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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Alright this is pretty nuts. I just got a round with 5 cactuars that each dropped a 3* orb on the 45 stamina dungeon. Ended up with 9 3* orbs from that one round.

I'm assuming it gets better too with larger cactuars.
I also like that the hard level is 60 stamina. So better drops than the 90 stamina daily and for less stamina. Also these casino knight guys don't seem like they'll be a big drop killer to me. I've run the D90 twice and never gotten one.


Yeah, from the first cleared mission its clear it won't be worth to refill stamina. At least for me with only 90, it will be way too expensive.

I'll just get the absolute necessary to clear the usual 120d/160d missions and all tiers of dailies. The real game changer will be the pulls from the banner. I REALLY need good decent Rods.

If I can have a team that can roll through that kind of content, I'll be able to gather the necessary resources for the next Orbfest.


Got the gold in roulette with 10x

Reward was Lode III and conductors tuxedo



It looks like x10 automatically rolls the RNG for 10 spins...

Gives you the animation for your best spin and corresponding reward

Think 11-pull, it would only show you the pull of your best pull instead of all 11

best pull is on the top in the results screen (11 pulls)


Oh yeah, I should probably figure out what my orbfest goals are LOL. 15 hour work days will do this to you :(.

I'm not really worried about character levels, SBs or RM's. I only need to get Magus from 50 to 65, Angeal/Dorgann/Leo/Gladiator to 80, and then Beatrix/Garnet/someone else from 80 to 99. Then I'm only missing 5 RM's associated with the above characters and then 4 SB's to master. I should be able to do all of that fairly easily along the course of orbfest naturally.

I should go back and find WarAdept's post but I think you're right about us probably having pretty similar hones lol. For 5* I have:

-Chain Blizzaga/Firaga/Thundaga at r3
-Chain Stonega/Biora at r1
-Arise at r1
-Titan at r1
-Flare Strike at r1 (I think I literally drunkenly made this by accident 6 months ago)
-Tornado Strike at r1
-Powerchain/Full Charge at r3
-Full Break at r2
-Multibreak at r1
-Sky Grinder/Dragoon Jump at r3
-Lightning Die at r1
-Meteor Crush at r1
-Fires Within at r1
-Thief's Revenge at r2
-Saint Cross at r3
-Gaia's Cross at r1
-Doppelblade at r1
-Bio Grenade at r2
-Sanguine Cross at r1
-Dark Zone at r3
-Reaping Scythe at r1
-Sapphire Shot at r1

I have the usual 4* suspects, only thing maybe worth mentioning is I don't have jack for summons other than Alexander and Valefor at r3, and Shiva/Ifirit/Ramuh at r3 all of which I did only to clear the Summon Nightmare boss.

I'm currently sitting on:

-233 Major Power Orbs
-159 Major White Orbs
-86 Major Black Orbs
-124 Major Summon Orbs
-66 Major Non-Elemental Orbs
-98 Major Fire Orbs
-89 Major Ice Orbs
-45 Major Lightning Orbs
-171 Major Earth Orbs
-74 Major Wind Orbs
-129 Major Holy Orbs
-114 Major Dark Orbs

So what should I aim for in terms of abilities to create or hones?

-Are Chain Stonega/Biora actually worth honing?
-At this point should I actually for real invest in Summons because almost why not with what I have? If so what should I do, is it actually worth it to go all in to craft and hone Bahamut or Maduin, should I just maybe get another hone or two on Alexander/Valefor
-Should I just shatter Arise, Titan, Flare Strike, Tornado Strike, and Doppleblade?
-Are Sanguine Cross and Reaping Scythe even any good? It's just a physical version of the MM + DZ combo IIRC?
-I have literally no notable Monk relics so I haven't touched honing Fires Within/Meteor Crush or crafting any other notable Monk stuff.
-I also don't have any real notable Dragoon SB's; I honed Blood of the Wyvern and Sky Grinder a while ago for some specific purposes and they're good, but I'm waiting to do Lightning Dive etc until I get something good for a Dragoon character.
-I also haven't honed Sapphire Shot since I have no en-Water stuff and haven't had a specific battle or need to yet otherwise.
-Is Curaise better than Curaja?

