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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


Hi Guys, fixed my corrupted bios on my PC finally, and now I can spam more with a keyboard!

Also I've got an update for all you friz898 fans. I had been working on this d250 torment since it came out, so I think nearly a week? I even hadn't done Thursday event (or 100gem pull) because I had such a good opening on that 7/7 torment that I didn't want to lose that S/L setup.

So first, my 100gem pull was Faris Yoichi Bow,I only just glanced at it, but this is my first Fairs relic, and I believe we just had a conversation about it a few posts ago saying how it's still really good today. I can only imagine, as it sounds just like Rev Wall that I have with Mog. Maybe Faris is a higher percentage? I'll look for myself in a bit. I was just so happy to get a 5star since I had probably gone about 6-8 100gem pulls and not gotten a single thing I could use.

Now, on do my d250 Pigus Sisters report:

Firion - Fire Blossom / LifeSiphon - BSB w/Magic Blink -- Fire did about 4-6k to help clear trash, also for medal on Ice Pig.
Relm - Ultracure / Curaga - BSB w/Last Stand
Vaan - Bladeblitz/Dismissal - BSB for Debuffing - Bladeblitz for trash.
Tyro - Stoneja/Curaja - BSB for Prot/Sell and Magic Blink - Stoneja for medal.
O Knight - Meteor/Chain Blizzaga - BSB for Haste, Buffage, and 1900x4 on bosses, 4400x4 on trash mobs.

Bringing Vaan made a huge difference. I was surprised how he much dmg his BSB commands were doing. I hate using Tyro over Alphi, but that Magic Blink was too important. O Knight has meteor at rank 4, so he still had 3 uses left even though it was doing about 8-9999 dmg on trash mobs.

What I didnt need/use. - Dismissal with Vaan, double cure spells on Relm, Life Siphon on Firion. Once I switched in Vaan, it really made a world of difference. My first attempt failed last night with the first pig respawning seconds away from me winning. Today's attempt (so Number 2) was pretty much on cruise control. My RW (of course) was wall.

Got a Master as well, I think I lost 1 medal on actions taken, and 2 on dmg taken.

Now to do the event from Thursday. Woohoo!
Decided for the heck of it to do another gem pull on the Nightmare Support banner, because there's lots of items that I still want on it.


Dupe Sirius Sidearms -- Okay, whatever....

Exeter -- Wow, great! I really wanted this to pair with Irvine's Burst!

Qu Garb -- A top-tier support burst for a realm I don't have any support SBs in, excellent!!!

Princely Raiment -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that went about as well as I could have hoped.


Haha I just started a few days ago, thus only 2.

What's extremefest?

Extreme fest is the next "festival" event, which is expected to land in a couple weeks.

Festivals usually include a bunch of login gifts, some kind of special event dungeon with increased rewards, and 5 banners that are released in phases. These banners have more USB/OSB/BSB relics than usual so a lot of people just save up for them.

They also have been having themed Lucky Draws (1/2 price 11-pull 1 time only banners) with fests lately. If we get the same ones JP got for this fest, there will be a Curaga medica (medica=party heal) banner, an Imperil (SB's that put a stacking debuff on enemies that make them more vulnerable to a specific element, 20% per stack) banner, and a Burst banner.

As I said before though, all of these banners have relics for a wide range of characters. If you pull on them there's a high probability you'll get stuff for people you don't have and will need to wait until you get more Hero Souls to unlock them.


Haha I just started a few days ago, thus only 2.

What's extremefest?

Hexum, by now we all know you're new. It's not a tiny community, but we kinda somewhat know all the names around here and know a little bit about everybody, for example Anustart is ready to cut people and cpp is very, very rich. Jokes aside, I love helping, but on this one, I'll leave one of our reddit-readers (where a lot of info comes from) to actually be useful and answer your post, lol.

All I know about it, is that there is several relic banners, I think someone earlier even wrote them all out. They are suppose to have higher than usual odds etc. Like one banner is something like BSB/OSB/USB only (or something).


Should I pull on the Orlandu banner if I'm new and only have Irvine and Rosas BSBs? I have 130 mythril and am around level 30 able to beat level 50ish content

We're presently being inundated with half-price-first-pull lucky banners. I would invest your mythril there before anywhere else.

