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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


So I just got reminded how VoF does NOT equal deployment tactics. The hastega was overlooked by me and I guess I had not really realized how powerful the two burst commands are. Even though I owned it, I had always just seen it in raids so like 1500x4 and figured no big deal.

Also to who replied to me (on mobile at moment) about Firion cmd 2, I have had his burst since it was first available and by now had totally forgotten about the power chain effect.

2 new questions I came up with today.

1. In Relm burst (or any burst) is her commands giving atk/def type SB buildup or more like a 4/5 star ability? I just had a moment where I needed to recast BSB for last stand asap but used cmd 1 instead of one of her remaining 7 charges of ultra cure and wondered.

2. This would not be too hard to google but with pc down at moment, does Vaan burst commands stack with Tyro burst commands? I imagine they should with slightly different attribute targets.

Edit: playing on speed 1 or 2 really helps and it isn't painful slow at all

Just had my third and best attempt. Right after killing second pig and last pig had less than 5%, the first one reapawned and it was first time I seen their version of Delta Attack, never S/L so fast before.


Speed 1/2 when Hasted with 5 characters and keeping track of the fight isn't slow at all.

Also allows you to go that extra mile for stuff like BSBs, buffs etc by having more time to think, faster inputs, etc.


So I just got reminded how VoF does NOT equal deployment tactics. The hastega was overlooked by me and I guess I had not really realized how powerful the two burst commands are. Even though I owned it, I had always just seen it in raids so like 1500x4 and figured no big deal.

Also to who replied to me (on mobile at moment) about Firion cmd 2, I have had his burst since it was first available and by now had totally forgotten about the power chain effect.

2 new questions I came up with today.

1. In Relm burst (or any burst) is her commands giving atk/def type SB buildup or more like a 4/5 star ability? I just had a moment where I needed to recast BSB for last stand asap but used cmd 1 instead of one of her remaining 7 charges of ultra cure and wondered.

2. This would not be too hard to google but with pc down at moment, does Vaan burst commands stack with Tyro burst commands? I imagine they should with slightly different attribute targets.

Edit: playing on speed 1 or 2 really helps and it isn't painful slow at all

Just had my third and best attempt. Right after killing second pig and last pig had less than 5%, the first one reapawned and it was first time I seen their version of Delta Attack, never S/L so fast before.

1. Any BSB commands generate the same SB's gauge as the Attack command (50). Abilities give more.

2. It stacks.

Vaan - Magic+Def Down. Commands are Magic Breakdown / Defence Breakdown.
Tyro - Commands are Atk+Mag Down / Def+Res Down.

No conflict whatsoever here. Bring Mug Bloodlust and other standard breakdowns and they will all stack.


1. Any BSB commands generate the same SB's gauge as the Attack command (50). Abilities give more.

2. It stacks.

Vaan - Magic+Def Down. Commands are Magic Breakdown / Defence Breakdown.
Tyro - Commands are Atk+Mag Down / Def+Res Down.

No conflict whatsoever here. Bring Mug Bloodlust and other standard breakdowns and they will all stack.

Ya I tested since posted and was pretty sure I could see the difference on stacking. I mean I knew it should but it almost seemed too good so..

Mug bloodlust at 2 uses at moment. Sigh.


I'm too weak and did a pull on banner 1... It just has too many shiny things :(


I'm happy with it. :D

I have it. Orlandeu's RM3 is not enough by itself to get 6 burst commands (3 uses of max charged cmd2).

I was able to get 6 uses using Orlandeu's RM3 + Ramza's non-charge USB (1 instant cast use).

Even then, I cannot consistently get three uses of max-charged CMD2... only about half the time.

Hmm, now that I pulled it I'm interested in it. Guess I will try it out for myself to see what I can get because it seems like people get different results.

Edit: First time using it and I also got 5 uses with the Thunder God RM. But damn I destroyed Adel with it. Everyone else was just defending. lol DeNA give us Legend Materias! Need that doublecast.


Did a pull on bm banner. Boy.

