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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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My plan from this Orbfest besides orb farming is to level up balanced CM teams for each realm up from 50 to 65.

I'm egging anything under 50, just so I don't need to S/L if someone dies.

I can already clear all content, d180 are already getting easier.

CM's are my last frontier, but I will check out d220's and necrowhatmacallit to prepare for those as well
My roommate randomly decided to start playing FFRK tonight. Which banners should I point him towards? Beginners? OSB Fest? Wait for XIV? Also, at what point is it best for him to stop story and do orb fest instead?

He'll be playing this pretty casually, btw. Doubt he'll go hardcore into it or drop any $ either (he's got Dokkan for that).


Was feeling frisky and did a yolo 1 pull on the V banner. Got Krile's burst.

Now have her burst and sheepsong. Lovely. Enfire and a fire+ whip for her.


My roommate randomly decided to start playing FFRK tonight. Which banners should I point him towards? Beginners? OSB Fest? Wait for XIV? Also, at what point is it best for him to stop story and do orb fest instead?

He'll be playing this pretty casually, btw. Doubt he'll go hardcore into it or drop any $ either (he's got Dokkan for that).

If playing casually, I wouldn't try to stress getting the most out of orbfest

Do story mode until it stops giving free stamina, but clear some of the orbfest for free mythril rewards at least

Be selective with banner pulls, XIV will be a great banner to do 2 or 3 of 11x pulls from without any regret

Beginner's isn't going away anytime soon, I would pull from those after XIV ends, from the mythril stockpile from story realms... if he gets shout and SG from beginner's vol.2 along with Y'shtola medica from XIV... he is set for several months without any more pulls if he plays smart with RW's


How easy is orbfest for beginners? I figure it may be a good way for him to at least level up some units to prep them going forward.

Get him lots of Shadow BSB RWs. Run the first stage to get some levels. He can probably then solo an entire dungeon with it after mid/late 40s solo.


Time to start levelling some characters and mastering their relics. I'm not even sure what abilities I'll focus on honing.


I dont even know what to level. I have everything around 65 and I dont feel like I need to invest more into relicless characters. And in case that I get an awesome relic for a character that is 65 I can insta 99 him with eggs.


Everybody will get there. There are a lot of things to be hardcore about in this game. Leveling is not one of them. Between sundaily and eggs you get more than enough to max everybody you like in no time.

Oh I agree, it's such a grind fest catching up tho

I finally got Luneth 99 and unlocked dat last exp RM

Feels good man


First roulette spin got me a memory lode 3 crystal! Good way to start things off.

I need to do math to find out where I need to farm for these orbs


Everybody will get there. There are a lot of things to be hardcore about in this game. Leveling is not one of them. Between sundaily and eggs you get more than enough to max everybody you like in no time.

Yeah but to be hardcore means to never use eggs just in case you might need them later when they make the level cape 999 and you need a million major eggs to max.
Considering even in caught up Japan its impossible to have everyone be finally level cap broken I'm not losing sleep over getting people to 99 outside of Luneth and Onion Knight for his 40% exp rm and to make him actually usable
I started recording my drops this morning. Man, I miss FFRK Inspector lol. I'm trying to get a good sense of the average amount of stamina required / major orb to calcualte how much it would cost to complete my entire list. So without Inspector I have to manually record each run. I think after about 10,000 stamina used it'll be a decent sample size. I'm up to 500 (I probably used 1k last night but wasn't recording)
So I cleared and mastered all the current Orbfest levels. Do I just keep doing them in hopes of getting cactuars and those golden dudes for casino chips? Also do the higher levels have a higher chance at seeing said things?
So I cleared and mastered all the current Orbfest levels. Do I just keep doing them in hopes of getting cactuars and those golden dudes for casino chips? Also do the higher levels have a higher chance at seeing said things?

Yes and yes.

Also you get a ton of experience in the levels, so swap out high level guys for low level guys while doing it just to level them up.
Is it really this hard to get RM2s? I've had Galuf in my party constantly from Lv. 65 - 70, which has gotta be like 30 or 40 fights, and he still hasn't gotten his RM2.
Is it really this hard to get RM2s? I've had Galuf in my party constantly from Lv. 65 - 70, which has gotta be like 30 or 40 fights, and he still hasn't gotten his RM2.