I know for sure I'm going/want to:
-Get Gaia Cross to r3
-Get Multibreak to r2
-Probably craft a second Dismissal and get it to r2, maybe r3?
-Hone Halting Rumba to r2
-Maybe craft and hone some of the 4* dances for situational purposes (Heathen Frolic Sarabande etc)
-Get my Machinist Shell abilities to r2 that I don't have there already
-Maybe hone Hydroburst?
I have no goal for orbfest, just get a lot of everything and continue to wing it like always

My only Orbfest goal is to get Vanille, Auron, and Garland (have their BSBs) to 99 and to get the Gold Sword so I can make Gold Sword ++. Oh, and get tons of Gil, because I'm poor now and I want to Reforge some stuff.

I really don't care about leveling characters I won't use or getting useless RMs (so basically, the cores).
So in 6 full runs of the 60 stamina dungeon, I haven't seen a single set of golden knights. I started with 149 mythril, cleared the first 5 dungeons bringing me up to 154, and I'm at 147 right now, which means I've used 7 for stamina refills so far. At 120 stamina, that's 14 runs of the + version. In total I've earned encountered 3 sets of golden knights for a total of 7x 10 pulls on the roulette wheel.

I don't really see these golden knights significantly degrading the efficacy of using mythril to refill stamina, especially considering that the encounter rate is so low that it will take a while to clear out the shop, and then on top of that, even after you do, it'll be so low that it shouldn't even matter.


-Are Chain Stonega/Biora actually worth honing?
-At this point should I actually for real invest in Summons because almost why not with what I have? If so what should I do, is it actually worth it to go all in to craft and hone Bahamut or Maduin, should I just maybe get another hone or two on Alexander/Valefor
-Should I just shatter Arise, Titan, Flare Strike, Tornado Strike, and Doppleblade?
-Are Sanguine Cross and Reaping Scythe even any good? It's just a physical version of the MM + DZ combo IIRC?
-I have literally no notable Monk relics so I haven't touched honing Fires Within/Meteor Crush or crafting any other notable Monk stuff.
-I also don't have any real notable Dragoon SB's; I honed Blood of the Wyvern and Sky Grinder a while ago for some specific purposes and they're good, but I'm waiting to do Lightning Dive etc until I get something good for a Dragoon character.
-I also haven't honed Sapphire Shot since I have no en-Water stuff and haven't had a specific battle or need to yet otherwise.
-Is Curaise better than Curaja?

I know for sure I'm going/want to:
-Get Gaia Cross to r3
-Get Multibreak to r2
-Probably craft a second Dismissal and get it to r2, maybe r3?
-Hone Halting Rumba to r2
-Maybe craft and hone some of the 4* dances for situational purposes (Heathen Frolic Sarabande etc)
-Get my Machinist Shell abilities to r2 that I don't have there already
-Maybe hone Hydroburst?

-Chain Stonega/Biora are the least volatile elements right now. Rarely resisted but rarely taken advantage of. Obviously the need for them changes if you pull Maria's/Quistis' BSB's during OSBfest, but I like them. It means I can run 3 mages with full 5/6* abilities at max power, with the other 2 slots for Support/White mage.

-We are getting Tiamat from XIV which is a wind element summon that does a max of 3 hits, depending on your MAG. You'll need to run Mage Meta to get up to 3 hits, but it allows Mages (along with Meltdown) to hit that rare wind element that they usually don't have. Otherwise, Bahamut it up. (Keep in mind you will need Leviathan for Summon Nightmare 2).

-Arise you could probably shatter, especially since we are moving towards more Last Stand effects in SBs. Titan depends on if you pull an EnEarth mage SB. Flare Strike is going to be outclassed real quick, the Twin Spellblades are coming quite soon. I quite like Tornado Strike and Doppelblade, but their multipliers are quite low.