Seymour burst, what a fucking joke. Instant ko? Like that will ever be useful.

Also got some piece of fucking shit for rinoa, which is par for the course for my 8 synergy. Ssb that is 5 magic hits and nothing else. Same for my piece of shit edea piece I already had. Wow, so super.

Got a dupe fire lash, I'm ok with that one, combined.
I'm too weak and did a pull on banner 1... It just has too many shiny things :(

I'm happy with it. :D

Hmm, now that I pulled it I'm interested in it. Guess I will try it out for myself to see what I can get because it seems like people get different results.

Edit: First time using it and I also got 5 uses with the Thunder God RM. But damn I destroyed Adel with it. Everyone else was just defending. lol DeNA give us Legend Materias! Need that doublecast.

Nice pull, very jealous!
Finally beat the FF5 Torment CM. I tried back when it was originally released but didn't have good enough relics then.

Bartz had his BSB, Faris just used her Sea Lord's Broadside, Krile had her Sheepsong, Gilgamesh had nothing and was just used to tauntilate the trash mobs, and Lenna had her SSB. RM was Vessel of Fate.

I was just going to do a trial run with this party to see how it would do. I was planning on doing more tweaking (maybe adding elemental resists for accessories) but it ended up being unnecessary. Now to try the 250.
1/11 White Mage LD
Porom's Twin Star

4/11 Black Mage LD
Exdeath's Cuirass
Emperor's Cloak
Kuja's Punisher
Shantotto's Iridal Staff (CSB?)

No dupes, stuff for weaker realms and a disco ball to top it off. Was hoping for more burst, but this is fine.


Did a pull on bm banner. Boy.

Seymour burst, what a fucking joke. Instant ko? Like that will ever be useful.

Also got some piece of fucking shit for rinoa, which is par for the course for my 8 synergy. Ssb that is 5 magic hits and nothing else. Same for my piece of shit edea piece I already had. Wow, so super.

Got a dupe fire lash, I'm ok with that one, combined.

I get you so not like I am lol 'concerned'

But unlike Cuth who just seems sad and sounds like an MMO'er who needs a reason to quit (don't quit Cuth)

You actually sound ready to cut someone haha.

Besides Holy relics which I don't understand why I have 12 (really) and you have 1 or 2, what else is on your 'this was worth it ' list.

Oh and besides going 4/11 or 5/11 or whatever.


I get you so not like I am lol 'concerned'

But unlike Cuth who just seems sad and sounds like an MMO'er who needs a reason to quit (don't quit Cuth)

You actually sound ready to cut someone haha.

Besides Holy relics which I don't understand why I have 12 (really) and you have 1 or 2, what else is on your 'this was worth it ' list.

Oh and besides going 4/11 or 5/11 or whatever.

Basically any burst that's not instant ko as added effect :3

I liked the dupe fire lash. Extra 11 magic on mah waifu krile is this ish.

I was specifically wanting any lightning relic. Which I should have known I wouldn't get. Im pretty sure the game flags accounts to get over abundance of certain elements and none in others.
WM lucky draw

Umbrella, first Ultra
Tyro's Burst
Sarah's lute

Still no BSB Heal but very good draw.

Think I'm done with these half price in this set. I have zero mythril. If I save now I can pull on the next 4, DU and 3 half fest, and hopefully VI-1 as well. Would like VI-2 for Strago, Leo bursts but those will have to wait.

Skipped Combat and BM.

Krile's 8-Hit Whip
Tidus OSB
Lightning OSB
Orlandeau Burst Cloak
Irvine's Slow Blind gun
And the 3 above.

Was pulling cold, hot, cold, hot on these lucky banners. Dont have 50 mythril for the next hot phase.

Tyro is my first semi-breaker. With my good hones in breaks he probably will take over for Irvine. Or he can join him for super breaks.


That Gogo C1 looks interesting, does it mimic BSBs/USBs/OSBs and commands?

Only abilities with hones that don't have airtime.

Don't ask me why for the second part.