Even if you really like Orlandeau, you will have a chance at his relics in 3 of the 7 lucky banners that will be available in the coming week (another opens Tuesday).
Haha I just started a few days ago, thus only 2.

What's extremefest?

It makes zero sense to save 130 mythril(what you said you have) when you have 6 half price banners with quality items on them. Sure, you probably don't have all the tunes unlocked and thus pulling on a weekly banner you could for sure use the item's soul break you receive with the characters you unlock. However, just getting gear for realm synergy is good too to clear regular story dungeons. You have banners with all the realms on them. You'll hit a bump in the road clearing story dungeons without good realm synergy.


I can consistently reach Ultimate in every event but always get my ass handed there. Any tips to improve?

My main team is:

Lightning Lv 78 w/OSB and BSB.
Ramza Lv 78 w/SSB (Shout!).
Aerith Lv 65 w/BSB.
Maria Lv 65 w/BSB.
Beatrix Lv 65 w/SSB.

I'm currently aiming to break Lightning's level cap once more, not sure about Ramza or the rest. What's recommended to strengthening my team?


I can consistently reach Ultimate in every event but always get my ass handed there. Any tips to improve?

My main team is:

Lightning Lv 78 w/OSB and BSB.
Ramza Lv 78 w/SSB (Shout!).
Aerith Lv 65 w/BSB.
Maria Lv 65 w/BSB.
Beatrix Lv 65 w/SSB.

I'm currently aiming to break Lightning's level cap once more, not sure about Ramza or the rest. What's recommended to strengthening my team?

It's hard to say with this bit of information. It could be the level 65's are holding you back, but while levels are important, they are not the most important thing.

It also depends on what/how many 4star and 5star abilities you have. How many times have you honed them? We see you have some good relics there, but do you have a large assortment of items for gear and accessories that give you good stats? If it's a fire boss and they're doing group firaga at you, do you have 3-5 fire resist accessories?

All those things matter, and getting enough orbs to hone abilities and building up a good collection of resist accessories for the various challenges, are the kind of things that simply take a while.

Post a little more of what you have, or may be lacking, and we'll be able to zero in on things. Also to be specific, where is it that you hit a roadblock, d120? d160? I have been playing so long, that anything that comes out Sunday or High Level Raid is simply "U+" to me.


It's hard to say with this bit of information. It could be the level 65's are holding you back, but while levels are important, they are not the most important thing.

It also depends on what/how many 4star and 5star abilities you have. How many times have you honed them? We see you have some good relics there, but do you have a large assortment of items for gear and accessories that give you good stats? If it's a fire boss and they're doing group firaga at you, do you have 3-5 fire resist accessories?

All those things matter, and getting enough orbs to hone abilities and building up a good collection of resist accessories for the various challenges, are the kind of things that simply take a while.

Post a little more of what you have, or may be lacking, and we'll be able to zero in on things. Also to be specific, where is it that you hit a roadblock, d120? d160? I have been playing so long, that anything that comes out Sunday or High Level Raid is simply "U+" to me.

d140 is my roadblock atm.

5* abilities I have very few: Bahamut, Full Break and some elemental ones that my party can't use. 4* I have the usual like all the -ja and -ga damaging spells, the summons, protectga/shellga, breakdowns, spellblades and Lifesiphon. I don't think I'm missing many 4* abilities honestly but I haven't honed them much. Does honing increase damage?

Relics I have plenty, not many elemental ones but it'd be hard to describe exactly what I have lol. I have SB for several characters but I haven't tried all of them yet.

For the most part d140 bosses annihilate me with even physical attacks, even after Protectga and Full Break.


d140 is my roadblock atm.

5* abilities I have very few: Bahamut, Full Break and some elemental ones that my party can't use. 4* I have the usual like all the -ja and -ga damaging spells, the summons, protectga/shellga, breakdowns, spellblades and Lifesiphon. I don't think I'm missing many 4* abilities honestly but I haven't honed them much. Does honing increase damage?

Relics I have plenty, not many elemental ones but it'd be hard to describe exactly what I have lol. I have SB for several characters but I haven't tried all of them yet.