-Physical Darkness for me isn't that great. Death Throes, despite powering up Reaping Scythe with Doom, overwrites any +50% Atk buffs with it's own weaker one unless you play smart and use it before Shout/Whispering Ballad, etc. Up to you, but I can think of better places for those Dark Orbs.

-Meteor Crush/Fires Within are both excellent skills and allow physical to hit Earth Element (along with Gaia Cross). Up to you, I don't have any BSB/SSBs for Monks but I still enjoy using them because they work so well in mixed teams/alleviating healing pressure.

-Same case with Dragoon Jump/Lightning Dive. Just give a dragoon a synergy weapon and spam away. Blood of the Wyvern is only worth it if you can't be bothered manipulating air time. Otherwise it's fairly trash, bring both DJ/LD for high DPS.

-There's no Twin Spellblade: Water yet in Japan, so Sapphire Shot is physical's source of 2 hit water damage. Up to you, but I love this ability.

-Curaise is okay in MP, but only if you manually target. The amount of times I've seen a healer auto use Curaise to get someone up only to fall back down again while the rest of the raid is slowly dying infuriates me to no end. Lower healing potency than Curaja though.


So in 6 full runs of the 60 stamina dungeon, I haven't seen a single set of golden knights. I started with 149 mythril, cleared the first 5 dungeons bringing me up to 154, and I'm at 147 right now, which means I've used 7 for stamina refills so far. At 120 stamina, that's 14 runs of the + version. In total I've earned encountered 3 sets of golden knights for a total of 7x 10 pulls on the roulette wheel.

I don't really see these golden knights significantly degrading the efficacy of using mythril to refill stamina, especially considering that the encounter rate is so low that it will take a while to clear out the shop, and then on top of that, even after you do, it'll be so low that it shouldn't even matter.

Yeah, just because it *may* not be as good as previous fests doesn't make it a bad fest.
I love the fact that I can level up all my shit characters. As soon as I level cap a guy, I just swap in a random level 1. If he gets unlucky and dies I just S/L, after about 3 rounds he can hold his own and level up very quickly.
I rebuilt my orb list that I'm trying to hone and added a bunch more abilities and hone levels to it. I'm sad now. I need:

Power	205.31
White	37.86
Black	154.58
Summon	27.83
Non-Elemental	67.65
Fire	30.32
Ice	77.25
Lightning	78.67
Earth	75.52
Wind	86.18
Holy	51.73
Dark	53.93

(units are majors)


I rebuilt my orb list that I'm trying to hone and added a bunch more abilities and hone levels to it. I'm sad now. I need:

Power	205.31
White	37.86
Black	154.58
Summon	27.83
Non-Elemental	67.65
Fire	30.32
Ice	77.25
Lightning	78.67
Earth	75.52
Wind	86.18
Holy	51.73
Dark	53.93

(units are majors)
Will you whale your way to get everything on this fest? I'm thinking that this might be a good strategy to get on part with everyone else and do every single content released next year.
Will you whale your way to get everything on this fest? I'm thinking that this might be a good strategy to get on part with everyone else and do every single content released next year.

Its your money if you've got the financial stability to whale and think you plan to stick with RK for awhile go for it.
Will you whale your way to get everything on this fest? I'm thinking that this might be a good strategy to get on part with everyone else and do every single content released next year.

I don't think I'll complete my list (and it gets much more manageable just by changing a few 5* abilities from R3 down to R2). I might spend up to a single Leviathan Pack of gems on refills, but we'll see how I stand after a couple of days of refills and come up with a rough idea of # greater orbs / refill.


Its your money if you've got the financial stability to whale and think you plan to stick with RK for awhile go for it.

I'm ashamed to admit that I whale. During Orbfest, I usually buy $20 or $30 in Google Play cards and buy Gems for refreshes, instead of using Mythril. Whatever I have left usually goes toward 100 Gem pulls.
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