Same I got through one and it just spins....will try later.
I can get in, just have to keep retrying (which means I'm part of the problem, no doubt)
Same I got through one and it just spins....will try later.
Alright this is pretty nuts. I just got a round with 5 cactuars that each dropped a 3* orb on the 45 stamina dungeon. Ended up with 9 3* orbs from that one round.
I'm assuming it gets better too with larger cactuars.
My game keeps trying to reconnect and it goes back to the title screen. Their servers are dying.
It looks like the load on the servers is lightening up. I've gotten into my last three fights pretty easily.
You probably don't want to watch that animation repeat anymore than we'll already have to.I don't get the x1, x3, x10 spin. I thought it would give, you know, 3 spins.
This roullete thing will just gives us all the possible prizes and then be useless?
Anyone can modify this to make it OT3? Thanks!
It's happened a few times before, during at least one previous orbfest. It'll stabilize once everyone settles into the comatose state of grinding.Having trouble staying connected - can't say I've seen this before with RK.
So what is this spinner thing I've not paid attention to this orb fest
Anyone can modify this to make it OT3? Thanks!
Yes! Well, you will be able to exchange chips for gils...
I have no goal for orbfest, just get a lot of everything and continue to wing it like always
I feel like we need to sneak a falk.jpg image in there somewhere
-Are Chain Stonega/Biora actually worth honing?
-At this point should I actually for real invest in Summons because almost why not with what I have? If so what should I do, is it actually worth it to go all in to craft and hone Bahamut or Maduin, should I just maybe get another hone or two on Alexander/Valefor
-Should I just shatter Arise, Titan, Flare Strike, Tornado Strike, and Doppleblade?
-Are Sanguine Cross and Reaping Scythe even any good? It's just a physical version of the MM + DZ combo IIRC?
-I have literally no notable Monk relics so I haven't touched honing Fires Within/Meteor Crush or crafting any other notable Monk stuff.
-I also don't have any real notable Dragoon SB's; I honed Blood of the Wyvern and Sky Grinder a while ago for some specific purposes and they're good, but I'm waiting to do Lightning Dive etc until I get something good for a Dragoon character.
-I also haven't honed Sapphire Shot since I have no en-Water stuff and haven't had a specific battle or need to yet otherwise.
-Is Curaise better than Curaja?
I know for sure I'm going/want to:
-Get Gaia Cross to r3
-Get Multibreak to r2
-Probably craft a second Dismissal and get it to r2, maybe r3?
-Hone Halting Rumba to r2
-Maybe craft and hone some of the 4* dances for situational purposes (Heathen Frolic Sarabande etc)
-Get my Machinist Shell abilities to r2 that I don't have there already
-Maybe hone Hydroburst?
Hmm, I may have just the thing!
EDIT: ask and ye shall receive
That's perfect.
So in 6 full runs of the 60 stamina dungeon, I haven't seen a single set of golden knights. I started with 149 mythril, cleared the first 5 dungeons bringing me up to 154, and I'm at 147 right now, which means I've used 7 for stamina refills so far. At 120 stamina, that's 14 runs of the + version. In total I've earned encountered 3 sets of golden knights for a total of 7x 10 pulls on the roulette wheel.
I don't really see these golden knights significantly degrading the efficacy of using mythril to refill stamina, especially considering that the encounter rate is so low that it will take a while to clear out the shop, and then on top of that, even after you do, it'll be so low that it shouldn't even matter.
Frequently asked questions section
Q. Just did an 11 pull and my 5 star was off banner what happened?
Frequently asked questions section
Q. Just did an 11 pull and my 5 star was off banner what happened?
Yessss, yessss.
Here's the source if Falk doesn't mind it
That FAQ question must happen!
Yeah, just because it *may* not be as good as previous fests doesn't make it a bad fest.
Power 205.31
White 37.86
Black 154.58
Summon 27.83
Non-Elemental 67.65
Fire 30.32
Ice 77.25
Lightning 78.67
Earth 75.52
Wind 86.18
Holy 51.73
Dark 53.93
Will you whale your way to get everything on this fest? I'm thinking that this might be a good strategy to get on part with everyone else and do every single content released next year.I rebuilt my orb list that I'm trying to hone and added a bunch more abilities and hone levels to it. I'm sad now. I need:
Code:Power 205.31 White 37.86 Black 154.58 Summon 27.83 Non-Elemental 67.65 Fire 30.32 Ice 77.25 Lightning 78.67 Earth 75.52 Wind 86.18 Holy 51.73 Dark 53.93
(units are majors)
Will you whale your way to get everything on this fest? I'm thinking that this might be a good strategy to get on part with everyone else and do every single content released next year.
Will you whale your way to get everything on this fest? I'm thinking that this might be a good strategy to get on part with everyone else and do every single content released next year.
Its your money if you've got the financial stability to whale and think you plan to stick with RK for awhile go for it.