For the most part d140 bosses annihilate me with even physical attacks, even after Protectga and Full Break.

d140 IS hard. All of us who are talking like it was "omg so easy" have really been playing (probably daily) for a long time. There is a few people who have caught up fast in 6-8 months, but even then, that's a good portion of logging in every day. So ya, don't feel like you're doing it wrong.

5star. Full break is so very important. (So is Multi break whenever you create that). 4 hones is much better than 2, but when you're able to take it up to like 6 or more hones, it'll be a "don't leave home without it" type skill. Unless you've got Bahamut at like rank 5, so 5 whole uses, you won't be using that for a while. I hope to one day raise all the summons to high levels, but it's a hard sell to make them top priority with their amount of ability usages.

Glad you have "gear" for stats, even if no SB is attached to it, or it's a crappy SB. Glad you have your 4 star abilities, but hones do matter. Not so much in the U+ fights since you usually go straight to the boss(es). But, do hone your favorites as soon as you can.

Ok, since you finished with mentioning mitigation. Let me make sure there isn't anything you didn't know, read yet, or learned yet. As I just learned (because I never really thought of it) a few days ago, you build up your SB gauge more depending on the rank of your ability. It makes a ton of sense, but I had never really thought about it. Related, but different, what I just completely learned like yesterday or today or whatever, is that when you use a burst command, it raises your SB gauge the same amount as an atk/def regular command, which is very little. This is just my example of how there is so much to learn, and why I want to risk telling you something you already know about mitigation.

On almost all U+ fights, you need "3-5" layers of mitigation. It's possible (just off my head, not actually thinking about it) to probably have like 7 or 8 different kinds of debuffs (maybe as much on buffs) that all stack and make you like a brick wall.

So for example. Lets say you're fighting a d140 Ifrit, which is definitely a FF14 thing, but probably some of the others as well since Ifrit is in almost every Final Fantasy.

Ok so you're going to want to equip some fire resist as I mentioned earlier. Even if you only have one or something, those resist accessories help a ton. But here's the real message.

When you come to this fight, and assuming the difficulty, regardless of the number, is seemingly unbeatable to you and you wonder if you're "doing it wrong". Then this is how you beat a normal ifrit.

You want Magic Breakdown (or Dancer Version) for sure. Make sure to have enough hones (at least 4), to be able to re apply that every 3-4 rounds. Also, depending on the version of ifrit, he may have some strong AE physical hits. Oof! Power breakdown for sure.

Now if you have a second character who can do Support 4/5 or Dancer 4/5, then set it up where you have someone doing Mental and/or Armor Breakdown as well. They're not quite as important (except for medals) but they really make the boss go down fast. Again, you only have so many slots, so you may not always be able to bring those.

Also, since Fullbreak and Multibreak stack with your breakdowns. If you really seem to just keep losing like third-half your life when that AE spell hits you, then consider even bringing both that full break and that magic breakdown. They won't hurt you much at all while those debuffs are on it.

Also, do you know about Wall? I actually didn't know how important it was until I started reading the internet more about this game. Just assuming you do not, it's Tyro's Sentinel Grimoire (spelling) and Yshtola's Stoneskin 2. If you do not have either of these, 9 times out of 10, that is probably going to need (have) to be your roaming warrior. I would imagine the only exception being a boss you could possibly OSB it down to near dead with a RW. This doesn't really happen too much past like d140/d160.

To wrap up this mini-essay. Mitigation is really going to determine if you win or not. There are so many exceptions or variances but basically, if you find room for it in your setup you are going to want:

___ Breakdown

and bonus for Bursts that either on entry or as commands do a buff or debuff as well. It adds up really quick and is a difference maker.

I have an excel sheet of all my relics, many ffrk nerds do, but one tab on there is all the "600 codes" showing which relics stack. I have my own version, where for example, on code 610 (relic debuffing Atk/Mag) I have Fang's which does it to one mob, Faris bow which does it to all, plus some damage, and Mog's that does no dmg but does it too all. These will not stack whatsoever, they'll simply just refresh/restart the debuff timer. So unless there is other reasons why I need them, I would never take more than 1 of the 3. Also, Faris and Mog's are consider "Reverse Wall" since they are not quite as good, but they are kinda the opposite of the aforementioned Wall buff.

