. The problem is I still don't really have any actually damaging SBs. Just platinum fist, and even that is more attractive for being able to buff other high damage SBs thatn it's own damage, right?


Did 100 gem pull on banner 2 and got sabins dragon claws. Is this basically a poor man's shout with no haste and only 30% attack boost? This might prove semi useful


Did 100 gem pull on banner 2 and got sabins dragon claws. Is this basically a poor man's shout with no haste and only 30% attack boost? This might prove semi useful

Yeah it's a medium attack boostga. Useful for Cid Missions when you want to bring Wall. Great stat stick for fist weapon users in VI realms otherwise.

EDIT: Partner just pulled both Vega 42's and Full Metal Rod with Cult of 3. Maybe it's time I convert religions.
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