Did anybody ever compile a list of which Fat Chocobo accessories were exclusive (aka: what should I look at if I've done every Ultimate so far)?
Just the Brutal Earring (XI) and the Tremor Earrings (XIV).Did anybody ever compile a list of which Fat Chocobo accessories were exclusive (aka: what should I look at if I've done every Ultimate so far)?
Yeah, I'm in a weird spot where I can comfortably clear most content outside of the occasional U+ and most U++'s, but I can't quite get the gear push I need to do everything, at least not without a fuckload of S/L's and/or Phoenix mythrils, neither of which I'm that inclined to do. It's kind of funny because I started in October and within 2 months I had a native wall and Medica which puts me in a better spot than a lot of players, but I've had largely spotty luck since then. Like 8 of my top 10 relics being in the same two realms and mostly armor pieces doesn't help either; where I'm really hurting is in native offensive relics which is why I went in on this banner. I have a lot of the cast at 80 at this point but it largely isn't doing me any good lol. So to an extent I'm upset out of principle. Worse case I'll just largely coast by with logins, Sundailies, and new events up to U, but that's probably it. Orbfest not dropping in the immediate future will also help me feel less burned, last orbfest I spent like 110 mythril on refreshes which got me a ton of orbs and levels which is more guaranteed than pulls, so missing out on that would bum me out.
I don't know that I expect Exvius to be any better in gacha regards, but I'll at least check it out. I might check out Granblue again, I gave it a go briefly and I know it's highly regarded but it seemed like it was maybe a bit too involved/much for what I'm looking for. I don't mind grinding at all so that's not a deterrent really.
There is also the matter of the debuffs having caps like buffs do and also weirdly enough you know how the player has a softcap on attack...so does the enemy and apparently their cap is still the launch day one (at least at one point of time it was lower than the players one).To an extent, but the DEF/RES ignoring attacks are often calculated with either very low damage coefficients or a lowered version of the enemy's attack value (because they would just kill you otherwise), so even they aren't always that useful.
E.g., Ultimate Jecht Shot ignores DEF and has a relatively high damage coefficient (3.75x), but uses BFA's ATK^0.5 as its attack value, making further ATK debuffs less effective. Alternatively, Triumphant Grasp also ignores DEF but simply uses an extremely low damage coefficient (0.01x) instead of lowering BFA's ATK, which would make ATK debuffs very effective.
Nice.Is this the dream? I'm pretty sure this is the dream.
Aha, so my eyes did not deceive me. Thanks for confirming.Just the Brutal Earring (XI) and the Tremor Earrings (XIV).
It already did tho
Literally last event
No problem.Aha, so my eyes did not deceive me. Thanks for confirming.
Just giving you the heads up. I've been playing Brave Exvius since soft release and the gatcha there is nasty. If you want to be playing as recognisable FF characters and/or actually have a shot at the hardest content, be prepared to pull a lot. Also the grind in Exvius yields very little gain until after a very long time, and that's only if you pull on characters that actually give you something from grinding their "Trust Rewards".
That being said, it's an original story with new characters and all the story content can be cleared using F2P units. The coliseum however, demands a party of the higher tier units in the game as you progress.
At least here in RK, grinding for Orbs yields substantial gains through the use of 5* abilities which can serve as an alternative at having shitty luck with pulling for gear (like you and me).
I belatedly realized Powerchain makes SBs instacast.
I belatedly realized Powerchain makes SBs instacast.
I belatedly realized Powerchain makes SBs instacast.
Basch has plenty of great skills with Knight 5, Combat 5 and Samurai 4. I have his shield too and typically run him with Saint Cross for DPS with the second slot being whatever utility I need for that battle. Banishing Strike? AoE Fire / Blind from Samurai? Extra Combat DPS? A Break? Lifesipon? He was a fantastic part of my previous A-Team.Almost wondering if this makes it worth it to slot Basch in my party since I have his Platinum Shield instead of using Shout RW, too bad Basch's skill set isn't great IIRC :/.
Well this is topical, but I came to post that I just tried Full Charge + Chainstarter and yeah, it's fucking ridiculous lol. Tried it out with Lightning as IIRC she's my best option for it userwise since I have her Peacemaker and she's at 80 Already. Finally a compelling reason as to run Shout RW as well, with Shout she was doing nearly 9999 lol.
Almost wondering if this makes it worth it to slot Basch in my party since I have his Platinum Shield instead of using Shout RW, too bad Basch's skill set isn't great IIRC :/.
Is it worth it right now to take Full Charge and Chainstarter past r2? I could get them both to r3 BUT I would probably need to convert everything I have right now plus probably buy some with greens. Is this the new meta or?
Basch has plenty of great skills with Knight 5, Combat 5 and Samurai 4. I have his shield too and typically run him with Saint Cross for DPS with the second slot being whatever utility I need for that battle. Banishing Strike? AoE Fire / Blind from Samurai? Extra Combat DPS? A Break? Lifesipon? He was a fantastic part of my previous A-Team.
The only reason I don't run him as much now is because I drew Wall and shifted my team to Tyro + Healer + 3x SSB (Cecil, Locke, Celes, Tidus, Agrias, Lightning).
Just a reminder, Platinum Shield has +20% damage w/ Holy element as a relic bonus. I use it often on either Basch (BS / SC) or Pecil (BS / SC / SSB).
Tried draw taliate, did about 25% of his life when doom hit 0. Is there an ssb im missing that ups damage by 800%?
Tried draw taliate, did about 25% of his life when doom hit 0. Is there an ssb im missing that ups damage by 800%?
You should post your team, but just in case, for the harder content you definetely need:
- Full Break or an army of chars with breakdowns or any FB SB (like Faris)
- Some form of Boost, be it Shout or any of the 30% boostgas lying around
- Hastega, the most important buff of the game
You can get one or two of them from RWs, but it's not a very reliable way to do it. Still, those three things are mandatory nowadays. Wall I don't think is that important. Yes it helps a lot with mitigation, but a strong team that can keep the boss broken and can heal itself is more important IMO
Leveled characters:
Beatrix, cloud, fang, tyro, vanille, luneth, auron, vivi.
Abilities: not much. No 5 star abilities except ones given recently during events.
Soul breaks of value: aurons riot blade, rose of may, fang pulse thingy, vanille medica, advance from tyro.
For ultimates i have to have a rw with wall, or i get one shotted by fucking everything. Since i need wall rw, i have nothing to boost attack and every ultimate has 99999999999 defense and i hit for about 1000 hp with anything i throw at them. If i had shout, id be doing a whopping 1500.
Well then im out for ultimates til 2018 when i have a shot at getting any of those :/
Well then im out for ultimates til 2018 when i have a shot at getting any of those :/
I know it's not a thread for this, but I son't make one for one question: are the mobile versions of FF games good ports? I'm in EU and for example the PSN versions are the infamous 50hz versions.
Are we getting an orb fest for these banners or no?
Doesn't look like it, maybe in the upcoming weeks. We just don't know.![]()