Also on that same 610 code, in reference to relics I own, is buffs. I have O Knight, Alphinaud, and Rikku relics that "buff atk/mag moderate amount" again they won't stack. I type all this out assuming you haven't delved deep enough into relic buff/debuff stacking, or even if you know there is something like that going on, haven't read it all yet.

The point is, aside from the possibility you have relics that do the same thing, if you have some that do these buffs/debuffs they are actually really valuable because they stack on top of all that breakdown/prot/full break stuff. I mean, seriously, it will seem like cheat codes, when that AE physical hit or magic attack moves your life like a sliver instead of "omg, I'm dead in 4 rounds".

I'll post more if you have further comments and questions, I'm heading to bed. Up late since it's Saturday. Also, if I told you anything you already knew, wasn't trying to insinuate you were "some dumb noob". Just trying to help.

Let me know if any of that helps you.
Why do I have a copy of Bahamut that is R1, has a slightly different icon than the other Bahamuts, and can't be shattered or enhanced? WTF am I supposed to do with and how did I get it?


long post

Hah! Thanks for the huge essay.

I had no idea Breakdowns stacked with Full Break, that'd be surely important to consider. I don't have Wall (I think...) but I'll look for RW that do. For debuff SB I have Irvine's one and not sure if any more. It's hard to keep track of all the SB haha.
Bughamut is everyone's favorite summon!



Hah! Thanks for the huge essay.

I had no idea Breakdowns stacked with Full Break, that'd be surely important to consider. I don't have Wall (I think...) but I'll look for RW that do. For debuff SB I have Irvine's one and not sure if any more. It's hard to keep track of all the SB haha.

Check on your RW list and you'll sure find multiple copies of each. The meta is changing (now we'll be leaning towards physical again once Cloud's USB comes out) but it's always nice to remember the old trinity: party Hastega, party Curaga, Wall. If you have all of them natively, cool, you're almost set for the hardest stuff (from 140 to 180), and if not you can RW the ones you lack. I would consider Hastega to be the most important, and now it's everywhere so it should be easy to bring it.

Now, mitigation, as friz898 said, different ids stack with each other. Checking ids is not hard (there is a document somewhere in reddit with all the ids) but it's not mandatory, remember that "breaks" are different from "breakdowns" and that when the game says "reduce the foe's attack a moderate/large amount" it's really differentiating between "moderate" and "large", so they would stack. Also for example a SB that reduces "Atk/Def" would stack with a SB that reduces "Atk/Mag". There is a cap, of course, but don't be afraid to bring a couple of debuffers to a fight. Wall is nice, but debuffing is nicer. If you get the relics (even if you don't you can stack FB with breakdowns for great effect) you'll reach a point where the boss will do damage in the hundreds and you'll laugh. And now we have relics with Hyper break that stack with EVERYTHING.

I spent a long time abusing Vaan's BSB and not using Wall because it stacked (and still does) with everything and magical bosses were a joke. Now I'm leaning more towards Wall+elemental damage and imperils, but it all depends on the relics you get on the way.

Now it's a great time to start the game, we're getting tons of mythril, there's a fest coming soon and there's a thousand lucky banners which are the best kind. Spending now 100 mythril will get you at least four SSBs, and that's being extremely unlucky. We, day-oners had it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse back in the day when 100 mythril was either Revolver, Buster Sword or going 0/22 lol


Why do I have a copy of Bahamut that is R1, has a slightly different icon than the other Bahamuts, and can't be shattered or enhanced? WTF am I supposed to do with and how did I get it?

Either it was while you were banned or you need to lay off those Cali drugs.

Remember? Without googling it, we had that thing where we got some abilities or whatever. I guess we voted for Bahamut but I guess they glitched and gave us some kind of special one use bahamut which is part of tutorial or something.

Furthermore making it useless, as you said you can't do anything with. It really is just an annoying thing that you will want to quickly forget you ever found it.

At least that Was the word like months ago when we got it. Maybe someone has an updated better response.

Jesus cpp, you can't post your pic of mostly all 8* golds and say you pull too much and not read all the drivel us poor pheasants post!


Hah! Thanks for the huge essay.

I had no idea Breakdowns stacked with Full Break, that'd be surely important to consider. I don't have Wall (I think...) but I'll look for RW that do. For debuff SB I have Irvine's one and not sure if any more. It's hard to keep track of all the SB haha.

