Tyro have a good rm i take it? i forget who has what. except that im trying to get ace striker to drop. last one i need really.
Dr. Mogs Teachings. Start the battle with 1SB gauge filled.
Tyro have a good rm i take it? i forget who has what. except that im trying to get ace striker to drop. last one i need really.
Dr. Mogs Teachings. Start the battle with 1SB gauge filled.
If I remember right, that guy on record keeper forum spent $3000 for a healing grimoire and it wasn't a featured relic on the banner.
He got pissed and sent a support ticket and got a reply of "it's working as intended"
1-2 months later, healing grimoire was on a banner and I pulled one of those. Just an misinformed whaler.
3 hours until the orb fest?
You know it. I'm hyped. I got a lot of leveling to do, need gil and want orbs. I'm ready. Screw all ya'll, I'm refreshing.
You know it. I'm hyped. I got a lot of leveling to do, need gil and want orbs. I'm ready. Screw all ya'll, I'm refreshing.
Oh god, the old UI.
So let's do a recap real quick of what are the most important skills to create/hine:
-All the meltdowns
-Full break
-Spellblade skills
What else?
So let's do a recap real quick of what are the most important skills to create/hone:
-All the meltdowns
-Full break
-Spellblade skills
What else?
Go for multibreak only if you have tyros wall. Since he is the only dancer that you will use probably. The other dancers are pretty weak except Rikku and Penelo that is actually an insane dancer with her burst.
That's a good point, I forget not everyone uses Tyro as a permanent spot in a team like I do
SG spoils me, if I ever pick up Y'shtola's wall, it's gonna be weird without Tyro!
I still think Tyro is the better native Wall user, due to the fact that Y'shtola probably wants to spam heals/medica's instead of wasting valueable time mid fight refreshing SSII. The amount of times I've used Tyro as a healer and shit hit the fan mid fight and I needed to make the choice of either refreshing wall or hitting Curaja is too much.
Plus I love the little dude too much. I like stupid skill combos. Like Mug Bloodlust and Lightning Dive.
meltdown... you mean breakdowns and yes
multi break is needed for fights with 2+ bosses
curaja 4/5 or 5/5 if you can push it
dismissal and banishing strike is good to have
everything else is niche and depends on which relics or your best team set up is at
for example, saint cross is best with en-holy knights with bsb's
powerchain and full charge work together well, but not first priority
cpp said steal power, that works if you use a thief, but power breakdown works just the same. Again, up to your party set up.
Only reason I mentioned Steal Power is because it is marginally better than the breakdowns. a) it absorbs the power, and b) it has a longer duration. So yea I wouldn't prioritize it over the breakdowns unless a thief is in your A team, but if you can get a thief in your A team, it will end up being better.
I have both Walls and only ever use Tyro's in Nightmare fights.
I tend to find that I always have someone more specialized who works better in whatever role I might want to put Tyro in.
I have no breaks for Tyro and hope I never do. He's junk in my book!
But he has 5* ability in every single category!
But junk stats. i got Onion knight, baller as fuck.
But junk stats. i got Onion knight, baller as fuck.
I just run both. RS and standard buffs means any character is basically well above the ATK soft cap anyway, regardless of stats and Tyro is blessed with high HP to offset his lower defensive stats.
The only time he would under perform is if you're running him as a Black Mage/Summoner and only one +30% MAG buff. Wouldn't matter with two stacked mag buffs, you're basically going to 20k Chain Spells regardless because of how stupid the mag curve is.
We forgot the other valid point, i love too many other real ff characters to use him.
Can't wait to max out this gold sword finally!
Man hitting my stamina goal is gonna come down to the wire. I'm so close but dungeons are sometimes not even offering stamina shards anymore.
Oh my gooooooooood you guys have no idea how happy this makes me
Had a couple hours at work last night to kill with literally nothing better to do so kept at the Necrophobe fight and eventually got it, fuck that thing forever. I did the last 5 of the Nightmare Dungeons on this month's cycle as well. All of the dungeons are Mastered as well. I finally made it to the big leagues *single tear*
How much did this cost? I stopped at 90.Well this is where I stop I think. I was hoping to get to 120, and I could probably clear 5 more dungeons in the next 30 minutes, but not 10 more.
I checked my history and I created this new account 11 days ago, so I'd say getting to 118 stamina in 11 days is pretty respectable. I'm already way more powerful than my old account by a large margin, so in hindsight I think starting over was the right move rather than continuing from my old account.
Well this is where I stop I think. I was hoping to get to 120, and I could probably clear 5 more dungeons in the next 30 minutes, but not 10 more.
I checked my history and I created this new account 11 days ago, so I'd say getting to 118 stamina in 11 days is pretty respectable. I'm already way more powerful than my old account by a large margin, so in hindsight I think starting over was the right move rather than continuing from my old account.
How much did this cost? I stopped at 90.
Nicely done. ready to rock out with me in 30 minutes?
Can't wait to see what the hype is about.
idk if the server is overloaded but I'm having trouble entering battles.
In any case, there's 10 of each major orb from the casino, so I can still see it requiring a significant number of refreshes to clear everything out.
idk if the server is overloaded but I'm having trouble entering battles.
In any case, there's 10 of each major orb from the casino, so I can still see it requiring a significant number of refreshes to clear everything out.