It's completely random.

I've had Tidus since launch and have never gotten his RM2, which is so infuriating. I have replayed the cheap FFX dungeons to death trying to get it.
It's completely random.

I've had Tidus since launch and have never gotten his RM2, which is so infuriating. I have replayed the cheap FFX dungeons to death trying to get it.

Wait, am I doing it wrong? Do I have to be in a V dungeon to get Galuf's RM2? The description just says "Chance to obtain with Galuf in your party"

Edit: Nvm, I see Tidus's specifically requires being in an FFX dungeon.


Enjoying the roulette if only for more 4* motes.

What's the best path for Onion Knight? I can't hit them all now, but I've finished the first 6 stages for each one.


Enjoying the roulette if only for more 4* motes.

What's the best path for Onion Knight? I can't hit them all now, but I've finished the first 6 stages for each one.

Do you have any relics for him? That could influence you to melee vs mage.

Either way its essentially your choice as to how you want to build him, he can equip anything and his base stats are very high at 93+, so its entirely your preference as to if you want to run him as melee DPS, black mage or white mage.

Also using all of my stamina on orbfest and leveling core jobs in the process but not stressing about it or spending mythril on stamina refreshes since I have like 100-200 of each major orb at this point sitting doing nothing. I've more than enough to R3 the three twinstrike spellblade abilities over the next month so that's all I really care about.


Do you have any relics for him? That could influence you to melee vs mage.

Either way its essentially your choice as to how you want to build him, he can equip anything and his base stats are very high at 93+, so its entirely your preference as to if you want to run him as melee DPS, black mage or white mage.

Yeah he's sitting at lvl 99, and I have his Gauntlets. He's been a hard hitter for me but I need to invest time into getting motes now, and exploring that to make the most of him


Yeah he's sitting at lvl 99, and I have his Gauntlets. He's been a hard hitter for me but I need to invest time into getting motes now, and exploring that to make the most of him

If you have his gauntlets you can really build him any way. If you have the motes to spare I'd consider unlocking both 5* Black Mage (for spells) and 5* Combat (for lifesiphon) so that you have some options. Especially since that burst is balanced and works fantastic for either role.


OK with burst is a must Full dive. He has amazing stats and amazing skillset, his burst alongside this will make him never abandom your party under any circunstance. To this day he is still core, even in Japan.


Yeah he's sitting at lvl 99, and I have his Gauntlets. He's been a hard hitter for me but I need to invest time into getting motes now, and exploring that to make the most of him

Getting him to 5* Combat and Support is probably the most helpful.


So I should use a memory lode for him?

Be aware that is really costly to make him work, he is amazing but requires a lot of effort. You basically need to:

1 - Level him to 99. His stats before 93 are worst than CORES. Yeah that terrible. His stats at 99 are on the same levels of MAG and ATK of top main characters and has the HP of a tank.

2 - You need to mote him, at least you should do his support to 5 but combat and his blackmage tree are heavily recommended. But you should aim to fully dive him since he is amazing. Without diving him, he has Ninja 3 , Support 3, combat 3, Celerity 3, White mage 3, Black mage 3, pretty terrible.

3- To dive him, you need OK Motes, this motes were given in an exp dungeon on the III event, if you missed them, your only chance is farming Mote Ahriman or wait 4.5 months for the next III event. His skill upgrades are only awarded by using 4* motes, that are only available on mote dungeons (hardest bosses to date) and from now on, on multiplayer D200 bosses. You can also get a bunch on the roulette of this orbfest.

So while amazing, he is not the most begginer friendly character.


So I should use a memory lode for him?