The mimed ability works as if Gogo had used it (i.e. it's based on his stats), so you'd probably want to stick to spells.


Results of the LD:

BM was two dupe SSBs and Reno's BSB. I have to test it but it's weird that a physical BSB appears on the BM LD xD

Now the cool stuff, WM: Larsa's SSB, which is nice, and Vanille and Lenna's BSB. I've been chasing Vanille's since forever so I'm pretty happy. I'm having some good luck lately, I'm scared.


WM LD 1/11, Porom SSB

womp womp

It seems potentially useful but I don't have any medicas for Porom so I would have to still bring a proper WM which would defeat the purpose. I don't have much (anything?) for FF4 armor though and at least it wasn't a dupe, so yay?


Did my 100 gem pull on the FFV banner, was excited to see a 5 star. Turned out to be Farris unique soul break. Better than nothing, but probably not much help in the long run.
Did my 100 gem pull on the FFV banner, was excited to see a 5 star. Turned out to be Farris unique soul break. Better than nothing, but probably not much help in the long run.

That is a really great break despite being only a unique. Aoe and stacks with full break and breakdowns. Sea lord broadside will carry you through the torment cm boss round.


That is a really great break despite being only a unique. Aoe and stacks with full break and breakdowns. Sea lord broadside will carry you through the torment cm boss round.

Wow. Better pull than I expected then! And it's not like I have anything else for Farris right now, so it will be useful!
BM LD: 4/11: Hope BSB, both of Golbez SSB (Endark, Faith), Edea SSB (Imperil Dark)
WM LD: 2/11: Larsa SSB dupe, Ovelia BSB

Still lacking mage sticks in some realms

OTOH, I can make a pretty nasty FFT CM team if I wanted to.
Did my 100 gem pull on the FFV banner, was excited to see a 5 star. Turned out to be Farris unique soul break. Better than nothing, but probably not much help in the long run.

That's actually one of the best Uniques there is. :) AOE -40% to ATK/MAG, great complement to Faris' dances and other soul breaks. I use it all the time. I know I said earlier that this banner was no bueno, but folks shouldn't sleep on Sea Lord's Broadside if they don't already have it.


The AoE ATK/MAG break uniques are among the most future-proofed regular SBs left. Not really a surprise that they still show up from time to time.

Gordon, Faris, Setzer, Mog, & Fran all have one and they're all still very useful. Mog's is a little different in that it has a slightly higher break value but does no damage.

Wol has one as well but his is a SSB because Wol.

Results of the LD:

BM was two dupe SSBs and Reno's BSB. I have to test it but it's weird that a physical BSB appears on the BM LD xD

Reno BSB is in the awkward-but-don't-sleep-on-it category. It's physical, but Reno's ATK is better than you think post-buff; it's comparable to the other machinist characters like Balthier and Mustadio.

The BSB has potential and is somewhat unique in that its iteration command (C1) is actually worth using. With enlightning from the entry and in a long enough fight it will put out respectable damage once you get it to 4+ hits.


Mug Time is still the most reliable way to inflict slow that's not a SB.

But yeah, it sucks.

Flare Strike is only preferable against an omni-resist target and even then it's questionable.


Reno BSB is in the awkward-but-don't-sleep-on-it category. It's physical, but Reno's ATK is better than you think post-buff; it's comparable to the other machinist characters like Balthier and Mustadio.

The BSB has potential and is somewhat unique in that its iteration command (C1) is actually worth using. With enlightning from the entry and in a long enough fight it will put out respectable damage once you get it to 4+ hits.

Cool to know, tomorrow I'll start working on him. Thanks!