Glad there was one or two things you didn't know yet. If you have further questions or you post the current fight that you are bout ready to say 'nope can't do it' the post here first.

You will see folk come out of the woodworks to advise this or that. Really good group of folk here.


Now, mitigation, as friz898 said, different ids stack with each other. Checking ids is not hard (there is a document somewhere in reddit with all the ids) but it's not mandatory, remember that "breaks" are different from "breakdowns" and that when the game says "reduce the foe's attack a moderate/large amount" it's really differentiating between "moderate" and "large", so they would stack. Also for example a SB that reduces "Atk/Def" would stack with a SB that reduces "Atk/Mag". There is a cap, of course, but don't be afraid to bring a couple of debuffers to a fight. Wall is nice, but debuffing is nicer. If you get the relics (even if you don't you can stack FB with breakdowns for great effect) you'll reach a point where the boss will do damage in the hundreds and you'll laugh. And now we have relics with Hyper break that stack with EVERYTHING.

I spent a long time abusing Vaan's BSB and not using Wall because it stacked (and still does) with everything and magical bosses were a joke. Now I'm leaning more towards Wall+elemental damage and imperils, but it all depends on the relics you get on the way.

The bolded part is incorrect, breaks and breakdowns do not stack if they affect the same stat. Power Break does not stack with Power Breakdown for example.

Everything else you said is right on though.
The bolded part is incorrect, breaks and breakdowns do not stack if they affect the same stat. Power Break does not stack with Power Breakdown for example.

Yup. Which is why people in a raid will not appreciate it if you, for example, cast Full Break immediately after Faris' BSB entry-- overwriting a debuff with a less powerful version of the same thing.
Yup. Which is why people in a raid will not appreciate it if you, for example, cast Full Break immediately after Faris' BSB entry-- overwriting a debuff with a less powerful version of the same thing.

Does everyone know what all the SBs do off the top of their heads? I barely remember what my own toons do, let alone someone else's SBs which I don't have.


The bolded part is incorrect, breaks and breakdowns do not stack if they affect the same stat. Power Break does not stack with Power Breakdown for example.

Everything else you said is right on though.

Fuck you are completely right, brain fart!

To clarify: Full break does NOT stack with Full breakdown but Hyper break does.
Does everyone know what all the SBs do off the top of their heads? I barely remember what my own toons do, let alone someone else's SBs which I don't have.

The worst is when you miss out on mastery because you think an sb has it covered.

And lord help you if you are the lead dog and folks with rare sbs drop out and you have to control them...


Fuck you are completely right, brain fart!

To clarify: Full break does NOT stack with Full breakdown but Hyper break does.

I feel like you're speaking a different language.

Breaks, such as Power Break do not stack with:
Breakdowns, such as Power Breakdown.

There end of story.

Full Break stacks with the breakdowns just fine.

Soul breaks it gets tricky, and hence we have to adhere to silly 600 status id charts. Generally if the same stats (and only the same stats) are affected, then they will not stack.
I feel like you're speaking a different language.

I think he's using "Full Breakdown" to refer to, for instance, Noel's or Faris' BSB entry which is a ATK/MAG/DEF/RES break, like Full Break, but at 40% ("Breakdown") potency instead of 30%. It's true that the game doesn't officially call it that though.

For reference for the new guys:

ATK/MAG/DEF/RES = Full Break/Multi Break
ATK/MAG/DEF/RES/MND = Pentabreak or hyperbreak (not official names) - such as Irvine or Mustadio SSBs
ATK/MAG = Reverse wall (another unofficial name) - such as Faris unique SB on the current FF5 banner
ATK/DEF = Mug Bloodlust

All of the above, and other more unusual combinations like the MAG/DEF break on Vaan's BSB, stack with each other. The key for stacking is that the combination of stats broken has to be different.
I feel like you're speaking a different language.

Breaks, such as Power Break do not stack with:
Breakdowns, such as Power Breakdown.

There end of story.

Full Break stacks with the breakdowns just fine.

Soul breaks it gets tricky, and hence we have to adhere to silly 600 status id charts. Generally if the same stats (and only the same stats) are affected, then they will not stack.

A better way to say it is: 2 Breaks stack if and only if they modify a unique combination of stats.