Like others said, Onion Knight is terrible unless the following conditions are met

-Some investment of motes, especially 5* Onion Knight motes to unlock 5* skills

Having a relic puts him on a whole new tier

An event will come later which makes obtaining onion knight motes possible

That said, it's not impossible to achieve Demi-God status Onion Knight, his BSB will be in Orbfest banner 5 as well.
So my initial data suggests that if you convert everything into Major Orbs, it will cost about 86 Stamina / Major Orb. I'll still collect some more data, but I wouldn't expect it to end up more than +/- 10 from this number. If you want to figure out how many times you need to run a particular phase, look at the most orbs you need from a particular phase and multiply it by 3, and that's how many times you need to do it. For example, I need:

Power	123.38
White	34.86
Black	64.75
Summon	8.39
Non-Elemental	25.96
Fire	16.64
Ice	25.84
Lightning	36.14
Earth	26.73
Wind	43.44
Holy	52.47
Dark	25.62

If you just add all these up, it's 484.22 Majors. But since Phase 1 for example is Earth, Ice, and Summon, and since all 3 are equally likely, it's whatever you need most of that's going to be the blocker. So in my case I'll need to get effectively 3*26.73 = 80.19 majors before I'm done with Phase 1. Then you can use a ratio of 86 stamina / major to find out that I would need to spend 6896.34 stamina, which at a max of 118 is 58 bars. From there you can calculate mythril (although it will overcount by maybe 10%, since you'll be regenerating mythril over time a little bit).

I cut out some of the more expensive hones from my 5* checklist and I'm down to a total of 521 bars of stamina. This should go down some more after I clear out the roulette wheel, so I'm expecting it to really be more like 350 bars of stamina.

Not sure I'll be able to make it, but even if I don't, I'll still be way better off after orbfest than before.


Separate from below, but since I've finally cleared all the Nightmares; I haven't crafted a single 6* ability, what should I be looking at? Bear in mind I wasn't able to clear U+/U++ stuff for a while so I do not have the 6* crystal reserves most folks do, not even sure if I can craft every single option at the moment. The only things I've seen mentioned really worth crafting are Meltdown and Curada, is this accurate?

-Chain Stonega/Biora are the least volatile elements right now. Rarely resisted but rarely taken advantage of. Obviously the need for them changes if you pull Maria's/Quistis' BSB's during OSBfest, but I like them. It means I can run 3 mages with full 5/6* abilities at max power, with the other 2 slots for Support/White mage.

-We are getting Tiamat from XIV which is a wind element summon that does a max of 3 hits, depending on your MAG. You'll need to run Mage Meta to get up to 3 hits, but it allows Mages (along with Meltdown) to hit that rare wind element that they usually don't have. Otherwise, Bahamut it up. (Keep in mind you will need Leviathan for Summon Nightmare 2).

-Arise you could probably shatter, especially since we are moving towards more Last Stand effects in SBs. Titan depends on if you pull an EnEarth mage SB. Flare Strike is going to be outclassed real quick, the Twin Spellblades are coming quite soon. I quite like Tornado Strike and Doppelblade, but their multipliers are quite low.

-Physical Darkness for me isn't that great. Death Throes, despite powering up Reaping Scythe with Doom, overwrites any +50% Atk buffs with it's own weaker one unless you play smart and use it before Shout/Whispering Ballad, etc. Up to you, but I can think of better places for those Dark Orbs.

-Meteor Crush/Fires Within are both excellent skills and allow physical to hit Earth Element (along with Gaia Cross). Up to you, I don't have any BSB/SSBs for Monks but I still enjoy using them because they work so well in mixed teams/alleviating healing pressure.

-Same case with Dragoon Jump/Lightning Dive. Just give a dragoon a synergy weapon and spam away. Blood of the Wyvern is only worth it if you can't be bothered manipulating air time. Otherwise it's fairly trash, bring both DJ/LD for high DPS.

-There's no Twin Spellblade: Water yet in Japan, so Sapphire Shot is physical's source of 2 hit water damage. Up to you, but I love this ability.

-Curaise is okay in MP, but only if you manually target. The amount of times I've seen a healer auto use Curaise to get someone up only to fall back down again while the rest of the raid is slowly dying infuriates me to no end. Lower healing potency than Curaja though.

Thanks for the response!

-I got Quistis' BSB last month (?) and totally forgot it has en-Bio so I'll go ahead and hone Chain Bioga because why not. I'll probably hone Chain Stonega as well just because. I'm assuming your Chain spells are all at r3 right? r4 seems like it would be nice but way overkill.