Hey guys, so I've gotten to the point in the content (difficulty 60+) where I finally can no longer just brute force through stages. I decided to pull on the half price white make banner thinking a strong WM would help me from here on out. I got Rosa's Perseus bow (I THINK that means SBS in the lingo?) anyway, is that strong or should I pull more/wait for other banners? I have no other 5* things besides Irvine BSB (new to the game a few days for those of you who don't recognize my noob questions)

Hey guys, so I've gotten to the point in the content (difficulty 60+) where I finally can no longer just brute force through stages. I decided to pull on the half price white make banner thinking a strong WM would help me from here on out. I got Rosa's Perseus bow (I THINK that means SBS in the lingo?) anyway, is that strong or should I pull more/wait for other banners? I have no other 5* things besides Irvine BSB (new to the game a few days for those of you who don't recognize my noob questions)


Perseus is bsb, Artemis is ssb.

Either is great. Rosa can wrath and get her sb bar back real quick. Bsb has single target mag blink which is a nice bonus.


Perseus is bsb, Artemis is ssb.

Either is great. Rosa can wrath and get her sb bar back real quick. Bsb has single target mag blink which is a nice bonus.

Great, thank you! I'll use a hero soul to get her then I'll level her and her bow. What WM abilities should I prioritize making? I currently have orbs for curaga, renewing cure, and momento of prayer. I don't have enough for the -ga level shell and or protect, but, I do have the regular shell and protect available
Hey guys, so I've gotten to the point in the content (difficulty 60+) where I finally can no longer just brute force through stages. I decided to pull on the half price white make banner thinking a strong WM would help me from here on out. I got Rosa's Perseus bow (I THINK that means SBS in the lingo?) anyway, is that strong or should I pull more/wait for other banners? I have no other 5* things besides Irvine BSB (new to the game a few days for those of you who don't recognize my noob questions)


There are better healing BSB, but it's not bad. The big benefit comes from her command medica which gives a mid-tier cure to the whole party. It's a huge help, but the command 1 gives a single target magic blink along with a strong cure which can come in handy. In general it should help you out a ton.

Use that (especially with a record materia like mako might or dr mog's teachings which starts you with one SB bar) with a strong OSB record warrior to obliterate the boss and you should be able to cheese through all content up to 99 at least.


So do we expect the FF VII event next week? I'm asking because it's not a full event: Only has one banner, gives 2 mythril instead of 10 and it has fewer stages. Doesn't sound like something we would get without other things going on.
You probably don't know much more because we should get a maintenance next week after which we should know more. But right now I don't expect that FF VII will be the next event. So yeah don't be hyped for Cloud's USB yet.


Did the white mage pull even tho I said I wouldnt. Couldn't pass up the chance at some holy damage. Came away smiling ear to ear!

Got Larsa bsb and Beatrice osb, my rose of may waifu.

And Larsa astra can now replace my tyro usb.

When I saw the disco ball I was sure it was some junk for tyro.

Now I just need a burst for bartz, and preferably Beatrix burst because those 2 were in my original a team back in the day. Bartz still regularly makes it in my team as well as Beatrix because of his spell blades and her mblink I have. Now can actually do some damage with her. Love you Dena! Until the next junk pull then as friz would say, I'm gonna cut em.
Did the white mage pull even tho I said I wouldnt. Couldn't pass up the chance at some holy damage. Came away smiling ear to ear!

Got Larsa bsb and Beatrice osb, my rose of may waifu.

And Larsa astra can now replace my tyro usb.

When I saw the disco ball I was sure it was some junk for tyro.

Now I just need a burst for bartz, and preferably Beatrix burst because those 2 were in my original a team back in the day. Bartz still regularly makes it in my team as well as Beatrix because of his spell blades and her mblink I have. Now can actually do some damage with her. Love you Dena! Until the next junk pull then as friz would say, I'm gonna cut em.

Dude that is an outstanding pull!


Dude that is an outstanding pull!

Indeed. Larsa a god send because we all know in multi people hate ysh burst, so I can leave that at home and bring this emperor in waiting or vanille.

And as luck would have it, Beatrix already 99 and i just broke Larsa with a mc3.

Edit: and just checked, Larsa has support 5?? Oh my.


Should I pull on the Orlandu banner if I'm new and only have Irvine and Rosas BSBs? I have 130 mythril and am around level 30 able to beat level 50ish content
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