If A modifies DEF and B modifies DEF+ATK, they stack.
if A increases DEF and B decreases DEF, newest one wins.
if A modifies ATK, DEF, MAG, and RES, and B modifies ATK, DEF, MAG, RES, and MND, they stack.
If A increases DEF and B increases DEF by a different amount

"Break" and "Breakdown" don't say anything about what stats are modified. It's the "down" part that says how strong it is. Full Break and Full Breakdown there are the same buff (ATK, DEF, RES, MAG), just that the Breakdown is a stronger percent.

Hyper Break, on the other hand, is (ATK, DEF, RES, MAG, MND) which is a different combination of buffs, so therefore they stack
Why do I have a copy of Bahamut that is R1, has a slightly different icon than the other Bahamuts, and can't be shattered or enhanced? WTF am I supposed to do with and how did I get it?
Since these things were not said about the affectionately nicknamed Bughamut. You can look upon it as a global exclusive ability. Shame that if you use it in battle it does only one hit and at far less power than the old single hit Bahamut did. So maybe it is the April fools gift at the wrong time (last year we got Excalipoor).


Glad there was one or two things you didn't know yet. If you have further questions or you post the current fight that you are bout ready to say 'nope can't do it' the post here first.

You will see folk come out of the woodworks to advise this or that. Really good group of folk here.

Just now I did a review of all my SB and I indeed have several debuff ones. I have 3 for Vaan and all are different debuffs lol, seems he's worth raising. I have to check my Mem. Crystals though. I also have Irvine's Hyper Break. Maybe I should run those 2 together lol.

Quick questions: How important is upgrading weapons? Like, I have Lightning's 6* weapon duped so I could make it 7* but I'm not sure how necessary that is.

I'll check on the next Ultimate whenever it appears. I don't have many V SB though (one for Galuf and Krile) so it'll be a tough one.


Just now I did a review of all my SB and I indeed have several debuff ones. I have 3 for Vaan and all are different debuffs lol, seems he's worth raising. I have to check my Mem. Crystals though. I also have Irvine's Hyper Break. Maybe I should run those 2 together lol.

Quick questions: How important is upgrading weapons? Like, I have Lightning's 6* weapon duped so I could make it 7* but I'm not sure how necessary that is.

I'll check on the next Ultimate whenever it appears. I don't have many V SB though (one for Galuf and Krile) so it'll be a tough one.

Vaan's are great. Irvine's as you know is somethihg special.
Just now I did a review of all my SB and I indeed have several debuff ones. I have 3 for Vaan and all are different debuffs lol, seems he's worth raising. I have to check my Mem. Crystals though. I also have Irvine's Hyper Break. Maybe I should run those 2 together lol.

Quick questions: How important is upgrading weapons? Like, I have Lightning's 6* weapon duped so I could make it 7* but I'm not sure how necessary that is.

It's most important when you have synergy in a realm. You know how you get a glowing outline around a weapon when it matches the realm you're doing? Behind the scenes what the game does is boost your weapon's level. How much it boosts is a function of what level it already is.

Basically it works like this:

Your Weapon Level    Bonus Levels
      20-24              50
      25-29              60
      30-34              70
       35                80

So, for example, a 6* Weapon fully upgraded would be level 25. At 60 bonus levels you'd effectively had a level 85 weapon in synergy realms. If you combined up to 7* you'd then have a level 30 weapon. At 70 bonus levels you'd now effectively have a level 100 weapon. So for synergy realms, you're essentially adding 15 levels every time you combine and upgrade.

It definitely makes a big difference.
Guess I don't have to worry about not having an FFV Medica anymore. 100 gem got me nothing, but 1x 11 pull got me 3/11 with Lenna USB + BSB (also got Exdeath Magic Blink, but it was a dupe)


Gaaah. RNG for mastery on Kaiser Dragon is annoying. Just switch to lightning and water so I can be done with this.
Omniscient 160 and 220 done.

We had like 4 layers of Mag buffs lol

OK: Mag + Atk
Porom: Mag + Mnd
Raines: Mag + Def
Rapha: Mag + Res

Tyro with Multibreak and Fujin debuffing during the 220 fight.

edit: and remember to equip gigas armlet if you have it
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