-Hmm, I'll look into what Tiamat needs for hones. I also haven't crafted Leviathan, I'll get that done. Is Bahamut REALLY that good? I'm assuming any Summons ideally need to be r3 minimum, is he really that good to justify the resources for it?

-I'll probably keep Titan just to be on the safe side since it's a 5* Summon and you never know (I don't currently have any en-Earth stuff). I'll scrap Arise and Flare Strike, I'm still like 99% sure I crafted that completely by mistake to be honest. I'll sit on it for a bit but I'll probably scrap Tornado Blade as well, Doppleblade I miiiight hold onto for now, a 5* AoE Ninja skills seems useful but it's multiplier is low like you mentioned and the resources needed to hone it are probably not worthwhile.

-The physical Darkness stuff I'm only even considering because I've got Sephiroth's SSB so his base ATK is pretty high (probably about the highest of any of my non-level 99 folks) and that might be a good setup for CM purposes if I need to use him. Also I use Dark orbs approximately never, but I'll hold onto these for now just in case that need arises; was more wondering if I should just shatter them but I'll wait just in case.

-I agree with the Dragoon stuff, but outside of maybe CM purposes I just never bring a Dragoon since I don't have any notable Dragoon stuff. And if it's a CM I already had Blood/Sky Grinder/Dragoon Jump at r3. I honed all that stuff a while ago though before Lightning Dive came around, as long as the target doesn't absorb Lightning that does seem pretty solid so I'll keep it for sure, but will probably wait to hone it until I get a good Dragoon relic or I need it for a CM against a Lightning-weak boss or something.

-Same with the Monk stuff; I'll keep them obviously but it's hard to justify expensive hones when I don't have any A-Team monks or anything. Next time there's a CM and a monk is an option I'll do some honing maybe. I don't doubt they're good or anything, I've just reached a point where I don't really need them for clears or whatever. I'm planning on doing 2 pulls on the first Orbfest banner so maybe I'll get lucky and get Refia's BSB or something.

-I was probably going to hone Sapphire Shot anyway, but since there's no twin water spellblade on the way that definitely cements it. Have you bothered with Hydroburst at all? Seems potentially neat but needing to exploit an AoE water weakness seems incredibly niche/rare.


You dont need to get everything first try, there will be more orbfest and a lot of orbs from rewards dailies and such, dont push it to the point it stops being fun, it happened to me in exvius.


I was reading more into JP FFRK stuff and Curada is quickly replaced with Ultra Cure because of 2 reasons

1) many new SB's have stock cures
2) bosses are using status effects more frequently

Ultra Cure at R3/R4 is becoming a requirement for multiplayer battles, only because it can cure and esuna same time

That said, Meltdown isn't bad to create/hone and Affliction Break has an use also. These 2 abilities do not conflict each other in 6* crystal orbs, but Curada and Meltdown do with Earth orbs

Not to mention, Ultra Cure is a 5* ability and some event gives it away R1 for free If I remember right
You dont need to get everything first try, there will be more orbfest and a lot of orbs from rewards dailies and such, dont push it to the point it stops being fun, it happened to me in exvius.

Yea I don't think I will try to get everything, that's just the upper bound. Even if get Proshellga and all my Breakdowns plus a few Lifesiphons to R5 that will be way better than I'm currently doing. I have my list prioritized, and to get only the P1 items it's only about 100 refreshes, which is not bad at all.


Yea I don't think I will try to get everything, that's just the upper bound. Even if get Proshellga and all my Breakdowns plus a few Lifesiphons to R5 that will be way better than I'm currently doing. I have my list prioritized, and to get only the P1 items it's only about 100 refreshes, which is not bad at all.

To be honest, Full Break, a couple of breakdowns, 2-3 lifesiphons along with a healer and 3 BSB's for each DPS that has a lifesiphon is all I need to clear almost everything.

Sometimes there are battles that call for a niche ability or setups (nightmares) that I worry about honing something.


What is the absolute minimum level for Life Siphon that is considered acceptable? I think I can get two to R2 but not more than that.
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